Submitting books for review

There really isn’t any special procedure. Just tell me about your book and provide a link to Amazon or Smashwords where I can read a sample. If your description grabs my fancy, I’ll check out the sample. If the sample grabs my fancy, I’ll buy the book. Where the book gets placed in the queue for read and review — which is already pretty long — depends on how hard the fancy has been grabbed, and also how long a book has been in the queue. I don’t like to leave anyone or anything languishing forever — or at all — but my time is finite and the book queue goes forever.

Not a complaint, just the way it is.

I do have a bunch of books on the Kindle that I’m dying to get at. And my reading time consists of about 20 minutes each night before falling asleep. Would that I could do this full-time for a living!

As for sending me a free copy, I always buy the books I review. That helps me keep the perspective of typical readers who lay out cash for our fine work. My reviews are for them as well as for authors. Also, you probably give away enough free books as part of marketing. I think you should be paid.

I have to keep within budgets for time and money also, alas. So I buy a few each week that I can’t resist, and hope to get to others later. If you’ve contacted me, and I haven’t yet bought your book, it doesn’t mean I won’t. Just means I need to get through a few more that I’ve already bought first.

Please know that I look up to all of you who have written novels like a martial arts white belt looks up to the black belts. My own books are a short novel American Goddesses on Amazon, a modest story collection also on Amazon and Smashie and a poetry collection on Smashie.

I so wish I could render you all the honor you deserve, and I am trying my hardest.

Thanks for visiting Honest Indie Book Reviews, holler with ??? comments and what not, good luck, and keep writing! Woohoo!


546 Responses to Submitting books for review

  1. Great work, and I admire your courage in putting your views out there. I do it on Goodreads, and once in a while on my own blog, but it takes guts to devote a site to it.

    I’m a full-time writer with 14 published books (all mysteries and thrillers) and was nominated in 2011 for both the Edgar and the Macavity. I’m still writing for traditional publication (new one due out in July) but just for fun I’m also writing a series direct-to-ebook. They’re comic thrillers starring a Los Angeles burglar named Junior Bender who moonlights as a private eye for crooks, which gives me a chance to write lots of crooks, and I love writing crooks. He’s also pretty much a middle-class guy, unhappily divorced and with a teenage daughter he worships, and his own slightly skewed moral code.

    The first book in the series (there are two so far, with a third coming) is CRASHED. Both it and the sequel, LITTLE ELVISES, have pretty much solid 5-star reviews straight across with 45 or 50 in so far. Maybe you’d like CRASHED, It’s at

    By the way, by far the largest part of my website is called FINISH YOUR NOVEL and hundreds of writers have made use of it to do just that, including some who went on to write best-sellers. It’s all the stuff I learned finishing about 20 of them, including some really bad ones that mercifully weren’t published.

    Thanks for considering it.

    • Dear Gary, I saw your tweet, read some of your reviews, and I’d like to submit my novel.

      With best regards
      Massimo Marino

      Word count
      sci-fi, PA

      Dan and his family awake one day in a world where everyone is dead but no evidence points to a cause. Initial searches for survivors yield nothing and, in panic, the family turns their house into a stronghold.

      Eventually, they find Laura, a survivor who manages to win their hearts…and leads Dan to temptation. Laura reveals her panicking encounter with strange entities which Dan recognizes in his childhood hallucinations.

      He forces himself to find and confront them: An older power controls the fate of men.

      PA novels are often about cataclysmic events, survivors fending off dangers at every page, zombie attacks, aliens destroying everything for inscrutable reasons, or as a fulfillment of the latest religious prophecies. “Daimones” is nothing of the sort.

      The novel puts a few survivors in a world having experienced a planetary culling of the human race but there is no immediate cause to be pointed at for the survivors. The Apocalypse has arrived, but why and how remains unknown in a frustrating and fearful reality for the family around which the story evolves, untill the last third of the plot.

      “Daimones” explores moral and emotional issues as well as the mechanics of everyday survival for this family: all evidences point for them to be the only people left alive on Earth. The exploration of human relationships and their importance, of personalities and memories, are at the heart of the tale. Confusion, sadness, and fear start to mix into the main character’s mind, Dan Amenta.
      We are led to feel the disbelief, the anguish, the grief, the frantic search for other survivors through his eyes and the 1st person narration.

      Finally, when Dan and his family do find other survivors…they experience the absolute terror of first contact. The ending brings some closure about the catastrophe to this family, but also lays a heavy burden and responsibility on Dan, and opens up the novel to the sequel in the trilogy.

      Being a scientist at heart–and by formation–the premises and what happens in the story are very plausible and realistic, if the tale were to be true…

      Link to page

      Link to Goodreads page

      Link to website

      Date published

      Author bio
      I’m Italian, or should I say, Sicilian. Palermo is my home town and I left it in 1986. I now have lived more years abroad than in Italy. Needless to say, I have changed in many and different way than my old friends there.

      I lived in Switzerland, France, and the United States. For work, I used to travel some 500,000 air miles a year. I am a scientist as a background, having spent over 17 years in fundamental research. Most of my writing are academic stuff. I worked for many years at CERN, near Geneva—an international lab for particle physics research—then in the US at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. In 1995 I moved to the private sector, worked with Apple Inc., and then for the World Economic Forum.

      Some say I have acquired a multi-faceted personality.

      Author’s website

      Anything else you’d like to add?
      Daimones has been professionally edited and proofread. If I can make so that one spends a good time in the world I created, care for the characters that speak through the pages, and is willing to share the emotions and feelings I hope to transmit, I have found gold. There is not a greater reward for me than a reader who sends a “Thank you” note.

      On December 31st it has won the 2012 PRG Reviewer’s Choice Award in Science Fiction

  2. Thanks for getting in touch, Tim. “Crashed” looks awesome. Will definitely consider.

    • Andre Cruz says:

      Hi there. I have a new book out that is a fantasy comedy called Shadow Mage. You can check out the hilarious synopsis on Amazon.

    • Robert S Buck says:

      “The Mighty Brisbrom” by Robert S Buck

      32,000 word count

      This is my first book. It was a great experience, though hard at times. I’m lucky and I have a great women by my side. Anyway would love if you could check it out…

    • Hello Gary

      I’d like to submit my novel “Amoeba Dick; or, a New Tale of a Tub” for review.

      As its title suggests, Amoeba Dick is a parody of Moby Dick. It relates the story of the struggle of Herod, the manager of Pex ‘n’ Quads gym, to avenge himself against the microbe colony in the gym hot tub blamed for his genital gangrene. As a signifier of his quest, Herod attaches to his ravaged loins a gigantic white dildo called the White Willy.

      Here’s the URL for the Kindle edition:- Hopefully you’ll be able to read a sample there. If not, here’s the URL for my bloodspot, which has one or two sample chapters:-

      Anyway, thanks in advance for reviewing Amoeba Dick if and when you get the chance. I really admire what you’re doing.

      Best regards

  3. Jasmin Palo says:

    Hi Gary,

    I published my first novel in December. It is a medical mystery, 66,000 words, cozy and easy to read. You can read the first chapter at
    and the first four chapters at

    Thanks for considering my book.

  4. Hi Gary
    It’s great what you are doing. I know what it’s like to have so many books in my kindle and people waiting and wondering what i think. Good luck on your first novel, hope to see it out soon.
    My novelette, (just a little over 12,000 words, so it’s a quick read) which was written for the self publishing experience, is a sweet, sometimes funny love story. (I refuse to call it a romance)

    Book Blurb “Meeting Kyle that first day of Jury duty, Kelly is taken with Kyle’s charm and good looks, but when he introduces her to Sheila, Kelly knows she doesn’t stand a chance. Will Kelly be able to keep their relationship professional and not let Kyle see her heart breaking as she plans their wedding?”
    I am new to this whole writing thing. I just started writing last May so I’m not quite up to a year yet, but have a novella that should be out, I’m hoping, by the first of April and the first book of a series out by the first of May.
    Thank you so much for your time. Hope you have a great weekend planned.

    • After posting this and rereading your twitter profile, maybe you should wait until the novella comes out. Which is a love story between a Veterinarian and a dog trainer! 🙂 LOL!

    • Hi Karen, thanks for getting in touch. Love your blog, btw, so I’m sure your books will be great. The story you mentioned via e-mail — dog trainer – veterinarian love story sounds like it will be a good one. Hard to go wrong with dogs. One day I will get caught-up and get all the books read and reveiwed ~ Maybe when I retire from the day job in about five years, LOL! Good luck to you, my friend and keep up the great job with the words!

  5. Gary
    If and when you have the opportunity I ask you to look at my latest book, The Lucky Boy.
    It is a dark bildungsroman. Think Dickens writes Fight Club.
    I am slowly plinking on the keyboard on my next one.

    Like you I have a line up of 30 to read, will add another “story collection” 🙂
    Caroline Gerardo

    • Hi Caroline,
      Thanks for getting in touch. “The Lucky Boy” sounds great. Never did get to see “Fight Club,” but love Dickens, in spite of being a touch wordy. Of course, he was paid by the word. Really appreciate your understanding about the backlog. Can’t say at this point when I can read “The Lucky Boy,” but I can tell you when I’ll buy it — about two minutes ago. So it’s on my Kindle, and on my list. Hopefully, things will speed up when I’ve finally got my own novel published, and have done that 100-mile race I’m training for in September.

  6. Gary it posts the cover -woah –I had no idea it was going to do that!

  7. Hi Gary,

    Great idea and I like the honest approach. Would you consider reviewing my book, From The Storm? The genre is thriller/contemporary fiction. Here’s a link on Amazon:

    Look forward to hearing from you.


  8. Hi Adrian,

    thanks for getting in touch. Couldn’t find a link to read a sample chapter of “From the Storm,” but I did check out the reviews ~ ~ and it looks great. I love mountains, so this will definitely get on my list. Alas, the list is long, but hope to read one ‘ot these days.



  9. Hi, Gary. I hope all is well. I am soft-launching my new middle grade novel “Katy’s Big Hair Day” I hope you can find time to review it. It’s around 6,400 words. As always, much appreciated. Cheers.

  10. Danielle says:

    I’ve just released a paranormal murder mystery/romance, Our Blissful Bayou Beginnings. In this first novella, intended to be the first of many, love is both passion and purgatory. No one knows that better than the story’s narrator, damned to an eternity with only his love/hate relationship with his beloved and his dry wit for company. Through his eyes, we see two centuries of rapidly accelerating technological development, as well as the imperfect nature of human relationships.

    This is the first volume in a series, and covers their “wonderfully romantic” beginning two-hundred years ago in the bayou. Please note that this is a novella, not a full novel; hence the relatively low price. The word count is almost 29,000 words. I hope it piques your interest.

  11. Hi Danielle,
    Just got to take a look at the sample~ it’s really good! Hope to read and review “Blissful Beginnings” at some point. Thanks for getting in touch!

  12. Mari Biella says:

    Hi Gary,

    First of all, thank you for devoting your time to reading and reviewing indie books. People like you are my heroes!

    I’m sure you’re snowed under with books to review, but I wonder if you would consider looking at mine if and when you get a chance?

    ‘The Quickening’


    A strange force awakens in an abandoned house. A young girl is struck mute. A grieving woman is haunted by a spectral presence, and a scientist finds his scepticism being challenged by inexplicable events…

    A psychological ghost story set in the Victorian Age, ‘The Quickening’ explores the contrast between perception and truth, faith and reason, and history and modernity, and leaves you wondering: What is reality?

    Thanks. I’ll definitely buy one of your books!

    Best wishes


    • Mari,
      I checked the sample and immediately bought the book. I was a dead duck within the first hundred words. Not sure when I can read and review, but “The Quickening” looks wonderful, and I eagerly look forward to the relationship. Also, you said the magic words ~ “I’ll definitely buy one of your books!” Thanks for getting in touch and keep up the great work!

  13. Gary,

    Looks like you do a great job at things, even at 20 minute intervals. I’d get sucked into a good book and be up way too late if I tried to do it right before bed!

    I’d love it if you could see if my book, “Daughter of Hauk”, interests you! It’s dark fantasy, and focuses on an elven woman named Arwenna. She finds out her entire life has been a lie, setting her on a path to betray a man she thought she loved. But can she save him and learn to accept her own actions in time?

    Here’s the Amazon link:

    Thanks for the consideration!

    KateMarie Collins

  14. Gary,

    The site looks great! I’ll be coming back to browse when I’m not trying to get my kids to school!

    I’d love it if you’d consider doing a review of my book, “Daughter of Hauk”. It’s dark fantasy, but not overly graphic. At least, I don’t think it is.

    The story centers on an elven woman, Arwenna. She was orphaned at a young age and taken in by humans. Executed on trumped up charges, death lifts the veil of lies her adoptive family fed her. She’d been marked by another god and set up to bind a man she thought she loved to a demon. Given the chance to return to life and try to undo the damage, she jumps at it. But can she save the man she betrayed and forgive herself along the way?

    Here’s the Amazon link:

    Thanks again for considering it!

    KateMarie Collins

    • You got me, KateMarie. Checked out the sample. It’s on my Kindle and on my list. Love the vivid, verging on lurid, action. Not sure when I can read and review, but I’m eagerly looking forward to it, whenever it is.

      Thanks for visiting Honest Indie and getting in touch. (-:


  15. Kevin says:

    Twenty year old Ford Fischer is a serial slasher desperately trying to resist the lure of the blade. After taking a life, Ford’s regret consumes him, leading him to self-mutilate his hand in hopes of preventing further mayhem. All the while a series of family issues threaten to sidetrack his quest for mental stability.

    His drug abusing mother disappears after an argument between her and Ford; leaving him sole caretaker of his transgender parent, whose life is slowly deteriorating from a mysterious illness. The parental strain leads him to weigh the strength of his bond with the two divorcees.

    Just as Ford feels nothing more could go wrong, he finds himself in the middle of a slashing spree – the victims being slashers themselves. He’s forced to play the role of detective to avoid becoming suspect, or worse, a victim. As slasher after slasher is eliminated, Ford seeks out the blade-friendly stalker with the morally conflicted mindset “slash or be slashed.”

    Mad Moral is the world of Ford Fischer, where in murderous stuffed animals, demonic possessions, gigantic creepy crawlers, knife wielding slashers and much more madness are common place. Fischer, coupled with a romantically conflicted exorcist and a dreamer who redefines night terrors, leads us through a twisted world that can be best defined as one of a kind.

    This 84, 000 word novel is the first book of a series.

  16. Shane Hebert says:


    Here is a link to both of my books on Smashwords:

    “The Ballad of Corey Robichaux” is the first book I released, and “Lord of Redemption” is my more recently released book.
    I like the concept of your site here and would like to do a more regional thing myself for authors in my neck of the woods.
    Take care!

  17. Haydez says:

    Hi Gary,

    I wondered if you’d check out my eBook… Just self-published, first of a Quadrilogy!

    Built my own site for it:

    Feel free to check it out!


  18. When you have the opportunity, maybe you could check out my husband’s debut novel Spoonful.Unfortunately, it’s not available for Kindle due to a (ridiculous, hopeless) battle between our distributor IPG and Amazon. It is in all the other ebook formats as well as paperback.
    I’m a fast reader and lucky enough to have the time to read a great deal. I share your thoughts about supporting indie writers. Happy to purchase your books and post reviews if you’d like.
    Jayne Mendius

  19. The Wind Weeps was inspired by characters I’ve met while fishing with my husband. It is fiction, but check out my short blurb about Coincidences at
    The book is available at as paperback and Kindle, and at for all other e-reader formats.Hope you’ll find time to fit it into your busy schedule. Thanks. Anneli Purchase

  20. Greetings,

    I am Michael A. Wood Jr. I have spend the last nine years as a Baltimore Police Officer, the last three as a Sergeant, and four years in the Marine Corps. My new book “Eliot” is a fiction novel about Baltimore’s new hero, the vigilante Eliot. Without giving up too much about the surprise plot, the story centers around 4 main characters. The vigilante killer who is a Baltimore Police Officer, his wife who provides insight into Eliot’s softer side and the tragedy that motivates him, a dirty cop working for a high ranking drug dealer, and the detective that is the only one connecting any of the dots. From vicious kills, a car chase, tear jerking moments, the thrill of the pursuit, and surprises around every corner, Eliot has it all. The police interactions are completely true to life, as I bring the reader into the real world of Baltimore and it’s police department. There is also a website with extras to enhance the experience.

    Eliot was created with CreateSpace and is avaliable in Paperback, large print, and ebook on CreateSpace and Amazon. PDF available for reviewers.





    Twitter: @MichaelAWoodJr

    Thank You for your time,

    Michael A. Wood Jr.

  21. internetreviewofbooks says:

    Hi Gary, your Twitter acquaintance Desertwriter here. I have three books published, all available at When Pigs Fly is unserious in the extreme; Getting Lucky is a noir murder mystery; and Little Mountain is a serious mystery involving Cambodian refugees in the US. I would love it if you add any of these to your long TBR list. In any case, thanks for your support of Indie writers.

  22. Hi Gary, we met on twitter (@hgracestewart) and you said you liked my blog.
    Wow. You actually buy the books? And you sound like you actually enjoy what you are doing! You deserve the title Literary Gary 🙂 My third poetry collection is not indie, it’s published by a small publisher in California, but my first two books are indie (Lulu). They’re all on my Amazon author page. But sounds like you have a long list of work to read…so, take your time – my poetry will always be there – it’s like breathing for me.
    Thanks again for doing what you do.

    • Thanks for visiting and for the kind comments, Heather. I’m looking forward to checking out your poetry. And congrats on getting a publisher for your work. I know that’s especially tough for poets, and a good validation of your work.

  23. Ricky Vernio says:

    Hi, Gary.

    I’m the author of “The Rich White Bitch” (and some others). The subtitle is “an epic novel about
    love, passion, murder, jealousy, inspiration,courageous women, eccentric men, bluebloods, Bohemians, fine dining, sex, sporadic travel, and some pretty astounding events that have taken place recently in New York City and Paris; as well as a wealthy middle-aged woman’s guide
    to making a penniless young opera composer intermittently happy.”

    You can find it here:

    Ricky Vernio

  24. Though hardly a Black Belt author — more dingy gray as I have yet to find a good laundry detergent to keep those colors sharp –, I still hope you’ll consider taking a peek at my first book, Martuk … The Holy, and perhaps find a place for it in your Kindle queue for a review. Hey, that rhymed! 🙂

    Although the Amazon link is below, I’ll include a blurb nonetheless:

    In a crowded Left Bank cafe, an immortal man sits, the phantoms crawling near, the heat of their whispers stinging his cheek …

    and Martuk … The Holy begins.

    One thousand years before the birth of Christ, a golden god damns Martuk with a kiss. In a land ruled by a wounded king, life everlasting steals his mortality from the bottom of a golden cup. Finally, generations later, a Messiah who has the power to heal breaks under the weight of Martuk’s demons, stumbling to his death defeated by darkness.

    From his home in modern Paris, he writes, his memories lush, his words evocative. Revisiting his impossible life, from bloody battles with a demon he cannot escape to the ghost of a beauty who haunts him still, this is his story.

    This is Martuk … The Holy.


    I look forward to hearing from you. (^~^)

    Happy reading,


    • Ricky Vernio says:

      The crowded Left Bank cafe wouldn’t be Le Conti, per chance?

      Anyway, I’ll buy and review yours if you buy and review mine:

      Optimistically yours,

      P.S. I’m in the Village three or four times a week. We could compare notes and/or join forces, or not. “But first we sing.”

  25. Hey Gary,

    I was just wondering if you would please consider my fantasy novel, Book of Remembrance, for review? It is available on amazon; UK: and US:
    The blurb:
    With the Knowledge of what happened five thousand years ago lost to all but a few, the world is in danger of being caught unawares. In the time that Rakadamon has been locked away, he has not been sleeping. He put all his remaining power into wiping away all traces of our history. After all, how do you defend against something you know nothing about?

    With the Dark Master stirring once more, only a few still preserve the Knowledge, and The Book of Remembrance is the only remaining written record. Unfortunately, Kadin is an orphan with no training and no Knowledge. Regardless, he is the one that must rise up and lead the resistance.

    He discovers that he is blessed with Talents that will help him on his journey. One of these Talents, the Navitas calls Markai to him. She is of the Fae and a fierce ally who proves to have a crucial role to play in the resistance. He must find other Talented individuals, but soon realises he is not the only one searching for them. It becomes a race against the Dark Children and Twisted Ones…one which he cannot afford to lose.

    I had a look at the way you do your reviews, and I love the fact that you give such a balanced overview of your thoughts.

    Your consideration is much appreciated!

    Tania Johansson
    Book of Remembrance

    P.S Book of Remembrance has a free promotional day coming up on amazon on the 20th May ’12 (-;

    • Hi Tania,

      I read the sample. It’s really good. I will definitely consider Book of Remembrance for read and review. Might be awhile, as you’ve probably guessed, if you’ve taken a look at the “What’s on my Kindle” page. Once I get my own first novel out next month, though I should start moving through pretty fast. Thanks for stopping by!

      • Thank you so much. I hope you really love it!

      • “Circle of Bones” sounds terrific, Christine. I’ve got a big backlog right now of books to read and review, but hope to clear it out once I get my own novel “American Goddesses” into marketing. I look forward to spending time with your sailor and lady archaeologist. Thanks for getting in touch!

  26. Selso Xisto says:

    I love the honest and candid nature of your site, keep up the good work! I don’t see a huge amount of scifi on your kindle list but I’d personally love a review from you given your Navy background as one of the main characters in my book is an officer in a future space Navy! I cringe at the thought of how much I may have gotten wrong in the military parts of the story but I’d love to see if someone like yourself enjoys the story. I’m envious of the lovely reviews your short stories got on Amazon!

    Here’s the blurb anyway, hope your fancy is grabbed at least a bit!

    From the blood and dust of New Jerusalem, the Legion of the LightBringer wages a galactic war against those who would replace their god. Now, the time has come for the Union of Free Worlds to make a stand. The front line is the idyllic asteroid world of Angelhaven, where the greatest mind in human history has discovered an elemental power with far-reaching implications. A power that both sides will do anything to harness.

    Marine commander Gomes leads the crack Union task force. An unrelenting warrior driven by revenge and a need for answers, he hides a strange ability neither science nor religion can explain.

    On the other side of the war, Aja is forced to fight for a cause she doesn’t believe in to protect her own secret.Caught between them is Una, a living machine who battles for her humanity as her world falls apart.
    Outnumbered ten to one and stalked by a mysterious nemesis, all three will play a role in unraveling Angelhaven’s enigma.As the Legion invasion begins, unknown eyes watch with interest…

    US Kindle:

  27. Hi Gary!
    You may recall having visited my blog not too long ago, and you made some favorable comments about it (via Twitter), so I was wondering if you might consider reading & possibly reviewing the latest in my series of Brett Cornell comedy-mysteries: “Brett Enters the Square Circle.”

    It’s available (for 99 cents) here on Amazon:

    Or — if you prefer — you could try “Brett Always Wins” as an alternate selection.

    I think, in either case, you would get a few laughs out of my unique character who proudly calls himself an “unscrupulous bastard.”

    My blog:

    Even if my series doesn’t seem to appeal to you, I do plan on reading your short-story collection and will let you know what I think of it when I’m finished.

    Thanks, Gary!

    • thanks for visiting, Dave. I stand by my assessment of the Brett Cornell sample I read ~ awesome. right now the reviews are going way slow as I struggle to get my own first novel out. But once done, the inestimable Brett is definitely on my list.

  28. Thank you for your interest, & I hope your new novel gets to be a big hit! I’ve been reading “What Happened to Jory” & am enjoying it so far!

  29. Hi Gary,

    I am delighted to find your site for two reasons. First, I’ve been working on a book I’ve tentatively titled A Reader’s Guide to Ebooks because I have met so many people who don’t really know how to find good Indie books. I’ve been discouraged by the small number of sites that are actually making an effort to curate or determine the quality of the books they offer. There are loads that offer advertising indiscriminately, but that won’t help my target market.

    And reason number two is that I have given up on the traditional publishing side of things after four books with Ballantine, and I’ve self-published my fifth novel, Circle of Bones: a Caribbean thriller. I’m a sailor and like me, the protagonist is a woman who single hands her own boat. She meets a crazy maritime archeologist who is searching for the wreck of a WWII submarine off the island of Guadeloupe and gets drawn into his world. I had great fun doing the research for the book since it is based on the real disappearance of a French submarine in 1942. If you like big Indiana Jones type thrillers with ciphers and secret societies and mad dashes through the jungle, then Bones will be your sort of book.

    Fair winds!

  30. hal lilburn says:

    SHIFTERS is # 14 on Amazon’s YA action adventure list. please consider reviewing for me. Thank you!

  31. Hello Gary,

    I see you are a busy man – well liked as well =D

    If you have the notion, have a look at Augur of Armageddon – it is a post apocalyptic story that takes a different look at the world then what you may have grown accustomed too.

    First chapter is here:

    And the remainder here:

    Thanks so much for what you do!


  32. Steve Wetherell says:

    Hello. Any chance you could shave a look at my book? It’s a comedy fantasy about a man who must leave his isolated community and warn civilisation that the world is about to end. I’d love to know what you think!

  33. Steve Wetherell says:

    ‘Shave’ a look? That was an odd phrasing. I promise you that my fat fingers don’t necessarily mean my book is terrible…

  34. Hi Gary
    I would if you would consider a british military crime novel. Steps to Heaven is the first book in the Sgt Major Crane series. Crane is a Special Investigations Branch Detective in the British Army, based at Aldershot Garrison. He is disturbed by the horrific case of a soldier called Solomon who, after recently returning from Afghanistan, murdered his wife and 6 year old son and then committed suicide. It seems Solomon was attending a local Church, which encourages people to join by offering salvation to its members. But as Crane investigates and the body count rises, events take a darker turn and he wonders what the Church is offering – salvation, or slaughter?
    The link to Amazon is :
    The second in the series is 40 Days 40 Nights. Accidents, thefts, murders, terrorist plots….they all plague Sgt Major Crane who is not happy with his babysitting job of looking after Team GB as they prepare for the Olympic Games and Paralympics on Aldershot Garrison. He likens it to 40 Days and 40 Nights in a personal wilderness before he can get back to his real job of investigating; but it turns into 40 Days and 40 Nights of chaos. Aldershot is besieged by elderly Gurkhas, Crane’s pregnant wife has health problems and the Intelligence Corp keep sticking their oar in. Will Crane be able to keep the athletes safe or will the terrorists win?
    The link to Amazon is:
    Thank you.

  35. Gary,
    I enjoy following your Twitter feed, which is how I found you here. Thank you for offering to read and review our works. I’d be honored to hear your thoughts on my ebook horror short, “Getting Better” All the feedback thus far has been very good, but I only ask for 100% honest reviews and opinions.

    Shaun is institutionalized. Traumatic events have led to his stay at Agronaville Mental Health Center, where he battles his inner demons. Witness his first group therapy session. Experience his struggle against the violent visions that threaten to consume him.
    In this layered short story of horror fiction, you’ll be drawn into a psychological journey that you won’t soon forget. This tale is a gritty, emotional ride that you’ll want to read again and again. Try it. At $0.99, I promise it’s well worth the price of admission!

    Beginning Excerpt:
    I hate footsteps.
    As they fall louder, my heart beats faster. No matter their destination, they are torture. Their cadence pounds against my skull until they stop suddenly at my door or whisper a next time taunt as they pass by and fade into the background murmur.
    Unfortunately, they are a common occurrence here.
    Today, the real torment started after the usual traffic runs of breakfast and medications. The footsteps came, unplanned and unwanted, echoing down the hall and floating under my door. I sat with bent knees to my chest, listening to the agonizing rhythm. Please, not for me.

    Thank you for your time and consideration!!!

  36. Gary,

    I’ve recently released a YA Inspirational Romance, and I would love to receive a review. I’ve read through some on your blog, and their insight and thoughtfulness are just what I’m looking for. I understand your limited time and very long queue, so any consideration would be greatly appreciated. The amazon link is:

    Collegiate athlete Lily Brennon has always been the piece that doesn’t quite fit in the puzzle, especially in her fragmented family, and no amount of rule-following perfection seems to bring her any closer to the love and acceptance she desperately seeks. If not for Jackson Carter, her childhood best friend and the only boy she’s ever loved, she’s sure she would have run away years ago. But when Jackson loses his father and a future basketball career within months of each other, his faith is so shattered, he shuts out everyone, including Lily.

    After months of heartache, Lily begins to piece together a life without Jackson, and while vacationing on a beautiful island off the Georgia coast, she begins a long-distance romance with Alex Walker, a police officer with a quick wit and a cocky grin. He revives her hope in love again, but their intense attraction and his devastating secret test Lily’s values, stretching them until they break. Through her struggles to remain true to her principles, an agonizing choice between Alex and Jackson, and a series of terrifying events that threaten all of them, Lily must endure losing everything she’s been grasping so tightly. Only then will she discover the depth of the love that already surrounds her.

  37. Hi Gary! Not asking for any reviews yet, well maybe just a quick read through on my other blog
    I will be sitting at the DMV for a little while so will be doing some reading. Hint, hint 🙂 Hope you are having a super awesome day!

  38. Mike Pomery says:

    Hi Gary, I’m Mike; an author from Australia. I would like to submit my book Tangent for your review.

    Tangent is a story of Alan; a man who travels back into our present timeline from his supposedly utopian future.

    More than most time-travel stories; Tangent has a strong literary flavor and lovingly explores the strange rituals of modern life. Alan encounters many interesting characters, who all serve in one way or another to unlock the mystery of his own fate. Tangent also explores our perception of reality and one individual’s struggle to gain solidarity and peace in a world seemingly governed by quiet subversion and unchecked greed.

    The reader is left to ponder the possibilities that Alan discovers through the course of the novel

  39. queency says:

    Hello Gary, I would love to add to your work load…I have a novella on sale at both Amazon and Smashwords, THE FINAL CHAMBER

    Although she didn’t know how her story would end, she knew it wouldn’t end well. For anyone.

    She has vowed to be a good mother. To honor, love, and raise her adopted daughter in a home that promises to be a sanctuary and offer her safety after years of abuse and horrendous neglect. But to her daughter, Jessie, the love is unfamiliar and frightening.

    Home becomes a combat zone, the walls painted with the white rage and constant barrage of hatred Jessie unleashes. Her psychological problems fester for years, growing more violent, causing the family to slowly unravel. When Jessie kills the beloved family cat, she triggers such terror that no one in her wake will ever be the same.

    Especially Mom, who is determined to do the right thing and protect everyone involved. From Jessie. From herself. From the people who caused them both so much pain.

    Thanks for the consideration…and great job on the reviews!

  40. Gary Henson says:

    Hey, Gary!

    I’m a new author with my first book on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords now.

    Genome the novel’ features a bio engineering holo-lab run by ‘PIP’, an AI character, Jack and Frankie who built the bio company, a beautiful medium, Samantha, the ghost of Jack’s lost love and more.

    I appreciate your considering a review of ‘Genome’.

    I’m coming out with a humorous SciFi series ‘Arlo and Jake’ starting next month as well. I talk about Genome and Arlo and Jake on my blog.I blog about my experiences writing in the epub world as well at

    BTW, a glass of ‘Rodeo Red’ is the perfect drink to enjoy with ‘Genome’ 😉

    Thanks again, Gary.


  41. Lee Barrett says:

    Hope you will take a look at my book on modern fatherhood, Barge Pilot. Great thing you are doing here.

    Lee Barrett

  42. rvernon22 says:

    I think its great that you support indie authors. It would be greatly appreciated if you could add my collection of short stories to your long list of stories to review. Its my first release (only 50 some pages) and looks at five different characters in a new fantasy world I’ve created. Its been good practice for my full length novel that I’m working on set in the same world. Hopefully it looks interesting to you.

  43. Hi Gary,

    Thanks so much for this opportunity to get my novel reviewed. My name is Steven D. Riley. My novel is Vampires In Paradise:

    October, 2000 – A new millennium finds Aaron Michaels six months into his sobriety after a lifetime of heroin addiction. Now, he’s just taking things one day at a time. He wakes to the thump of the morning paper against his door, and discovers more than he ever bargained for when he steps outside to retrieve it; where he witnesses the vampire Lydia feeding her own special addiction; that night’s prey.

    Lydia see’s him – too late – and Aaron escapes to the safety of his home, just before the sun begins to peek over the eastern horizon.

    Aaron, and a slowly growing band of believers of his fantastic tale, search by day for the vampires in their lair. But by night, it’s run/hide, chased by the vampires, intent on catching and killing these new, inexperienced vampire hunters, who never stop believing that what they have seen is real, and never stop questioning their own sanity for believing it.

    So, there you have it. I hope it grabs your interest. The first two chapters are available at Amazon:

    Thanks you again for considering my novel for review.

  44. Jay Merin says:

    Hi Gary!

    Looks like you’ve got a lot of books to get through. Here’s hoping I make that list one longer.

    My first novel is titled Unrequited.

    Here’s my synopsis –

    Mason has a past. Having fled his home he now lives out a lonely, isolated existence, doing his best to remain invisible, while watching the world pass him by with an increasingly cynical detachment. At least until a remarkable young woman captivates his attention.

    Shayla has a future. With a career, good friends and a fiancé she adores, she loves her life and really wants for nothing. But for some time now something has been watching her, drawn to something about her that makes her unique.

    When Mason’s world violently collides with Shayla’s, his past threatens to destroy her future. To set things right Mason must come to terms with and atone for what he had done while Shayla must find an inner strength she never knew existed within her. And the only thing either of them can rely on is each other.

    Here’s a link to the Amazon page –

    And, finally, if you have any interest, I’d like to offer you a spot at my genre entertainment website, In Genre at, for your book reviews. Let me know if you have any interest in that as well, whether or not you choose to review my novel (though I sincerely hope that you choose to review it.)

  45. Hi Gary,

    Looking at the long list of books you are longing to read and review, my genre stands out as different. I am a survivor of Japanese concentration camps for women and children on the island of Java. Among the many accounts of military achievements of WW II in the Pacific theater, and the well known facts of the Holocaust in Europe, my book, based in part on my mother’s secret diary, is different in that it tells about the brutal treatment of innocent civilians by the Japanese.
    My website is listed as Link #5 out of 8 on the most visited POW website in the world:

    ISBN 978-1-60910-753-6

    A description:
    This is the inspiring story of a little girl, a Prisoner of the Japanese in World War Two on Java, who makes her dreams come true by determination, faith and love. It is a historical account of the horrors of life in a WW II Japanese prison camp for women and children followed by .Ronny’s memoir of life after the war, in the Netherlands and the USA, showing her exuberant lust for life, in stark contrast to the stories of her early childhood.

    The in the year 2000 declassified NARA Files indicating the plans of the Japanese to exterminate all Prisoners Of War beginning in September 1945 are included in the final chapters.

    Perhaps you have some time to read my book around this jubilant holiday celebrating our freedom.
    Thanks for your time.


  46. Hi Gary,
    Karen Einsel, who has interviewed me for her blog, has directed me to you. Much of the information concerning my debut novel, Awake in the Mad World, can be found at my new blog Just click the “My Work” page to find the description on the cover of the print version. Also, on the home page there is a Pre-Release Discussion that covers some elements of my coming of age novel. But I would like to add that the novel is written from the perspective of a passionate, confused twenty-something (that’s most twenty-somethings, right?), and so the novel reads at an energetic pace that is also cerebral and philosophical. A character-driven novel, for sure. I hope it looks like something you’d be interested in reviewing. I’ve recently added to my blog a reviewing component as well. I think the type of work you are doing, and the work my blog is setting out to do, is important. So, cheers! I hope to hear from you soon.

    Damon Ferrell Marbut

  47. Dakota Douglas @_DakotaDouglas
    Hi Gary
    you sound swamped but hope you can squeeze in my 24,500-word debut novel, a children’s fantasy called ANTics.
    It’s based on a dream and I think it’s fun and educational for 7 years and older.
    Quickie synopsis:
    It’s a tale about what happens when three awesome ants meet up with the world’s craziest spider.

  48. G. T. Anders says:

    Hi Gary,
    The Tower of Babel is about an artist who cleanses earth from all things machine by setting off a Divine, virulent vine.

    The book is sci-fi. But it’s sophisticated. Heck, it may even be literary. Maybe not. Anyway, here it is:

    It’s 1967 somewhere in North America. Babylon is the greatest city on earth, and to prove it, they’re building a veritable skyscraper to heaven that would make even the denizens of biblical Shinar a little jealous. But far from the city, in the abandoned suburbs, sculptor Austin Feckidee and a secret society are talking about the Tower again. Talking about how it must come down. How the planet must be cleansed. And how Divinity has chosen them to make it happen.

    I appreciate your time and your consideration. Happy reading and happy blogging!

    George (G. T. Anders)

  49. Nick James says:

    HI Gary,

    Busy guy!
    I have a short novella that I hope you may have time to read.

    In this wacky dystopian future, Les is just an ordinary guy, plagued by anxiety issues. Each day there seems to be one more rule to abide by and he is sent clamoring for some sort of anxiety relief – usually found in medication. But how much medication is too much? Doctors treat his anxiety with more medications, which uncover strangely hidden mental disorders and lead to side effects which wreak havoc on his life. This is the story of one unlucky man’s fight to rid himself of the stigma of having a mental illness and battle his anxiety and all the problems it brings into his simple life.

    Thanks for your time!

    Nick James

    • Hi Nick! Your “wacky dystopian future” (love that) sounds like something of a commentary on our wacky dystopian present. I look forward to checking out your novella, right after I take m medication . Thanks for visiting!

  50. I would really appreciate a review for my first novel (I agree with you and also take my hat off to others who manage to write a novel).
    My book, Philippine Princess, is based on a true story and I will copy the Amazon blurb below so that you do not have to follow the link if it does not appeal to you. Many thanks if you do review it.

    Emily was born in the Philippines and, as a young girl, had always dreamed of being a princess.

    As she grew older and wiser, she decided being a princess was just a dream and instead, trained as a nurse. After qualifying as a midwife, she travelled to the UK to work. Emily worked 12 hour shifts in a care home for the elderly which was hard. The pay was much better than any work in her own country.

    Far from her family and friends, she finds life hard, especially when she receives some devastating news about her brother.

    Emily has a great deal of inner strength when dealing with work and financial problems. Through all the problems she makes sure she enjoys her new life. Her new found friends are a great support.

    Emily knows she will never be the fairy-tale princess of her childhood dreams. What she will discover is she is still able to feel like a princess.

    • “Philippine Princess” sounds like a deeply personal, though ultimately rewarding story. I visited the Philippines many years ago in the Navy, and was impressed by the beauty of the islands and its people. I’ll definitely try to check this one out. Thanks for visiting!

  51. Hi Gary, could you check this one out – just about to come out in ebook, so I’ve given you my blog link to it –

  52. Ryan Potter says:

    Hi Gary,

    I found you via a Huffington Post article from back in January and love what you’re doing here. My first novel was published via the traditional agent-publisher route. I recently left that system behind and just released my first indie eBook novel via Amazon’s KDP program. It’s called THE CLEANER and I’m hoping you will consider it for review.

    THE CLEANER is a light and fun summer read. Here’s the synopsis, followed by a link to the book:

    Spinks Webb is thirty-four years old, lives in his widowed father’s basement, and suffers from a fear of leaving his hometown that he blames on his ex-fiancée, a woman who broke up with him twelve years ago. Some might call Spinks a loser, but the man has heart, and he also has a unique talent. Turns out Spinks Webb can consume vast amounts of food in short periods of time, hard-boiled eggs and hot dogs in particular.

    With the help of his best friend and business partner Danny Fleck, Spinks quickly hones his gorging skills and becomes the talk of his blue-collar Michigan town as Danny, an amateur filmmaker, captures it all on video for a future documentary. Danny eventually encourages Spinks to go for the World Series of competitive eating and compete for a spot in the Nathan’s Famous International July Fourth Hot Dog Eating Contest in Brooklyn, New York. Of course, numerous roadblocks stand between Spinks and Brooklyn, two of which include mending his broken heart and beating his irrational fear of travel, and to conquer those he’ll need all the help from Danny that he can get.

    THE CLEANER is a heartfelt and humorous novel about the power of friendship and its ability to create even the most unlikely hero.


    • “The Cleaner” sounds unusual on many fronts, Ryan. I can see the potential for funny, as well as gross ~ all good stuff. Hope to give it a look soon. Hope the release is going well, and thanks for stopping by Honest Indie.

  53. thejosh86 says:

    Greetings Gary,

    I’m hoping my book, A Drizzle of Zombies, tickles your fancy.

    Here’s a quick little synopsis:

    When an incompetent superhero intercepts his arch-nemesis’s latest heist, they accidentally trigger a most undeadly threat: zombies! The sworn enemies must band forces to save the world, dragging along the perfect allies: a shotgun-toting cop, and… a bunny?

    And here’s a link to it on Amazon:

    • Love the title. Is “drizzle” really the term for a group of zombies, like a”murder” of crows or a “pod” of whales? If not, it should be, and I vote for it! Hope to check out “A Drizzle of Zombies” soon. Thanks for visiting Honest Indie!

  54. Logan Snyder says:

    Hi Gary!

    I came across your blog and would love to request a review of my new novel, Senate Proof. It’s currently available on Amazon at

    Here’s a quick blurb…

    Set against the backdrop of the nation’s capital, a generations old bootleg distillery finds itself in the midst of a power struggle between the younger generation and old guard, turning time-tested allies into foes. Cloaked in secrecy, the elite circle of political leaders had operated the distillery without incident for decades while producing barrel after barrel of illegal spirits, among other ventures. But things were beginning to change.

    Caroline left a promising career on Wall Street and moved to rural Virginia to solve the mystery that had haunted her throughout her entire life – her father’s murder. She uncovers ties between her new employer and her father, and before long, she finds herself the target of the distillery’s powerful entrenched political entourage, sending her running for her life. Unwillingly forced into harm’s way, her new friend, Jackson, relies on his cunning instinct to try and solve a crime that reaches into the depths of the US Senate and Supreme Court. As the body count rises, questions begin to swirl around the District and nobody knows who to trust.

    Senate Proof is my first novel. When I’m not writing, you can find me working as a finance professional. I currently reside in Boston with my wife and our boxer, Tessie.

    Many thanks,

    Logan Snyder

  55. Kyra says:

    Hi Gary!
    I really do love this blog for the honest and intriguing reviews. I feel like they’re in depth but to the point and have always enjoyed reading them. I’ve always seen that you’ve had plenty of things to review but I would just love for you to be able to review my novella, Despair & Decision, sometime in the future!

    A quickie synopsis:
    Amara has always been conflicted; with other people’s ideals never matching up to her own reality. With her only confidence being her love she learns to overcome the tragedies life throws her way. After all, to Amara, there is little of more importance than love.

    Whether you get to it or not, thank you for your amazing and hard work here!

  56. Eric Collins says:

    Hi Gary,
    I like the original format of your reviews and your style. I’m hoping you’ll consider reading and reviewing my first novel, The Testing Point. Here’s the excerpt from the back cover. “When a prostitute is murdered in a seedy motel room, and an eyewitness points his finger at a cop, it seems an open and shut case. But rookie officers Ben Grasso and Dina Greenbaum aren’t buying the official story and undertake their own unsanctioned investigation. Fighting organized crime, police corruption, and their own demons, the partners find they can’t tell friend from foe, and that they may have started something they can’t finish.” You can read a sample at Amazon.
    Eric Collins

  57. Eric Collins says:

    Hi again, Gary.
    I almost forgot. The e-book is available free until the end of the month with a coupon available at Smashwords.

  58. danniehill says:

    Hi Gray, I really enjoy your reviews. Good honest reviews are the best medicine for a writer wanting to improve! I’ve published four full length novels and I would like you to consider my latest novel, Death’s Door. An American thriller with action, suspence, lots of humor and a bit of romance. I really would love to know what you think!

    Thank you for your consideration. I’ll be looking at your work as well.

  59. Nancy Wood says:

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for your support of authors – you have a lot of great titles to consider for review! I’m adding mine to the request list. Like you, I’m a business writer by day, creative writer when I can squeeze it in, and reader by night. My debut mystery, DUE DATE, was published in May by Solstice Publishing. I’d love it if you could take a peek and see if you’d like to add it to your review list.

    Here’s the book description:

    Surrogate mother Shelby McDougall just fell for the biggest con of all—a scam that risks her life and the lives of her unborn twins.

    Twenty-three year-old Shelby McDougall, recent college graduate, is facing a mountain of student debt and carting a burden she’d like to exorcise. A Rolling Stone ad for a surrogate mother offers her a way to erase the loans and right her karmic place in the cosmos. Within a month, she’s signed a contract with intended parents Jackson and Diane Entwistle, relocated to Santa Cruz, California, and started fertility treatments.

    But Jackson and Diane have their own secret agenda, one that has nothing to do with diapers and lullabies. With her due date looming and the clues piling up, Shelby must save herself and her twins. As she uses her wits to survive, Shelby learns the real meaning of the word “family.”

    And here’s the Amazon page:

    Thanks for considering it!


  60. Nancy Wood says:


    Hoping you will consider Kickshaw Candies-a fantasy/horror loosely based on Irish folklore and myth. Thank you.

  62. P. W. Fox says:

    HI Gary,

    Thanks for making the time to review works by indie authors. I would like to offer for your consideration my fantasy novella, “Sea-Change.” In the book, a young bride-to-be, betrayed by her fiance, escapes her captors and makes use of ancestral lore to change her dismal fate and seek revenge. By invoking the ancient powers, she becomes, in fact, the son her father never had. But she has only two weeks, until the time of the new moon, to get back to her home country and confront her betrayer before the spell ends and she becomes a woman again.

    A preview can be read at

    I hope it gets your interest.


  63. David Jerome says:


    My book is called “Rave Girl”, about a fifteen year old girl with no family, who gets caught in the rave lifestyle when her mother dies of a drug overdose. Battling dark inner demons, with nowhere to go, she tries to find belonging in the adult world of nightclubs, hard drugs and physical decadence. You can read more here:

    – David.

  64. Thanks for the opportunity, Gary. Not sure if you’re in to nonfiction, but you might want to take a look at “Kingdom of Sharks,” my book about foreign ESL teachers in the People’s Republic of China:

    I have the entire first chapter available on my site and blog, if you’d like to see more than what Amazon offers.


  65. Hi, Gary! I just wanted to give you a gentle little “nudge” regarding Brett. I know you already have tons of books on your TBR list, but if you’re ever in the mood for some chuckles — maybe even some laugh-out-loud moments — please keep “that bum Brett” in mind. You might even want to crack open a Heineken while you’re reading it, too!

  66. Kenneth Hoss says:

    Hi, Gary. First off, let me say that I really like what you’re doing here. As one person said, I admire you for putting your views out there.

    Now to the brass tacks. My first novel, Storm Rising – A Kelli Storm Novel has been out for over a year now, and I am close to completing the second book in the series, with a tentative release of mid-September. Here is the Smashwords link to the book, and I hope that you find it fascinating enough to download and review. The latest version is 6/17/11, I believe.

  67. Libby Young says:

    I love your website – is that your own library on the header pic? I used a similar idea on my site.

    I have just published my first novel on Amazon – A Backward Blessing – and would be delighted if you could review it. It is on a free promotion 17-18 August 🙂

  68. Ann Herrick says:

    Hi, Gary,

    Would you be interested in reviewing my YA novel, The Farewell Season, published by a tiny, local epublisher here in Oregon?

    Amazon link:

    Thank you!

  69. Preston Randall says:

    Hi Gary,
    I hope you get a chance to review my first book at Amazon. Here’s the info below. I’m in the process of building a website so don’t have a link yet.
    Many thanks,

    Name: Preston Randall
    Book Title: Letters I Wish I Had Sent
    Genre(s): Humor
    Book Blurb:
    Preston Randall isn’t trying to rewrite Twilight to suck up some of the left over teen money. He’s not pumping out that sequel to The Illiad that everyone is beating down the bookstore doors to get – heck he’s not even trying to concoct the great American novel. He’s just got his Fruit-Of-The-Looms in a twist and wants to spew out a few dozen pages about it. And what is he on about? Commercials, flyers, adverts of all kinds and just the general detritus we all must wade through every single day to live in a modern global economy. That’s all. And, well, he’s had it. He takes on one dimwitted advertiser after another – with the most moronic of claims – and feeds them a heaping helping of their own blather. Praising their absolute ineffectiveness and ineptitude – while offering delightful testimonials that only their detractors could enjoy. It makes for a work that is simple, witty, silly and yet oddly cordial and illuminating… certainly a really fun read. No great investment required, just leaf through until Preston starts in on one of the dolts you really wish you’d sent a letter to – and enjoy his take on it. Please read ’em and weep – with tears of lol-ing.
    Link to cover image:
    Link to buy book:

  70. Walter Rhein says:

    Hello Gary,
    Thanks for running this site! I\’d appreciate a review of my humorous travel memoir about cross-country ski racing titled \”Beyond Birkie Fever.\” It was released with Rhemalda publishing and has been very well received so far (it\’s currently featured in the Chippewa Valley Book festival).

    The word \”Birkie\” refers to America\’s greatest cross-country ski race, The American Birkebeiner. This is the Grandma\’s Marathon of skiing, and has been running for 40 years.

    When I was writing the book, I interviewed David Landgraf, a legendary skier in Wisconsin who not only completed every single Birkie, but also finished among the elite racers even at retirement age. Sadly, he passed away before the book was released after being involved in an accident while training on his bicycle.

    To give \”Beyond Birkie Fever\” a look, please check the amazon link here:

    It\’s currently free to borrow for Kindle Prime users!

    Thanks for your time and consideration!

  71. Gary,

    Here is a book for your consideration. It is my first novel and was published a few days ago. “The Chupacabra: A Borderline Crazy Tale of Coyotes, Cash and Cartels”. It is dark comedy about a Texas family and their friends that get tangled up with a member of a Mexican drug cartel. It has elements of a thriller, but is really written more for a laugh. It also contains some timely themes like immigration, gun control and civilian militias. The preview under the Kindle version contains the entire first chapter. Thanks for your consideration. – Steve

  72. alisonwells says:

    Dear Gary,

    Thanks for supporting and reviewing indie books. My debut novel, written as A.B. Wells is Housewife with a Half-Life, a space comedy.

    Susan Strong is a suburban housewife who is literally disintegrating. When Fairly Dave, a kilt-sporting spaceman arrives through the shower head to warn her, she knows things are serious. When she and her precocious four year old twins, Pluto and Rufus, get sucked through Chilled Foods into another universe it gets even messier. Where household appliances are more alive and dangerous than they seem, Geezers have Entropy Hoovers and the Spinner’s Cataclysmic convertor could rip reality apart, Susan Strong is all that’s holding the world together.

    Through this madcap, feel-good adventure, Susan and Fairly Dave travel alternate universes to find Susan’s many selves, dodge the Geezers and defeat the evil memory bankers. From dystopian landscapes and chicken dinners, to the surreal world of Las Vegas and bubble universes, can Susan Strong reintegrate her bits and will it be enough to save us all?

    Here’s the link.

    Best of luck with your own endeavours, I’ll certainly take a look.
    Best wishes, Alison

  73. Gary,

    I would be honored if you would consider reading and reviewing “Breaking the Reflection.” Overly simplified, the story is about a drug addict who physically & mentally destroys a child in an attempt to overcome his own childhood abuse.

    You can find it on Amazon at:

    Thank you so much for your consideration!
    -Danika Dierhart

  74. Tyler says:

    The style of your reviews are very interesting, if you’re interested I’d be interested in gettong one for my book, Running Bad:

    It’s an urban fantasy/horror novel set in Vegas/Hell with a lot of humor to it. Here’s a short description:

    Running Bad is a term usually reserved to poker rooms for the unluckiest of people. The smart ones will pack it in and go home, only to return another night when their luck has changed. But what if you were running bad your entire life?

    Gabriel Titus wonders this on a daily basis as he drinks and gambles, trying to forget what he can until inevitably being set to work hunting souls. But all that changes when war breaks out between competing factions over a device which would allow its user free reign between Earth and Hell.

    Gabriel, who finds himself the only one unwilling to make a stand against his masters, is put in charge of a group conscripted for the sole reason that they present absolutely no threat and can be easily disposed of afterward. The problem for Gabriel is there’s good reason for that. Can they stay out of their own way long enough to come out of this mess alive?

  75. Hi Gary,

    Great blog! And great reviews. You really put a lot of effort into your reviews…very thorough…much appreciated.

    If you find some time, I’d love to get your review of my Amazon Breakthrough Novel Quarter Finalist, The Boots My Mother Gave Me @

    It’s a mainstream fiction, inspired by a true story, chronicling a young girl’s journey of recovery and self-discovery as she comes of age, while overcoming an abusive childhood. The novel also has an original music soundtrack.

    Currently, The Boots My Mother Gave Me has 38+reviews (4.5 stars), and is in the Top 100 Kindle Coming of Age Novels.

    Thanks for supporting and promoting Indies. All the best to you and yours!

  76. Hello Gary:
    I am so grateful that you support Indie authors and have appreciated your tweets about my book. The endless list of requests says a lot about how much you are in demand. 🙂

    I would love it if you were to review Groom and Doom: A Greek Love Story, even if you don’t get to it until 2015. Lol… Shoot, 20 minutes a night of reading? Yikes!

    Joking aside, I totally understand that my book may not be up your alley, as it is a quirky family drama and happily every after gone wrong. If you don’t read my book, that’s totally okay. I am honored for the shout outs on Twitter. 🙂 I like to return the favor when I can!

    Take care,
    Happy writing and reviewing,

  77. Hi Gary,
    I hope you will consider reviewing my contemporary fantasy novel, Angelus. You can read the blurb for it on Amazon:

    I still can’t believe you actually buy the books you review. It’s quite amazing.

    Thanks for your consideration!

    Mary C. Moore

  78. richieearl says:

    Hi Gary

    I really like your blog, especially how you review from the perspective of the reader. I have a fledgling blog and would like review the books I read, although like yourself my reading time is limited. My debut novel The Legend of Finndragon’s Curse, is a ya fantasy and would love it if you could find the time to review it.
    The Amazon link is

  79. Hi, Gary, Kristie Haigwood here from Twitter. And this is proof that people read your posts. With a little over 10k followers I still seem to see your threads. I am listening to Matchbox Twenty Radio on Pandora right now. 😉 Anyhoo, about why I came; I have two books currently published on amazon right now, with three more releasing this year (October, November & December). I’m including the links to both, because I completely understand that not everyone likes the same thing. Save My Soul is a fast-paced Paranormal Suspense Romance about a woman who makes the choice to risk her own soul to save the soul of her soulmate. I believe you posted a quote on twitter once to help promote it. I think it was something like, “Hell beckons and even a guardian angel might not be able to save her.” Thanks for that btw. I am currently writing the sequel to it called Hell’s Gift, due out November. My second novel is Forbidden Touch. It’s my vampire novel about a male homicide detective that has been assigned to a serial killer case. Little does he know that the killer is anything but human, and that another vampire is trying to track down this killer as well. Ciera is walking a fine line by staying in Mitch’s apartment in her invisible form to pick up on any clues he might drop that will lead her to the killer first. But Mitch gets framed for the awful murders and she has to risk her life by revealing herself in order to help him escape.
    You can check out the blurbs and about the first 5 chapters of both on the look inside. Hope to hear from you soon. See you on twitter! :o)

  80. Liz says:

    Hi Gary,

    I too only get about twenty minutes a night for reading. And many nights I fall asleep on my Kindle. It has more drool marks on it than I care to admit.

    Embarrassing revelations aside, if you have a chance, I’d love to get your take on my novella, Captured. It follows the plight of Meredith Clarke, a young marketing consultant who is kidnapped after she witnesses the incriminating behavior of a novice bank robber named Jeffrey. Meredith, desperate to escape, finds herself engaged with Jeffrey in a dangerous game that finally culminates in one deadly encounter.

    Here’s the link:

    Thanks a bunch! And keep up the good work! 🙂



  81. Hi Gary,

    I’ve recently published a book about magical crisp packets called Super Spuds, who come alive if they surpass their use-by date. The personality of the Super Spud is determined by their flavour. Tuna flavours, enriched with omega-3 fish oils are very smart, while steak and spinach flavours are incredibly strong due to their high iron content. The story is fast and a series of non-stop adventures from one chapter to the next, encompassing locations including Egypt, Mexico, UK, Italy and the North Pole! I basically want to entertain the reader and let them read something truly original and quirky.It also contains many references to popular films and characters like: Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Robin Hood, 24’s Jack Bauer and Batman. It’s fun, quirky, strange and, hopefully, unlike anything the reader has read before ( it is walking, talking crisp packets afterall…)

    I’d be very grateful if you would consider it. Feel free to check out the reviews on Goodreads or Amazon:


    Many thanks and have a nice week,

  82. Hello Gary:

    As that I didn’t find any other way to contact you, I will go with this, and hope i can win your interest, and hopefully a review.

    Anywho, my name is Greg, writing under the pen name G Eric Francis. I just released a book called “A Prayer For The Dying.” Here is the synopsis:

    “A Prayer For The Dying” is the story of a young boy who loses the brother he looked up to to a new, deadly strain of the Human Immune Deficiency Virus. Using his knack for biology and chemistry, he is able to discover a cure…with one catch.

    The only person that the cure works on is himself.

    Determined to help others avoid his brother’s fate, he turns to the United States government to help further his research. Escorted by two unpredictable (but very good at what they do) agents from a special division of the Drug Enforcement Agency, he attempts to make a trip cross country to the nation’s capital to continue his work.

    But possessing a cure to one of the deadliest diseases ever inside his own bloodstream invites some unscrupulous company. Knowing the cure is worth billions, one powerful enemy is determined that he never reaches his destination.

    If you are interested, here is the Amazon link for the book:

    I hope you chose to review the book..I appreciate it!

  83. Thank you for your dedication to the world of indie!
    I am requesting a review for any or all of the short fiction pieces below.

    I am also available for online interviews.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Brief synopses and author bio below for your convenience.

    The Three Tunes– Three stories about the power of music. Three musicians whose lives are forever changed by three very different supernatural figures. (includes The Devil Went Down to Reichenbach, Coyote’s Tune, and Wild Music)

    The Sword and the Kestrel– Can a Renn Faire falconer break an ancient family curse and make peace with the Lord of Forests? (a Writers of the Future Honorable Mention)

    We Don’t Serve Your Kind– a story of hatred, friendship and fairies.

    About me:

    From earliest childhood, Shawna Reppert has had a passion for stories– for reading them and for writing them. She obtained a BA in English with a Writing Option from Penn State University and has participated in numerous writing workshops and seminars given by the likes of Charles de Lint, David Farland and Elizabeth Lyon. Previous short stories sold to 10 Flash Quarterly and to Everyday Fiction can be read for free at their websites. Several ‘indie’ short stories are available for sale at Amazon, and her story ‘The Beast Within’ will appear in the second Gears and Levers anthology, edited by Phyllis Irene Radford. Two of her short stories have won Honorable Mentions from Writers of the Future. Her first novel is due out from Carina Press in Summer, 3013.

    Shawna’s current four-footed children are a Lipizzan stallion and an orange-and-black cat named Samhain. She enjoys Irish social dancing and is an ardent supporter of live Irish music. Shawna also likes to play with the Society for Creative Anachronism and can sometimes be found in medieval garb on a caparisoned horse, throwing javelins into innocent hay bales that never did anything to her.

    A Pennsylvania native, she currently lives in the beautiful wine county of Oregon.

  84. Evelyn Ink says:

    Hello Gary,

    First I must say I just love what your doing here, and will be checking in regularly for great reads!
    I recently published “Ill-fated” a YA adventure/fantasy novel. Here’s the Blurb:

    “The stars have aligned to make my life grim and loathsome.” Fourteen year old Leila Edgewick stands on the brink of disaster, balancing the fate of Bainland and her father’s legacy against a vague, ill-fated prophecy. A meaningless number, a luckless red moon, and worst of all– a star that falls South, send Leila on quest she does not expect to survive. Simultaneously, an unknown boy wakes up in the sunken hull of a decrepit cargo ship. Captured and mind locked, the boy– dubbed Sam by the crew– must escape from the infamous ship Bonesplitter and the dark schemes of one Captain Erastacus Oren. When Leila and Sam’s paths cross, fate ties them together, sending them across the Ramble in search of the Wasteland Witches and a healer named Atara Valatrix. Plagued by Sam’s erratic memory and Leila’s dubious rational, they must outwit the Southland drudge hunters, and take on the dangers of the Ramble: sandwolves, bloodswamps, and the Kartivause – terrifying night creatures from the Shadowland.

    Hope you’re interested, the amazon/kindle Link is below (and for now it’s only 99 cents so it won’t break your budget).

    You can also read the first bit for free on my blog:
    Go to the page marked: Ill-fated Chapter one.

    Thanks a lot and happy reading to you!

    Evelyn Ink

  85. zplanbook says:

    Hello Gary,
    I wrote a book while I was deployed to Iraq in 2007 and have finally published it. I would be extremely grateful if you would write a review on it. It is titled ‘Z Plan-Blood on the Sand’, it is the first in a three part zombie series. Here is the description:

    Cale, a U.S. Army Soldier, is in the middle of one conflict, just as another more terrifying one has begun. His nightmares have become a reality; the world it seems has gone insane. The insurgents are the least of his worries now. Instead, the undead have become the new enemy. Fighting for his life at every turn, and losing friends along the way, he must trek across the globe just in the hopes that he will hold his wife and daughter in his arms again.

    Here is the amazon link:

    I am also on goodreads and have a blog here on wordpress, where I give updates on book two.

    I really hope you can get to it and enjoy it! Happy reading!


  86. Robin Ingle says:

    Hi, Gary, I love your blog. So honest and fresh. I would like to invite you to review my short story, published on Amazon: Tyrker’s Tale, which is here .

    Tyrker, a slave belonging to the Viking chieftain Eirik the Red, has been given the task of educating Eirik’s young sons, Leif and Tosti, in the arts of weaponry. Forbidden to marry, he longs to have his own family. Instead, he must learn to live with serving another man – until one day something unexpected happens.

    You can read a sample on Amazon. I hope you enjoy it!
    Robin Ingle

  87. I would like to be considered for review. My novel, The Delivery Cut, was purchased and released last month by Black Rose Writing. It is currently available at all major bookseller links. I attended Florida State University for undergraduate education and Nova Southeastern University for a year of law school. My literary work can be found at, where I have over 17,000 views.

    On my website, I have added a professional film trailer, updates and excerpts from my book. I will be doing signings at Barnes and Noble this fall and spring and will attend the 2012 Miami International Book Fair in October. I have placed my book synopsis below and I look forward to hearing from you.

    My 244-page novel, The Delivery Cut, is a literary-contemporary fiction that follows the protagonist, James Young, through a twisted and turned path at self-realization. It is written in the same mold as The Rum Diary, by Hunter S. Thompson, but also invokes a punch-to-the-throat living aspect used in the autobiography Life, by Keith Richards.

    James Young is under pressure to be just like any other ordinary young adult who is seeking higher education to achieve a postmodern American, accomplished and prideful, nine to five. Despite his set path as an incoming law student, James accompanied by a slew of alcohol and chain-smoked cigarettes awaits a future meltdown. Surrounded by a fog of commonplace people who strive for unoriginal lives and others who have found them, James searches for a flash of inspiration to discover life as more than a mere existence.

    Within the first 24-hours of his law school orientation, he finds himself under the watchful eye of an egotistical law professor and face to face with a mysterious Frenchman’s beguiling proposition for a story. The anarchical Frenchman joined by a misanthropic brute, leads James through a revolution of the South Florida drug market, positioning him as a new addition to the drug world hierarchy. As he struggles to mentally shed from his old life, James takes refuge in a local Cuban Coffee shop where he befriends its regretful owner for advice.

    Leaving his prior self behind, James is soon engulfed by the “who’s who” of upper class clients wanting their drugs brought to their downtown night scenes, high-rise luxury condominiums, local offices, and island mansions. Armed with reliable transportation, three dress suits, a tight schedule, and pushed by the fear of never having lived, James becomes the man who brings them their needs with a smile and a touch of customer service.

    When violent competition for the market heats up around him, James in a final climax must choose between death and what is giving him a newfound sensation of being alive.

    Thank you for considering The Delivery Cut. A hard or electronic copy can be sent upon request.

    Joseph Rakowski

  88. Hi Gary,
    what an awesome webpage!
    I just published my first book, a Victorian crime novel “The Devil’s Grin”. If you like this genre you could read the short synopsis, and if that tickled you enough, also the first three chapters at Goodreads:—first-three-chapters
    Best wishes

  89. Hello, Gary.

    I am writing on behalf of Lisa Bouchard, author of The Shattered Door. I am her assistant.

    The Shattered Door is set to launch this Friday, September 28. We are seeking reviews to be posted any time (obviously not this week; we understand schedules and limited reading time).

    Here is information about the book:
    The Shattered Door is a murder mystery/suspense with paranormal elements. I am seeking honest, objective reviews from established Amazon reviewers.

    Here is the synopsis:
    When publicist Kathleen Harrison is executed in her suburban home, the obvious suspect is her client and lover George Wynton, a known telepath. Boston attorney Dan Stevens is hired to defend George, but he has no use for telepaths, and so hands the investigative reins to Morrison Investigations.
    Novice private investigators Darcy and Olivia Morrison reluctantly agree to help Dan with the case. They recognize how invaluable the experience of working the high-profile case will be, but know it increases the risk of their secret being revealed. Once they accept the challenge, there will be no turning back, no matter how great the stakes.
    From Commonwealth Avenue to the Back Bay, The Shattered Door sweeps readers down into an underworld born from fear and bigotry, and up into the lives of Boston’s elite class where the real darkness lies.
    The Shattered Door is the first case in the Morrison Investigations series.

    Here is the Amazon link:

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Best Regards,
    Ellen M. Gregg for Lisa Bouchard

  90. Eric says:

    Hey Gary, thanks for being willing to read all these books! When you get a chance, I hope you can check out my historical fiction book, “The Memoirs of J.W. Bresee: 1897-1906.” I think you’ll enjoy it, but then again I may be biased. 🙂

  91. johnmierau says:

    For your consideration, I’d like to submit my most recent anthology, a shared world with contributions from 9 indie authors called WALK THE FIRE, and SUBVERSION, a near-future SF thriller novel.

    Please contact me if you have any questions!

    Thank you,
    John Mierau

  92. Graham says:

    My name is Graham Parke and I’m the author of a weird little novel called, ‘No Hope for Gomez!’
    I hope you will consider it for review. Ithas been flying under the radar for a while, quietly gathering awards and nominations, but now that the movie rights have been picked up, I thought it might be time to look for a little more exposure.

    Here are some details on the style and genre:

    “It’s the age-old tale:

    Boy meets girl.
    Boy stalks girl.
    Girl already has a stalker.
    Boy becomes her stalker-stalker.

    We’ve seen it all before, many times, but this time it’s different. If only slightly. When Gomez Porter becomes a test subject in an experimental drug trial, he is asked to keep track of any strange experiences through a blog.”

  93. Hey Gary!

    My name is Stephen Altrogge, and I wanted to ask you to consider reviewing my latest book “The Last Superhero”. It can be described as:

    The Wagners are a superhero family dynasty who have always protected the city of Coreopolis. The grandpa, John Utticus Wagner, is revered in the superhero community. He’s consistently invited to speak at superhero symposiums, has dined with the President, and has a sterling reputation as a model superhero. Every young superhero wants to be like John Utticus Wagner.

    Unfortunately, John’s son, Orville Wagner, is not the man his father is. He’s a terrible klutz who always manages to create disasters, like derailing subway trains and accidentally injuring innocent bystanders. Orville is mocked in the superhero community, and the family’s once sterling reputation is tarnished. They no longer are seen as the protectors of Coreopolis. They are the laughingstock of the city.

    When a new super villian starts terrorizing Coreopolis, it’s up to John, Orville, and Orville’s son, John II, to stop the villain and restore the family’s honor. The question is, can an old man, a klutz, and boy stop a maniacal super villain?

    You can find the book at:



  94. peloso says:

    I am hoping you would be willing to review my novel for your website.

    “First World Problems in an Age of Terrorism and Ennui” is a new contemporary literary fiction, novel by Dominic Peloso. The novel is a thoughtful account of the era of terrorism that doesn’t resort to sensationalism, jingoism, or patriotism. First World Problems focuses on the era around 9/11, but the book itself isn’t about the attack. The book is about bystanders. While most books focused on a major historical event like this involve actual participants in the event themselves, this doesn’t represent the typical experience of most people. Most people experienced 9/11 as just something they saw on tv, or were only affected by the slight inconvenience of a traffic jam. It was traumatic sure, but it wasn’t a personal trauma. This book is for people like that: non-participants who feel that they should be doing something, but have no idea what to do except watch the world on tv.


    First World Problems tells the existential struggles of a gen-x would-be revolutionary/terrorist who is frustrated that he can’t find a greater purpose or a cause worth fighting for. Set in DC between the WTO protests in 2000 and the attacks of 9/11, the protagonist- a disaffected, unreliable narrator who is irritated and bewildered with the world and the attitudes of those around him, wanders aimlessly through his interactions with coworkers, friends, and his girlfriend, all of whom seem to care about him but don’t understand him. He lashes out in a passive-aggressive way by maintaining a blog filled with tips “terrorists and anarchists” can use in their attacks, but the blog receives few hits or feedback, no matter how incendiary the posts. He attends the WTO demonstration hoping to experience a riot, but is disappointed at how artificial and tame political protests have become in the new millennium. He dreams of a major attack, just to shake up the status quo. But when 9/11 unfolds he is forced to reassess his goals and what is important in his life.


    The book is available on Amazon in trade paperback or as an ebook:

    Thank you in advance for your consideration.

    • Lisa Gordon says:

      Hey Gary,

      Really like your philosophy. You said that writing a book requires effort and that effort deserves to be appreciated. I think that there are many greta Indie books that maybe didn’t get published because the writer didn’t have the knowhow on how to approach publishers; it was the wrong genre at teh wrong time and publishers are scared to give anyone new a chance. Great to hear about Indie authors supporting other Indie authors.

      My book is called A Sealed Fate – it’s an unusual thriller with a philosophical twist.
      Details on:
      (The look inside link allows you to read teh 1st chapter.

      However my book may be too girly for a macho guy like yourself; so perhaps you would enjoy my friend Clive Hindle’s book (an action thriller) more:
      Here is his link:

      Thank you again Gary for reading this and for being so supportive if teh Indie industry.

      Love Lisa

  95. Laura Brewer says:

    Thank you Gary,

    It is amazing how many wonderful people are rallying in support of Indie Authors. We appreciate you.

    I would like to submit Selarial’s Song, book one of The Songs of Talmanor trilogy, for consideration. It’s Science Fiction with some fantasy/military/romance tangled together. (Ah, what webs our muses weave…) Think Andre Norton + Tom Clancy + space opera!

    Also, book two, Dream Song, is planned for release the end of October, so I won’t leave you hanging.

  96. Hi Gary,
    You have a great website. Indie authors, like us, tend to be shunned or ignored by many reviewers, thanks for keeping the hope alive!

    My name is Daryn Guarino and I have written two books (print and kindle editions available on Amazon) that I would love to have to review.

    First up is “Hitter”

    Hitter is crime fiction and, rather than the standard crime story told from the side of the police, Hitter is told from the side of the criminal. It’s the bloody biography of a professional killer. Although the story is technically fiction, my research involved speaking to dozens of actual killers, jailed and otherwise, so my source material is bloody and real. Want to know what the life of a hitman is really like? Take a walk in the shoes of a Hitter.

    Next is “Prey Until Dawn”

    Prey Until Dawn is horror fiction, a series of occult horror stories that centers around the terribly destructive knowledge contained in an ancient book. Darkly thrilling tales of heart-pounding torment, frantic desperation, and raw despair through the ages, Prey Until Dawn will have you sleeping with the lights on.

    Thank you sir!

  97. Dasrim Hasik says:

    Hi Gary, here is the link to my fiction novel, hope you will like it:


  98. Thanks for this opportunity, Gary. Here’s the link for my book, The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap.


  99. David Beers says:


    My name is David Beers, and I’m a horror novelist. I see that you review books, and was wondering if you would be interested in reviewing my debut novel, Dead Religion? Link:

    Thanks so much for your time reading this request, as I’m sure you get hit with many solicitations each day.

    Dead Religion:

    A hotel explodes in Mexico City, and all available evidence points to an American citizen, Alex Valdez, as the terrorist.

    The FBI is desperate to find the truth before the Mexican government can.

    Dead Religion follows the trail of FBI agent James Allison, who leaves his family and journeys to Mexico in order to find what secrets lay behind the destroyed hotel and all the lives lost with it. To do that though, Alex Valdez’s life must be laid bare—the blood rite his parents left him and the ‘God’ they felt had been unleashed on the world.

    Agent Allison races to find the truth in Mexico City, to uncover Valdez’s life, before he finds himself face to face with the same terror.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,
    David Beers

  100. Is she a headless woman or was she decapitated by a madman? Are babies born demons or is he a crazed monster hunting them? Is the phallic artifact actually his penis or something more sinister? What are those teeth doing between her legs?

    These are the questions you ask yourself while reading “Acetone Enema: A Morbid Collection of Short Stories & Poetry”. It’s new, curious and untested.

    There are two never before published stories, one written in collaboration with surrealist UK author Mike Philbin. The others were originally published in The House of Pain and in the Chimeraworld anthologies over the past decade.

    Let me know if you would entertain a hard copy or pdf for review.

    Thank you for time and consideration,


  101. Rob Swart says:

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for giving all of us your time.

    Title: Victor and Tristan
    Genre: Fantasy-Literary Fiction

    Having enough of a life investing money and brokering deals, John Smith retires to a quiet suburb in which he hopes nothing particularly interesting ever happens and where he can be left at peace with his philosophical musings. However, when the movers vacate the house across the cul de sac from his own, leaving behind the requisite odds, ends, and family, John finds his retirement and solitude upset by Victor and Tristan, the bookish son and fanciful daughter of the staid Mr. and Mrs. Ratling. From his first encounter with the pair and their strange views, John realizes that something unusual has come into his life.
    Victor and Tristan follows the pragmatic John Smith through his reality-expanding journey from the mundane into the fantastic. Travelling from the hills near his home to the plains of a distant world with Tristan, Victor, the frank Mrs. Grummings, the irreverent Iridan, the enigmatic Cassandra, and the alchemical android Janus, John comes to terms with the existence of magic, alchemy, alternate realities, and even the possibility of eternal life. However, the strange, once encountered, can never be shut neatly away: all who embrace the improbable are forever changed. Can John, Victor, and most importantly, Tristan retain their own ideals and identities when encountering people and events who defy the simple monikers of “good” and “evil”?

  102. Ali Gilmore says:

    This is very cool. I hope you do get the opportunity to do this full time. “Do what you love…” I (finally and happily) live by those words. My book is called “The C Card and Me – How I beat stage IV cancer (to a pulp)”
    It’s a quick read (under 70 pages) and is written as a conversation between myself, someone newly diagnosed and their loves ones. I challenge you any Amazon Prime member this, “If you don’t laugh or find yourself less afraid of cancer and better prepared to deal with it by the last page, I’ll reimburse you on the spot. Eyup.”

  103. tom says:

    Gary, Thanks for the opportunity. My book is called SEDITION. It’s a political thriller. The website for the book (with a blurb, an excerpt, and more about me) is at
    And here’s the amazon page:
    Best Wishes, Tom

  104. Cary Attwell says:

    Hello Gary! What a fabulous idea you’ve got going here. I see you’ve got quite a list of books to feast from, but I’ll add mine in the event that you’re looking for more!

    Title: The Other Guy
    Description: Emory James is, by his own admission, not the type of person the adjective exciting would ever deign to touch with a ten-foot pole. Cautious, reserved and staid, however, all crowd around him like best friends. Still, he gets by — or at least he gets by up until his fiancée dumps him at the altar. Out of spite, he takes a solo honeymoon to Thailand, where he can pretend to be someone better than himself for a little while. In meeting Nate, a fellow traveler, Emory slowly discovers how to stop pretending.




  105. Lisa Kenneth says:

    Thanks for helping al us Authors out. Just the thought of it is great.

    Title: Nutrition Superfood Reference – Live A Longer, Healthier And Sexier Life. (The Secret Superfood Series)
    Genre: Non-Fiction: Health

    Amazon Link:

    I have written a 4 volume Secret Superfood Series and this is all 4 volumes wrapped up into 1. Superfoods are foods that are known to be nutrient dense. They are special foods, some familiar, some not. The common theme with all superfoods is that increased consumption of these specific foods will likely have a very positive impact on overall health.The significance of eating them is that they have the innate ability to-

    – prevent diseases
    – halt diseases or slow down their progress
    – help to reduce weight
    – slows the process of ageing
    – reduces possible chances of cancer
    – improves heart health
    – superfoods may help retard the growth of tumors.
    – Aids in digestion and boosts immunity.
    – certain superfoods contain indole compound which initiates the production of enzymes that are protective against cancer.

    There are many such superfoods that are loaded with nutrients that help the body immensely and with this Secret Superfood Series Bundle you will not only learn all the amazing benefits but you get over 120 recipes so you can easily and quickly incorporate them into your everyday life and diet.

  106. The crew of the fishing vessel Jubilee face danger every day in the North Atlantic. But when a trusted crew member turns against them, they are thrust into peril when they are forced into uncharted waters east of the Hague Line.

  107. Pat Frayne says:

    Hi Gary,
    I write adventurous mysteries for ages 8-12. My stories are about a mystical cat with magical powers. The stories are a little scary, lots of fun, and there’s an emphasis on the value of friendship and loyalty. My reviews are from parents and grandparents who love fairy tales

    Book Description: Topaz and the Plum-Gista Stone: (65 words)
    Topaz and his raccoon friend, Dooley, face life-threatening dangers when they try to help an old friend. Circumstances beyond their control force them to travel to a forbidden land in search of a rare and precious stone. Terrifying events cause Topaz to wonder if his conjure powers will be enough to protect them as dark magical forces begin to close in.

    .AMAZON (KINDLE) paperback

  108. Francene says:

    Hi Gary,
    Thanks for your review site which provides such a valuable service to indie authors. I’m seeking reviews for my paranormal novella series Eternal Hunger. Below is the blurb and link. Hope it piques your interest!


    Lucia West is enjoying her bachelorette party at a nightclub when she is bitten by a man on the dance floor. From this moment onwards her world is turned upside down as she is haunted by giant bats and a strange glowing figure in the park outside her bedroom window. As Lucia struggles to work out what is real she must confront her own deep-seated fears about marriage and her desire for a different life.

    Her journey towards self-discovery takes Lucia into the glamorous world of the clan, the name given to the vampires that control the world’s financial and political systems to feed their insatiable greed. When she cannot bring herself to become one of them, she is forced to flee for her life with Drake L’amour, the vampire who turned her into an immortal. They are plunged onto a roller-coaster ride of thrills and terror as they travel from their lover’s hideout in the most inhospitable part of the world to a dark rat-infested dungeon in Transylvania, and finally to an abandoned mansion in Detroit, Michigan, where rebel vampires plot to bring down the clan once and for all.

    Eternal Hunger is about one woman’s awakening as her society teeters on the brink of destruction and the unseen forces that have led to this point. Above all else it is a love story as Lucia and Drake learn what it means to truly care for one another.

  109. Tyler Rudd Hall says:

    Hey Gary,

    My book is the first in a sci-fi space opera trilogy. It’s called CATALYST: Book 1 in the Ronos trilogy. My goal with writing this book was to self publish a book that disn’t look like it was self published. The cover was professionally designed and the book was edited by a professional.

    As for a little bit of what it’s about there are conspiracy theories, space battles, city sized destruction, missing family members, lost love, secret planets, and mysterious allies. I have more information on my blog.

    Here is the Amazon link. I hope you like it.

  110. authorjplane says:

    I just read your review of Charles Dougherty’s Bluewater Killer, a book I thoroughly enjoyed, one reason being that I’m originally from Jamaica and know the Caribbean well. Your excellent review of Bluewater Killer prompted me to ask if you would review my thriller, which is basically about an island government’s involvement in international cocaine trafficking. If you’re interested in reading my book, I’m happy to wait for as long as it takes for you to get to it. Your generosity in supporting the author community by way of reviews is greatly appreciated.

    Title: The Tangled Web: an international web of intrigue, murder and romance
    Author: J.P. Lane

    Book Description:

    When top Caribbean reporter Lauren Anderson gets on the trail of a major story involving government ties to drug cartels, she steps into a world where nothing is as it seems. Her aunt, who happens to be a government minister, has some of the answers, but is staying tight lipped. Business magnate Logan Armstrong, a member of the island elite, has some answers, too. But can he be trusted?
    When her aunt asks her to deliver a mysterious package while on a trip to London, Lauren finds herself drawn further into the intrigue. As she digs deeper she starts to uncover an international conspiracy involving drug trafficking, hired assassins and deadly political plots. But can Lauren untangle the web before it’s too late? And what is the dark secret she and Armstrong will eventually share?

    Kindle (US):

  111. I admire your methods. Complete objectivity is a wonderful thing.

    Like others commenting, I wonder if any of mine would interest you? I write Fantasy and Steampunk.

    Dance of the Goblins begins the series I’m just finishing now

    and The Wake of the Dragon is my first Steampunk, soon to be followed by more

    All of my fiction titles are on sale for $2.99 until Christmas, usually $4.99.

    I shall have a close look at your book. 🙂

  112. John Leahy says:

    Hello Gary
    I’m wondering would you be interested in reviewing my sci-fi horror novel CROGIAN (released Aug 3rd last under Necro Publications, available as ebook and trade paperback)?

    Here’s a recent review of the book:

    The book’s live page on the publisher’s site is as follows:

    An excerpt can be read here:

    Here’s the link to the Amazon selling page:

    CROGIAN (an acronym derived from CReator Of GIANts) is a military-experiment-goes-wrong formula, with elements of Stephen King’s The Mist/The Stand/The Tommyknockers and Justin Cronin’s The Passage. The novel is 87670 words in length.

    Brief Summary:
    The U.S. Air Force make an incredible discovery in an Alaskan creek, giving them the means to open a doorway in space. A probe is sent through the doorway and brings back a soil sample from a strange planet. A molecule is isolated from the sample and developed as a deadly weapon. It leaks into the atmosphere over Southeast Texas unleashing legions of mutated insects, plants, fish and reptiles upon the population. At the heart of the story is the flight to sanctuary of Ken Forde and his family as they embark on a perilous trek to Houston through a nightmarish new world.

    Thanking you for getting this website going,
    John Leahy

  113. Nancy Madore says:

    Hi Gary,

    I’ve just launched THE HIDDEN ONES, Book 1 of a series that digs up the past (ancient Mesopotamia) in search of answers to a modern day mystery. It is historical fiction, with paranormal elements as they pertain to the ancient legends and mythology. I think you’ll find it’s very different from most of the paranormal books out there.

    You can read more about it and ‘Look Inside the Book’ here:

    If you want a copy to review, just email me at


    Nancy Madore

  114. Hi there,
    Great blog you have here! Really good to see others flying that indie author flag 🙂

    My debut novel is a comedy called The Drought which has been getting some great feedback and reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

    Brief summary: The Drought is the laugh-out-loud tale of one man’s quest to overcome the throes of a sexual drought. After the stormy break-up with his girlfriend of three years, Dan Hilles is faced with the daunting task of throwing himself back into the life of a single man. With the help of his three best pals, Dan is desperate and determined to get his leg-over with hilarious consequences!

    You can download the sample and the full eBook version from Smashwords here:

    And you can find out more about me, my book, the characters, and a few more reviews here:


  115. Jacob Donley says:

    I like the honest and open approach you have. I have 5 short stories on Amazon right now. My most recent is A STORM OF CHAOS, free today on Amazon. It is a fantasy short story, that is the first of 10 in THE COLLIDING EMPIRES collection. In this short story, Aithne is given the opportunity to prove herself by attending the Journey of Selection of the cultists of Kaalnor, the god of chaos. She dreams of attaining the first order among the cultists and will do anything to rise in the cult.

  116. Ben Woodard says:

    Hi Gary,

    And now for something completely different, or maybe retro.

    I grew up almost living in the local library. Reading was my escape and the library was my portal. I loved boys adventure stories and have been amazed at the reports that say boys don’t read. So I decided to write the kind of stories I remembered. The result is A Stairway To Danger. More edgy than what I read, maybe The Hardy Boys on steroids. It’s probably PG. Some mild cursing and violence. Nothing too terrible, but there are guns and dead bodies.

    Here’s a blurb:
    Will flips the body over with his boot. The eyeless face shocks Tom.
    It’s 1923 and two small town boys’ curiosity about a rusty barge immerses them in a harrowing mystery.
    Tom’s past haunts him as the boys and their friends battle a shadowy group. Will Tom’s “crazy” book ideas save them, or get them killed? And where does the stairway to danger lead?

  117. Love your approach and support of indie authors. I’d appreciate a review of my young adult fantasy book, Siren Song. Think Twilight meets The Hobbit with a strong heroine and a dash of humor. It’s available both as a written and ebook. Here’s the link, which contains the “look inside” feature so that you can check out the first three chapters.

    Thanks again for your open approach!

  118. David D. D'Aguanno says:

    Hi, Gary! You know me as the creator of that bum Brett, but on this occasion, I’d like to call your attention to a book of mine that just became available this week. I have written it, using the pen name David Dennis, so as to differentiate it from the Brett books. The title is “Why She Left Us” and is told by five different characters as narrators, alternating chapters between each of the five people, and even alternating time periods (clearly marked in the novel itself). It’s basically a serious work involving murder, suicide, betrayal, revenge, and with a heart-breaking love story at its center (as far removed from Brett as you can possibly get, I would think). Please take a look at it. I’d love for you to read it & review it, if you think you could go for a work that I hope readers will find profoundly moving.
    Here’s the link:
    Thanks for reading this message.

  119. David D. D'Aguanno says:

    Thank you, & have a great weekend!

  120. neihtn2012 says:


    I like your straightforward approach to reviewing books. Here’s the link to my first fiction book, Village Teacher, available on Amazon in bot print and Kindle versions.

    I hope you will read it, and enjoy it.

    Hien Nguyen

  121. Roy says:

    Hi Gary, great site :0) I’ve just published my debut YA novel – SKY. It’s a paranormal/ sci-fi story written mainly from a male’s POV. Here’s the words from the back cover. You can read more with Amazon’s look inside at

    Tomas Moone has a secret – he’s terrified if anyone found out, he’ll lose the girl of his dreams he’s so desperate to meet.
    Selene has a secret – she fears if Tomas discovers the truth, he’ll reject her, and the last of her race will be lost forever.
    Carly has no secrets – she’s in a coma. If Tomas fails to rescue her, she will suffer an eternity of horror and torment.
    For the first time in her career, Shelley has a killer story, but she dare not tell it… no one would ever believe her.

    So hope you get chance to take a look.
    Keep up the good work.

    R.E. Palmer (UK)

  122. Carl P says:

    Hi Gary

    I’ve been looking around your site and I think you’re doing a great job. Your reviews are good and your efforts are commendable. When it comes to writing, writing reviews is an art of its own.

    I’d love it if you could take a look at my new novel: Sorceress’ Blood

    It’s a contemporary fantasy, adventure novel and I’m having an “I just released a novel” sale so its only $0.99 at the moment. I hope you get a chance to have a look.

  123. Tom Hamilton says:

    Dear Gary

    Would you be kind enough to review my horror short story collection. “The Pit Bull and other Tales.” Or my novella, “The Darkened Corner,” You can read both books for free at the Philistine Press website. Or download them in multiple formats from various websites, all completely free. I understand that you have many review requests and that you are very busy. I don’t care how long it takes for you to get around to reviewing either book and if you never get a chance to review them there is no hard feelings. Thanks for reading this note.

  124. Hi Gary.
    Wow: your one-man campaign to review independent authors leaves me speechless with admiration. Having independently published two novels this year, I have really come to appreciate that the hardest part of being an independent author isn’t the writing and endless editing – hard though that is, at least it’s enjoyable and rewarding – but persuading someone, anyone, to leave a review. I’ve had great feedback from complete strangers via Facebook and e-mail but when I’ve politely requested that they share their views on Amazon, they’ve disappeared, never to be heard of again!

    Reading your blog, I’ve tried to decide whether or not my writing would be to your taste but on the basis that the contents of your Kindle constitute an eclectic mix, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way to find out is to provide you with the details and let you decide for yourself!

    ‘The Worst of Lies’ is set in 1829, when conditions for ordinary people in southern-England are harsh. Wages are being lowered and food prices are increasing, such that young girls are often inclined to choose a husband for the prospects and security he offers rather than for love; a risky undertaking when wives must submit to the will of their husbands and wedding vows are binding. But when seventeen-year old Mary Springer marries George Strong, eight years her senior, she believes that she is doing so for the best of reasons. And for his part, George believes that he is gaining a capable wife, who is sufficient of a contrast to his former lover, Annie – the woman now married to his brother – to enable him to finally break-free from his obsession with her.

    But on their wedding night, George is unsettled to find that he feels no physical attraction to his young and innocent wife and for her part, Mary is disappointed by her first experience of sex. With no means of knowing any different, Mary learns to live with her husband’s cold and distant behaviour, unaware that he is struggling to resist determined attempts by his sister-in-law to rekindle their relationship. So when Annie is widowed by the unexplained death of her husband and a young farm-hand offers Mary the chance to discover what is missing from her life, their already shaky union deteriorates further, until a succession of unforeseen events finally forces them both to make a choice.

    In genre terms, I’m still searching for a happy fit (so if you decide to read it, maybe you will let me know what you think in that respect) but I describe it as a book about tangled relationships and the desire for fulfilment at a time when marriage was a lifetime commitment and when duty came before personal happiness.

    This is the link to the Kindle version on Amazon:

    And this is the link to one of the blogs I write in support of this series of books:

    I hope my writing piques your interest but either way, keep up the good work!


  125. Nick Wisseman says:

    Hi Gary,

    I think you’ll enjoy Outcasts, my 51,000-word collection of fantasy, science fiction, and paranormal short stories, several of which also have a historical bent. Descriptions of the collection and each story are below, along with Smashwords coupon codes for free downloads. (If you want everything, download Outcasts. If you only want a few things, pick and choose as you please.)

    Don’t feel obligated, but I’d be thrilled if you could post reviews to Amazon, Smashwords, and your website.


    Nick Wisseman,


    Outcasts (the collection; includes the ten stories below – coupon code HV78V): Unwilling saviors, fumbling gods, speechless leaders, helpless villains, misguided detectives, abandoned heroes, misled daughters, repentant adulterers, murdered authors, jilted conquerors…

    These are my outcasts.

    And these are their stories.

    Branded Faith (fantasy – available upon request): A nameless stranger lingers in a dingy tavern, trying and failing to stay one drink ahead of the memories that won’t let him be. He seems weaker than mere drunkenness would explain: the room’s paltry illumination still seems too bright for him, and even the softest sounds make him cringe. Just as he summons the will to put down his cup and leave, a group of traders barge in and loudly discuss the latest developments in the religious war between the followers of Jonders and Jenowade. Part of the stranger hopes they don’t recognize him for the Jonderin messiah-turned-demon; another part of him searches for the slightest provocation.

    Charted Waters (historical fantasy – coupon code PA26Z): In the middle of a nighttime battle during the latter stages of the French Revolution, a British ship smashes into a massive black cliff hundreds of miles from any known landmass. Just as bewildered as its now crippled adversary, the pursuing French ship holds its fire until morning, when the crews of both vessels are struck dumb by the impossible regularity of the cliff’s perfectly vertical sides and endless surface.

    Over the next week, Ryan, the English captain, and Martin, the French captain, form an uneasy alliance in their quest to unravel the mystery of the impossible cliff and keep its inescapable presence from causing their crews to mutiny.

    Ghost Writer (horror – free to download): A dead writer asks you to help him kill. He’s not asking for complicity in a murder, however; he’s asking for vengeance.

    The target is a monster of a man who did terrible things to the writer’s family.

    The choice is yours: finish the story and help administer justice, or put the tale down unfinished and leave the monster’s fate in someone else’s hands?

    Love and World Eaters (paranormal mystery / historical fantasy – available upon request): Aliah knows some of the artifacts stored in the bowels of the Chicago Field Museum are coated with arsenic, but as long as she keeps her gloves on, she doesn’t think any of the items are actively dangerous… until a sliver of bone knifes through her skin and swims off in her bloodstream.

    Shortly thereafter, Aliah starts to experience the past of every artifact she touches. This unasked for ability quickly entangles her in one of the greatest Who Dunnits? of all time: the murder of Philip II, Alexander the Great’s father.

    Low-Limb High (paranormal mystery – coupon code PT22D): Caroline’s brother ran away from home shortly after her dad walked out. She doesn’t know why either left.

    Then she finds her dad’s watch.

    It’s not particularly pretty, and it doesn’t tell time anymore, but when she inserts the family heirloom into her home-made dioramas, the shoeboxes’ static scenes come to life and reenact the series of events that led to her household’s disintegration.

    Permanence (post-apocalyptic – coupon code ZN89F): They’re stranded on an island. They don’t have any food or water. Their captain’s all but lost his mind.

    Things could be better.

    But they could also be worse. While the rest of humanity continues to fight World War III, the six members of the Citizen’s Brigade gradually learn to coexist with their remote environment and each other.

    Revisions (science fiction / historical fantasy – free to download): After a sudden car accident, Blake opens his eyes and sees nothing but darkness and scrolling text: “The fact that you’re reading this means you’re a) literate, and b) dead. Congratulations. You’ve met both preconditions.” Before he can read much more, Blake is transported to 1905 Russia, where he’s killed (again) moments after arriving.

    Over the next several days, the pattern repeats itself twice more as Blake’s tossed into first century B.C. Rome and then 1941 Hawaii (just before Pearl Harbor). In between these visits – and the deaths that violently end each one – Blake tries to learn the truth about what’s happening to him from his cryptic new mentor, Galen.

    Smile (paranormal – coupon code NT82F): While Tammy, a teenage soccer star and budding writer, contemplates her adolescent problems and waits for her flaky mom to pick her up from practice, a stranger takes a secret picture of her. Tammy shivers as the camera captures her image, but she doesn’t notice anything else out of the ordinary until the next day, when the stranger starts to develop his film.

    Then her life begins falling apart.

    Piece-by-piece, the things that make her Tammy are parceled out to other girls, and she starts to feel more and more invisible, fading from real life as her image comes in to focus on the stranger’s light-sensitive paper.

    Splintered (science fiction – coupon code EP66N): Without warning, the ceiling above Jason’s hospital bed bends, collapses, and then vanishes all together as another dimension fills the void. But the transition isn’t about replacement: impossible as it seems, the two worlds are merging into one. Jason flees the hospital just in time to avoid the final, violent implosion… only to return to the resulting portal when the mysterious stranger who saved him insists there’s no other way to prevent the same thing from happening to every version of the universe.

    Time Trick (science fiction – coupon code US56H): Jim’s let his mind wander to other women during sex with his wife before. He’s even strayed physically a few times. But he’s never cheated on her with a prostitute… until today.

    Bad move: this hooker is a time machine. No, really. Sleeping with her transports Jim back to whatever intimate moment he’s thinking of when their act of adultery begins. At first the literal flashbacks are intoxicating, but when they cause him to destroy his present, they become the only means of salvaging what’s left of his life… and finally doing right by his wife.

  126. rustynailmag says:

    Hi Gary,

    My name is Craig Hart. I am publisher for Sweatshoppe Publications. This week we published our first book, a novel by Jim Meirose. I’d love to get a review from you to help get Sweatshoppe and Mr. Meirose’s book off the ground. To learn more about Sweatshoppe’s publishing philosophy, you can check out Below is the information about the title.

    Title: Monkey
    Author: Jim Meirose Link:
    Summary: Being rewarded with a pink slip after forty years of reliable service as a county mechanic changes a man. When George tells his family the crushing news, his oldest son, nicknamed Monkey and long his father’s favorite, doesn’t want to take it sitting down. Monkey enlists the help of his younger brother Kevin in his plan to make their father’s former employer pay for tossing him aside. Monkey is the story from four points of view of that plan, the changes it etches into Monkey’s family, and its devastating cost.

    Thanks for considering our new book.

    – Craig Hart

  127. J.D. Barnett says:

    This is such a great idea –thank you for doing this!

    If you can, I’d love for you to check out my first novel, All the Devil’s Creatures, a paranormal thirller. The full synopsis is on Amazon at , but here is a short blurb:

    A lynching on a secluded bayou. A strange boy with supernatural powers. Rogue science.

    It falls to small-time environmental lawyer Geoff Waltz to unravel the deadly conspiracy that connects these mysteries. Withdrawn from life and work since the death of his wife, Geoff wants only to secure a quick settlement from a petrochemical company he has sued for polluting a fragile bayou along the Texas-Louisiana border. But the lynching victim worked for him. And the odd, beautiful boy is his client’s grandson. Soon, with the help of private investigator Marisol Solis, he learns that there is something more sinister going on at the bayou than a chemical spill—secret work at a hidden facility that stretches the bounds of known science.

    Thanks so much,

    j.d. barnett

  128. mark parker says:

    Hi, I like your site. I wrote a poetry, stories & lyrics book, it’s called ‘Cretaceous Too’
    Thank you for considerating my collection book! -damie evers 🙂

  129. Matt Bower says:

    Hi Gary,

    If you’re “to-read” list is half as long as this comment list, you’re Kindle should be smoking.
    I hope you would consider reading and reviewing my novel Save Me, Rip Orion. This is a work of literary fiction and satire.

    The Amazon link is:

    A short description is: An abandoned house is set aflame. Roscoe stumbles upon evidence that reveals the arsonist’s next target. Evoking his childhood icon, the mighty Rip Orion, Roscoe decides to become the real life version of the superhero and apprehend the pyromaniac. However, the fantasy rapidly unravels when events don’t unfold in classic comic book fashion. To save the world, Roscoe must play the role of villain.

    Let me know if you are interested,

  130. Suhail says:

    Dear Gary

    My book, Living With Smoke, is out on the Kindle Store now.

    Set in Bangalore, this book narrates the stories of three individuals, Sujoy, Nisha and Smoke, against the backdrop of a global economic recession and how each copes with the effects of it.

    A short description is as follows:
    Life is so well-balanced that unknown to your very own self, there always appears an opportunity; that second chance to chase your ambitions and dreams. So, how do you know when you are presented with that second chance? And, at what cost will you follow your dreams again?

    When his marriage fails and business falls in quick succession, both during the thick of an economic recession, Sujoy Prem feels he is at the end. A young woman, a fresh management grad though, feels that it is not yet the end. Nisha John persists in following the once-successful Sujoy as she persuades him to make a comeback. Sujoy, however, prefers to run away from what is necessarily the only thing he will ever be good at. Hardly does each know what is in store until Smoke comes in.

    Shabby and outrageously impolite, Smoke would be any man’s last choice for a roommate. Yet, here he is, sharing a room with the extremely systematic perfectionist that is Sujoy. There is more to Smoke though. He is a man with an imperfect past and shuns talking about it. Yet, as each look beyond the other’s differences, they see a new life ahead.

    Nisha, meanwhile, finds herself increasingly drawn into the love of her life, all the while keeping secrets close to her heart; secrets that could expose her for all that she was deep inside.

    Will Sujoy seize at his second chance? Will Smoke regain everything he almost lost once? Will Nisha realize her folly and fall back in love?

    The book is available at

    I hope you will enjoy reading this one.


  131. Title: The Park

    Author: Shane Jeffery

    Genre: Horror
    Word count: 66,000


    Short-take: A group of boys get lost in a theme park run by pedophiles.

  132. “Cure” is about 70,000 words in length and is the first in the Strandville Series.
    Amazon link:

    About the novel:

    **Runner-up in the 2012 Halloween Book Festival
    **Recently optioned for film

    In Strandville, there are worse fates than becoming undead.

    “Creepy and claustrophobic, with enough gore to please any zombie-phile,
    Frisch’s book begins promisingly. Her omniscient narrator takes particular joy
    in the visceral details of horror, tweaking the reader’s senses with a bevy of
    bodily fluids and dismembered limbs.” Kirkus Reviews

    Welcome to the Nixon Healing and Research Center, playground for the maniacal
    Dr. Howard Nixon whose medical research has him dabbling in the undead and has
    the women of Strandville disappearing.

    Desperate to find a cure for the lethal virus which turns its victims into
    zombies, Nixon kidnaps Miranda Penton, a security recruit with a past that won’t
    let her go. He doesn’t count on anyone coming looking for her, least of all her
    ex-husband, Scott, who is still in love with her.

    A warning call brings Scott to Strandville where he bands together with a team
    of locals determined to bring their own loved ones home. Together, they
    infiltrate Nixon’s staff, hatching a plan that releases not only the surviving
    women, but the virus on those left in the hospital.

    Nixon locks down the center to contain the spread, turning patients, visitors,
    and staff into a dangerous horde that is almost impossible to escape. Miranda
    and the others fight for their lives, but their getaway is further complicated
    by a raging storm and a homicidal security guard. The town of Strandville is
    ground zero for the zombie apocalypse and Miranda must get free because the fate
    of humanity lies with her unborn child.

    About the author:

    Belinda Frisch’s fiction has appeared in Shroud Magazine, Dabblestone Horror,
    and Tales of Zombie War. She is an honorable mention winner in the Writer’s
    Digest 76th Annual Writing Competition and her novel, CURE, is the runner-up in
    the General Fiction category of the 2012 Halloween Book Festival. She is the
    author of DEAD SPELL, PAYBACK, and CURE, the first in the Strandville Zombie
    Series which has recently been optioned for film.

    Thanks for reading and reviewing indie!

  133. Rhea Seren Phillips says:


    My name is Rhea Seren Phillips, I am representing an indie author and her novel, ‘Music of Spheres: An Unfinished Journey.’ We would be grateful if you would consider reviewing the manuscript. We haven’t published yet but it should be up on Smashword and CreateaSpace by the end of the month.

    BLURB: “England for me is home and New Zealand, where I have spent the last thirty years, sadly is not.”

    After living for many years in New Zealand and still unable to feel that it was her home, Glenis Carlton decides to return to live and work in Britain. She compares the country that she left in 1957 with the Britain of the nineties, recording her impressions, the fulfilment of her expectations, and sometimes her disillusionment. She describes what it was like to be an immigrant in New Zealand, feelings which many who arrived from England in the fifties will relate to.

    There are amusing anecdotes and observations, told with frankness and humour, as the author travels and works as a market research interviewer, as a steward at the Royal Albert Hall. Returning to the Derbyshire village of her childhood, where memories of the years during and after the war are revived, she also visits other places of her youth, the Cotswolds, Normandy, Paris and London, a city of poverty and wealth, and unaccountability, but still a much-loved city for all that. But where exactly her home will be becomes less of an issue. The book is a progression in maturity, a journey back in time and space to find the ‘essential self’. It should give inspiration, especially to women and those living alone. That life can have possibilities, choices. That we should believe in ourselves.

    We will, of course, promote your blog through our own website. If there is any specific links we could add please say, we’d be more than happy to assist. Please e-mail me and I will send you a copy. Thank you for your time.

  134. Hi Gary,

    First let me just say that I admire what you are doing. So many people want to write and don’t realize how much work has to go into promoting books in order for them to be successes. I have to admit I fell in this category, but I’m doing my best to work on promoting my book.

    My story was just recently published to Amazon. Its really a long short story, if that makes any sense. It’s around 9,600 words and available for now for free in the Amazon Lending Library. Here is the link:

    The story is science fiction/fantasy. Amber Collins is a young woman who has a strange key. This key can open any door and connect it to any other door in existence, creating a portal. Unfortunately for Amber, a league of assassins, known as the Dark Men, are after Amber and the key. Amber, with the help of an old school friend, James Rook, must destroy the key before the Dark Men get their hands on it.

    More details about this book can also be found on my website:

    Thanks a lot for your consideration. It will be a quick read, but I hope you do. I am open to any critiques you may have as well, I’m looking to improve my writing as well. Thanks so much!

  135. Hi, Gary,

    A really terrific blog! Congratulations on such a great job.

    I have published an eBook, Falling In Love. Based on a true story, Falling In Love is an inspirational novel about a young woman’s struggle to overcome sexual addiction.

    Here is the synopsis:
    Sherry Johnson is young, beautiful, bright and athletic. She has everything going for her, except for one thing. She is addicted to love. Her life is a vicious circle of nightly trysts and morning regrets.
    Her addiction got her kicked out of college, cost her the love of her life and has left her in complete despair. But still Sherry keeps falling in love. And falling. And falling.
    Finally, as Sherry struggles to pull herself up from a bottomless abyss, she realizes that she will have to learn to love the one person she has loathed for most of her life. Herself.
    Based on the True Story of a Young Woman’s Battle with Sexual Addiction

    Free sample pages can be found at:
    My website:
    Barnes & Noble:
    Reviews can be found at:

    I just put American Goddesses on my TBR list.


    Stephen Bradlee

  136. P J Willett says:

    I am amazed at the service you provide. I am very excited at the prospect of you reading my book.

    ‘Will Proles’ Rise’ A YA novel about a victimised member of the underclass who discovers he has the ability to rise up. Will he make the noble decisions that he seemed so capable of making when he was powerless?

    I would love a sincere review.


    P J Willett

  137. Dear Gary,

    I’ve honestly never heard of a book reviewer paying for the books. I’m happy to send you a copy. Either way, let me know if you would be interested. I’m currently repped by The Castiglia Agency and before going to publishers, and because of the latest trend (big publishers picking up new authors who have self-pubbed and sold ‘so many’ copies, she decided it would be better for me to self-pub until I gather a following – if I am to be so lucky. I just went live last week.

    Title: Days of Love and Blood

    The Demon Virus spreads worldwide in a matter of days leaving nothing but a few uninfected people in its path along with disease-riddled survivors who possess homicidal tendencies.

    Carson drives across the country, back to her parents’ farm, with her son Ronan to begin a new life in a post-apocalyptic world. There she discovers more uninfected people like herself and attempts to build new relationships after the devastating loss of her husband.

    Two men distract Carson from her grief, each possessing different characteristics that she found, loved and needed in her husband. Cooper has a bad attitude but gives Carson the space she needs with his self-sufficient, independent ways. Ben panders after her but exhibits a kindness she appreciates. Neither of them embody all of which she lost in her husband’s death.

    The need for human interaction intertwines with the daily struggle of tribulation, remorse and adjustment, revolving around the constant battles between the uninfected and the last remaining homicidal maniacs. Days of Love and Blood is a story which examines the bonds created between people in times of change with an unexpected shocking end that will have you questioning your own threshold for pain.


    Thank you so much!

    R.S. Carter

  138. AJ Knauss says:

    Hi Gary, What a great blog! Writing is only the beginning, any word of mouth support is worth its weight in gold. Details below if you would care to add ROOM FOUR to your list. Thanks for your support of indie authors!

    “It’s just after Christmas and Alan Fries, hapless accountant, wonders why nurses with antler hats are hovering over him. He endures a three day coma stuck with only Jerry for company, an 87 year old crank who died in the same room earlier but is waiting for someone to sign the death certificate. Jerry and Alan becomes dead flies on the wall of an aging Chicago hospital and observe the staff…the doctor who leaves his sperm sample in the work fridge, the veteran nurse putting the kibosh on an intern’s crush, the holiday hamfork injuries and the various nutcases who file through the ER doors. When they uncover a billing scandal and the truth about the corrupt CEO who is bankrupting the hospital they get to work. But can they put the proof in front of the eyes of the living in time? Can they save the hospital before driving each other crazy? Will Alan get resuscitated and start the bucket list he never had? A grouchy, laugh-out-loud, heartwarming tale of how tough love shines through the crustiest exterior.” ROOM FOUR, by AJ Knauss, Kirkus Best of 2012

  139. The Red Suitcases: One Part Thriller, One Part Romance, One Part Mystery

    Can Becky Castle pursue love and still save London from a terrorist plot? The Red Suitcases invites readers on a fast-paced, exciting anti-terrorism effort, while still highlighting the steamy and sultry connection between man and woman.

    Author blog:

    Link to Amazon:

  140. Tom Dowd says:

    Hi Gary-
    FREE Kindle download of “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-Speaking Guide” 2/5-2/6

    Summary: From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide
    ISBN: 978-1-938883-04-0
    ASIN: B009H8LB22
    Amazon link:

    This practical guide will share concise methods to overcome anxiety, relate to any audience, develop an effective presentation, make your message count, and stir emotion. The tips and techniques are bite-sized nuggets that will resonate with speakers of all levels—from those wanting to survive a speech to professionals needing reinforcement to hone their craft. Building off the fundamentals of public speaking and presentation skills, this guide offers a practicality that will stand the test of time. Readers will see that effective public speaking has more to do with confidence than communication skills. Public speaking is everywhere, not just at a podium, and successful public speaking skills can be developed with easy-to-follow steps. Readers will find that their own success, both personal and professional, is directly related to their ability to communicate effectively. Using personal examples of his triumphs and lessons learned, Tom shares his journey to get past the emotion of fear that has gripped everyone at some time in their lives when they stared into a crowd. The techniques included will build the confidence to not just survive one moment, but teach you to play to your own strengths and enjoy a lifetime of effective communication, strong leadership, and lasting personal relationships. Most people already have the groundwork to be a great public speaker. From Fear to Success maneuvers past your trepidations into a new world of self-assurance to build upon this foundation.

    Book Trailer:

  141. Hello Gary;

    What a wonderful site, with such a genuine, (not to mention generous,) approach to supporting independant publishing. Your reviews are supportive, simply written and humble, in comparison to your own aspirations. I wish you all the best in this wonderful project.

    If there is space, or interest, my debute novel is called “Mirror Face.” It is written for the YA market but definately has cross-over appeal in that I also classify it as literary fiction. You can find the synopsis, and then sample here on Amazon:

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to know your thoughts.

  142. annajroberts says:

    Hi Gary,

    Wonderful site you have here. I’m just going to leave you the link for my novel, Summerland – a historical novel set in 1920’s Britain about the activities of fraudulent mediums. I’d be really thrilled if you found the time to read it, but obviously you’re very busy!


    Anna Roberts

  143. Hi Gary,
    Please consider my debut book for review. It is an adult historical romance with a touch of paranormal. This is book 1 of my series – book 2/5 is being edited as I write so it’s a ‘coming soon.’

    “If you love the magic of romance and the romance of magic, this is a book for you.” Ken Weene, author
    Janelle’s Time is the epic story of the great love between a New Hampshire farmer’s daughter, Janelle LeDuc, and Richard Grayson, the son of an English Duke.
    From her father’s death in a logging accident to barely surviving the birth of twin daughters, Janelle’s penchant for getting into ‘situations’ makes it difficult for Richard to protect her.
    Unaware of Janelle’s maternal-line powers, the couple accidentally time-travels to 14th century England, meeting Richard’s ancestors, and discovering a startling truth about Richard’s aristocratic family that nearly destroys their relationship.
    Logan, the Scots Duke of Muileach, and longtime friend of Richard, crashes the couple’s wedding, bent on revenge for an unfortunate incident from when the Richard and Logan spent time in Paris, but the result of this confrontation surprises everyone.
    On their wedding trip to England, they learn about Richard’s childhood friend, Nick, tired of waiting to inherit Statler Hall, has killed his parents. Upon meeting Janelle, Nick decides to kidnap her to replace the wife who’d left him, and to kill Richard and his brother, Sinjin, in the process.
    Later, mugged and left for dead, Richard, suffering from amnesia, betrays Janelle who leaves him and returns to NH, unaware she’s pregnant. Richard finally arrives home, recovered; but another blunder sends him into exile until after their son’s birth.
    Will their love survive their different backgrounds? Will their marriage endure the many months spent apart? Will the endless obstacles life throws at them spell the end for them? Can this couple learn to love again?
    I have a new website/blog –
    ( is inactive.)

  144. johnandolga says:

    Hi Gary,

    I love your straight-forward approach. Thank you for considering our first novel, WHEREWOLVES.

    By John Vamvas and Olga Montes
    Genre(s): YA, Horror, Thriller
    48000 words

    A group of high school seniors and their teacher, The Sarge, go on a survival training weekend and must face their biggest enemy: themselves. A growl they hear and one by one they disappear. What is out there? Can it really be werewolves?

    A fresh take on bullying told using a fun, rapid-fire style; with edgy, layered characters and a plot twist with as much depth as impact.

    Thought provoking. Intense. Action packed.

    Based on the screenplay, WHEREWOLVES, written by John Vamvas and Olga Montes.

    “SPARKLING DIALOGUE… THE WRITING IS SENSATIONAL.” Emmy and Peabody Award winning writer, William Mastrosimone

    “KEPT ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT. GETS YOUR PULSE POUNDING.” Award winning investigative journalist, Victor Malarek, CTV, W-5

    Link to cover images, author bios, first two chapters, and synopsis: http://

  145. Matthew Ashcraft says:

    Looking to get the word out on my collection of short stories. Mostly horror, but I like to think of it as literary horror. One reader contacted me directly to tell me she had a panic attack reading one of the stories and had to put the book down for a few days, so that was cool. And three other people have noted that the lead off story is the closest thing to modern Poe that they’ve read. That was nice, there’s nothing cooler than hearing kind words like that about your work.

  146. Jordana Lizama Reyna says:

    Hi Gary,

    My name is Jordana Lizama, I am a first time author and have recently finished my novel Sophia:Within, which is the first of a series and is now available on Amazon.

    I’m really excited to have my book published and I wanted to know if you would be so kind to write a review on it, if you are interested I can send you a review copy of my book, either in PDF or MOBI format, whichever way you prefer.

    Also, if you want it would be great if we can do a giveaway of my book on your site, if you think this is a good idea you can setup the giveaway any way you want and I will send an electronic gift of my kindle book to whoever the winner is along with a digital dedication.

    I enclose the book description, just so you can get an idea of what the novel is about. And the link to Amazon.

    Only time will tell if Sophia, Alec and the world are ready to accept the mission that has been passed down for many generations. This is more than a story of reincarnation. This is a story that never ended following the reign of the Greek gods.

    What has been hidden for thousands of years is about to surface in a small New England town. The impact on this rural village is ageless, but only the chosen time travelers know what is happening, the reason it is happening and how to control the outcome.

    The Men of Ages have walked the Earth unnoticed since the time of Greek mythology and have kept their ancient war alive by transporting the lead warrior in a most unusual time machine. There is only one way to stop the cataclysmic demise of the human race and Sophia is the answer. But, Sophia is a teenage girl faced with many human and nonhuman desires that create a tortuous path from antiquity to the present day. Love conquers all; or, so it seems.

    Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

  147. Shamira says:

    Hi! your blog sounds so great! I have been looking at sites for reviewers and came across yours – i really appreciate your sincerity and respect for authors. I am just starting out as a reviewer and am struggling with setting up my blog – would really appreciate if i could just pick your mind on something – how do you connect the books/covers to the review? thanks so much, Nic

  148. Hi Gary,
    I’ve recently launched my YA Fantasy debut novel, Fate’s Fables. Rather than give you my synopsis here, I’ll direct you to the link to my website where you can read the synopsis and view my book trailer, plus you’ll see my link to Kindle there as well. Thanks so much for your time and consideration. I hope Fate’s Fables grabs you.

  149. Hi Gary, I’ve just published a humor collection called “The Barber’s Conundrum and Other Stories: Observations on Life from the Cheap Seats” and would welcome a review if time allows. It’s a fairly quick read; 37 short pieces including essays, parodies, satires on parenting, entertainment, relationships, religion, and other topics. Also, if I can assist your efforts in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.

    All the best,


  150. Hi Gary,
    For your consideration: Collapse, a dystopian thriller.

    What would it take for the United States to fall from within? In a not too distant future, America is put to the test. With the American people deep in The Second Great Depression and two of the most powerful hurricanes on record to contend with, the United States is in no condition to deal with hidden terrorists on its soil, maniacal politicians, and the most formidable military threat the world has seen since the Third Reich.

    This is the story of three men from three very different walks of life: Howard Beck, the world’s richest man, also diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome; Richard Dupree, ex-Navy SEAL turned escaped convict; and Maxwell Harris, a crippled, burned-out chief of police of a small Texas town. At first, they must overcome their own struggles and fight for their survival against impossible odds. In the end, the unlikely trio must band together to save their beloved country from COLLAPSE.

    Empires fall. Nations crumble. Civilization is fragile. In 2027, America will fall.

  151. Dear Gary,

    If you have the time and the inclination, I’d appreciate it if you could take a look at my debut novel, RAIN ON YOUR WEDDING DAY.


    Will Morse lives alone in a remote cabin in the mountains north of Atlanta, grieving over the loss of two of his daughters and the collapse of his marriage and career.

    Over Christmas, Will receives a visit from his only remaining child, his daughter Alicia, who broke off contact with him five years ago. Alicia informs Will that she’s getting married in the spring, and asks him to attend the wedding.

    Alicia’s wedding is an opportunity for Will to reconnect with his family and regain part of what he has lost. But Will struggles with his still-raw emotions over his role in his daughter Trixie’s suicide.

    Will tries to reach out to the few women in his life to find a date, and makes an unexpected connection with Dorothy Crawford, a writer who shows up at his door, seeking directions. Will develops feelings for Dorothy, but finds that she has secrets of her own.

    As the wedding nears, Will must find a way to put the pain and guilt he feels Trixie’s death behind him, weigh the pain he feels at Dorothy’s betrayal with his own need for forgiveness, and pull himself together for his daughter’s sake.

    RAIN ON YOUR WEDDING DAY is a poignant, wrenching story about a father’s love, a daughter’s compassion, and the universal need for forgiveness and redemption.

    I worked incredibly hard on this novel, and I hope it shows. If you get the chance to read and review, I’d appreciate it a great deal. I know you work hard on this site for probably not a lot of appreciation, and I think you do a great job.

  152. Hey Gary,

    I love what you’re doing here and I hope you might find the time to review my sci fi/fantasy novel “The Mayonnaise Murders”. Parts 1&2 are currently available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and a number of other sites. Part 3, the conclusion, will be on Amazon within the next several days.

    In brief, The Mayonnaise Murders is a humorous adventure featuring lead characters Vid and Vee, a detective and a newspaper reporter from Planet 10, Vivacious 5 Sector. The two become partners searching for the truth after they discover the naked body of an aging rock star, Johnny Beardy, lying face-down in a mayonnaise sandwich. This catches their attention because mayonnaise has been banned from Planet 10 for years ever since the time it was used to create an addictive drug known as MayoMadd.

    So who killed Johnny Beardy? And why is he up close and personal with an illegal sandwich spread? Following that trail turns into the biggest story of Vee’s career as well as Vid’s, but it also threatens to expose the sordid history that exists between the ‘critters’ of Planet 10, a race of half human chickens itching for revenge against their creators, and Earthlings.

    You will be able to find and purchase both books currently on sale in our Amazon store here:

  153. Tom Dowd says:

    Dear Gary, I’ve been following you for a little while. As a writer in this tough business it’s good to know that there are people out there supporting us. I wrote two business books that were published in September 2012. Here are the summaries of each:
    “From Fear to Success: A Practical Public-speaking Guide”
    This practical guide will share concise methods to overcome anxiety, relate to any audience, develop an effective presentation, make your message count, and stir emotion. The tips and techniques are bite-sized nuggets that will resonate with speakers of all levels—from those wanting to survive a speech to professionals needing reinforcement to hone their craft. Building off the fundamentals of public speaking and presentation skills, this guide offers a practicality that will stand the test of time. Readers will see that effective public speaking has more to do with confidence than communication skills. Public speaking is everywhere, not just at a podium, and successful public-speaking skills can be developed with easy-to-follow steps. Readers will find that their own success, both personal and professional, is directly related to their ability to communicate effectively. Using personal examples of his triumphs and lessons learned, Tom shares his journey to get past the emotion of fear that has gripped everyone at some time in their lives when they stared into a crowd. The techniques included will build the confidence to not just survive one moment, but teach you to play to your own strengths and enjoy a lifetime of effective communication, strong leadership, and lasting personal relationships. Most people already have the groundwork to be a great public speaker. From Fear to Success maneuvers past your trepidations into a new world of self-assurance to build upon this foundation.
    Trade Paperback, 6.5”x 5.5”, 216 pages, ISBN: 978-1-938883-04-0, eBook Kindle B009H8LB22

    “The Transformation of a Doubting Thomas: Growing from a Cynic to a Professional in the Corporate World” (Honorable Mention at the 2012 New England Book Festival in Business):
    The author is a recovering cynic whose own professional growth is detailed based on lessons learned in over twenty years in a business environment. Tom’s experience in the corporate world proves that only a small number of leaders rise to the top. The experiences shared will teach the reader to work smarter–not harder–to thrive in corporate chaos where the current economic conditions have taught the employed and unemployed alike to simply try to survive. Everyone has room to grow. The target audience of corporate leaders, stagnant or disengaged employees, prospective employees, or simply individuals wanting to reach higher goals, is reinforced with tips ranging from common mistakes made in the workplace to techniques every leader should possess. The messages are simple and relate to anyone who has ever been in the workforce. This book will strengthen the employee and employer relationship into an engaged and inspired partnership driving the business together, while re-energizing individuals to become self-aware of their own accountability to take action to grow. The evolution will inspire increased success and satisfaction levels, while expediting the climb up the corporate ladder. With the current global economy on the brink of recovery, opportunities are abound. The information will provide a competitive edge to individuals to effectively and quickly adapt to the changing professional landscape while differentiating themselves from the masses. The reader will learn how to build a solid foundation and stand out amongst others. The growth opportunities go beyond the realm of the professional and corporate world. Personal and professional success is a combined entity that can be transformed as you take this journey. Ambitious leaders striving to get ahead, or stationary individuals looking to make a move, will be inspired to start taking action to reach his or her full potential. The goal for all readers is to build confidence and shape attitudes to become better people and enriched professionals.
    Trade Paperback, 9”x 6”, 222 pages, ISBN 978-1-938883-06-4, eBook Kindle B009I427LO

    I also have a blog where I include excerpts, guest blogs, and random writings. I hope you would consider adding these books to your queue.

    • Hi Tom,
      Those sound like useful and informative books. Thanks for sharing info about them. I’m more focused on novels, however, though, so they’re a bit out of my line. Good luck and thanks for visiting Honest Indie. Be sure to let me know when you’ve got that first novel up. I’m certain your adventures in the corporate world are rich with potential for stories and drama.

  154. Helen Albert says:

    Hi Gary, I published the first novel in a series under the imprint Purple Hand Press. The book, called Occasions of Sin is set in 1930s Berlin. Here’s the squib: For seven centuries, the German convent of Obberoth has been hiding the nuns’ secrets—forbidden passions, scandalous manuscripts locked away, a ruined medical career, perhaps even a murder. In 1931, Margarethe von Stahle, an aristocratic physician, arrives at the convent to interview Sister Augustine, a candidate for head nurse. The nun’s past is shrouded in mystery. She abandoned a medical career, and her final vows were delayed for an unspeakable reason. Determined to lift the veil of secrecy, Margarethe finds herself embroiled in a murder mystery, a complicated romance, and a domestic drama that threatens her orderly life.

  155. Hi Gary

    I have just released my first book ‘Behind the Fence’. Which I would love you to review for me. The story starts way back in the 1970’s(!) where a child called Marshall spends his sunny evenings exploring a large pub garden whilst his Dad and Grandad enjoy a drink. On one of these evenings he looks long and hard at the rusty, metal fence that surrounds the pub and to his amazement finds a gap. After looking ‘Behind the Fence’ he finds himself on a lifelong journey of incredible discoveries and revelations that will not only affect him but expose the fact that our history is not quite what it seems…

    I would be honoured if you read this and gave me a honest appraisal!

    The book is at:

    and also my blog & website:

    Many thanks and congratulations on a great website.

  156. Hi Gary,

    I would like to submit my first novel “Good Show, Pear Danube!” for review. It is the story of a man living in 17th Century London who reinvents himself as a sword-wielding, masked vigilante who calls himself Pear Danube. His purpose: to steal the clothes of the rich and deliver them to the poor to wear or sell for food if they so choose. Unfortunately, even his best-laid plans never quite live up to his expectations, and his want of infamy are far from realized as no one appears to find a masked git who kidnaps clothing to be particularly newsworthy. The only man to take note is evil fashion designer Horatio Thin, who vows to bring the vigilante to justice for stealing clothes that he had a hand in creating.

    It is available for Kindle, where you will find an excerpt, as well as previous reviews.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


  157. Nora Weston says:

    Hi, Gary!
    Your book reviews are very interesting, and I’ve already found a few books to add to my summer
    reading list. Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright sounds thrilling, and A Demon Bound by Debra Dunbar is also one that caught my attention. The writing tips found within your reviews are great too.

    Since it appears supernatural thrillers are of interest to you, let me introduce you to mine. It is called The Twelfth Paladin. Ever play with fire? Jake Cottrell is more than willing to play with fire—he dares Hell to burn him. Hell agrees.

    In The Twelfth Paladin, good against evil battles as an angel, demons, and a temptress extraordinaire, named Rachel Darnell, vie for the soul of Jake Cottrell.

    Scarred with angelfire by a rebellious angel, named Micah, Jake Cottrell is sanctioned to become the twelfth paladin in Micah’s supernatural unit of slayers. However, regret abounds as Micah is banished and ordered to protect what he now despises…a human he believes is unworthy of such an honor. Never fear, Jake is a seeker of mischief who soars on a blistering blacktop to escape the wrath of Hell while he transforms into the twelfth paladin.


    Download a Sample/Amazon-

    Thanks for your time!
    Take care,
    Nora Weston

  158. Alex Lukeman says:

    Hello Gary
    This is a breath of fresh air for Indie writers. Everyone wants an honest review. I write thrillers, in a series about a small covert unit called the Project. There are currently 5 books in the series with a sixth in progress. The Project team features strong male and female protagonists up against some pretty grim villains. The books are meant to entertain, fast paced page turners. They’ve been well received so far.

    White Jade, Book One, spans the globe with treachery and murder, set off by the search for an ancient book about the first Chinese Emperor. White Jade currently has 77 reviews and a 4.4 star rating. I’d love for you to take a look at it, or any of the others in the series. The link to White Jade is: It has the “Look Inside” feature for a sample.
    Thanks for your blog.
    Alex Lukeman

  159. Hello,

    I admire your dedication, and fully intend on using it, if you are willing to take a look at RETURN TO CAER LON. It’s a fantasy, old-fashioned style : a Prince, a Sorceress and a big villain to bring down! You can find an extract on my Website : The novel is also on Amazon :


  160. Joe Osborne says:

    Hi Gary,

    I’m the author of ‘It Doesn’t Stay in Vegas – The Saga of the Unorthodox Gentleman’, an original and offbeat novel about the ups and downs of hard partying in Las Vegas. Here’s the link –

    I really enjoy the reviews I read on your site, and have even followed through on a few on your recommendations and purchased the books. I think your readers will enjoy my book; hopefully you feel the same!

    Thank you for your time,

    Joe Osborne

  161. K. H. Alynn says:


    My book’s entitled Love and the Punk Rock Grrl. And here’s the blurb:

    It’s 1982, and 17-year-old Rudi Weiss is a tough girl living in the tougher streets of Irvington, NJ—with her life centered around alienation, drugs, and punk rock.

    Though this changes when she’s caught selling pot and given a choice: either spend the rest of her childhood in juvenile detention or move in with an ex-Marine and his family in the nearby affluent suburb of Maplewood.

    There at the local high school, the wild and free-thinking Rudi disrupts the entire established order. And she especially disrupts Tommy Goodwin, a rich and popular preppy who’s seemingly her opposite.

    But underneath their veneers, they are much the same—two lost souls desperately in search of something. And when they find it, it explodes everything around them.

    Something that’s only exasperated when Rudi’s past catches up with them, in this magical and bittersweet tale of unexpected love.


    The Amazon link is:

    Thank you for your time.

  162. tjblake93 says:

    Hi there.

    I’m T. J. Blake, I’ve recently self-published my first book which is a novella (140 pages).
    Just wondering if you’d like to review my book? It’s available on Amazon

    It’s main genres are Mystery, Suspense, Action and Science Fiction… It’s also very gory.

    Here’s the blurb: London is silent. Severed bodies lie amongst the rubble. What once was a lively city is a now a murderous grave, enclosed in smoke and ash. The cause of the destruction is unknown. Left haunted and terrified, survivor Tom Williams confronts the brutal, mutilated streets as he fights to uncover the truth. Could he be humanities last hope to restore normality?

    So I hope you consider reviewing my book, it would be an honour.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    T. J. Blake

    PS. Here’s my e-mail in case you need it,

  163. Ryan Collins says:

    Hey Gary,

    First off thanks for taking the time to do all this sir. Most people hate on SPA’s and it’s inspirational to know there are people out there who love our books and shuck the machine. My first short story is entitled “Theophany.”

    My description on Amazon reads: Theophany is the first short story in Everyone Dies Alone. In this 25 page short story, Luke Wiser finds himself down and out on his luck, waiting outside a casino in Deadwood. His friends urge him to give up his wild gambling addiction, but Luke doesn’t believe them. Not wanting to leave empty handed, he pushes his luck to the limit. When he emerses himself back in the casino, divinity attempts to show him another way.

    Check it out if it catches your interest, if not take it easy and thanks for looking out for us.

    Ryan Collins

  164. Hi,

    I recently wrote a short sci-fi novella (10k words) about historical scientists that absorb superpowers from their discoveries.

    The blurb and links to free epub/mobi/pdf and amazon (99cent) versions are at my personal website:

    Thanks for your consideration,

  165. After 31 books, I’ve got a new book out only this time it’s nonfiction, a collection of some of the most insane author interviews out there called THE DISRESPECTFUL INTERVIEWER: Thirteen Interviews with Authors. I’m told it’s worth a read just for the J.A. Konrath interview alone in which he explains why he’s no longer welcome at the vet’s. Here’s the link:

  166. Hi Gary. I was hoping, if you have time, that you’d consider a book review for my debut novel, Red Tape. Thanks! ~Michele Seigfried

    The first 5 chapters are on smashwords:
    Amazon Link:

    Here is the description:
    In this captivating tale of crime, government corruption and mystery, Municipal Clerk Chelsey Alton gets more than she bargained for when she encounters an irate resident and loose cannon, Robert Triggers. He has been harassing the employees in the small, Jersey shore town where she works and becomes the prime suspect when multiple attempts to sabotage the municipal building are made. Chelsey begins to piece it all together and finds herself framed for a crime she did not commit. She narrowly escapes several attempts at her demise, only to find herself in a much more precarious situation. Will she make it out alive or end up a tragic victim at the hands of a madman?

  167. Jeremy Hayes says:

    Gee you sure do get alot of requests….well just wanted to add mine to the queue. My book is “The Thieves of Stonewood”. The genre is fantasy and it is the first of a trilogy, though it has a conclusive ending.

    On Amazon:

    The ebook version will be available in about 2 weeks.


    Welcome to Stonewood. A large and wealthy city where thieves, thugs, and assassins lurk behind every shadow. The powerful Thieves Guild controls the underworld and only members are permitted to commit crimes within their city.

    This is the tale of Harcourt, a down-on-his-luck thief who desperately needs to gain a membership into the Guild. Jalanna, the love of his life has been scarred in a terrible fire and a priest claims he can heal her scars, but for a hefty price in gold. A near-impossible amount to acquire for a homeless thief without a Guild membership.

    Luck is not on the rogue’s side as his goal slips further and further out of reach. Forces conspire against him. Then a chance encounter on a fateful night, could change Harcourt’s life forever.

    Jeremy Hayes

  168. Gary Henson says:

    Hey Gary,
    Time I updated you with the release of ‘Arlo and Jake Enlist’, my second book on Amazon and B&N.
    It’s book #1 in a Space Opera spoof series; bk #2 should out this month or next.
    This is meant to be a fun read. Jake is enjoying his retirement on the beach with his pet lizard Arlo when he’s conscripted into the FTG Space Navy (the good guys) to fight the GHA (the baddies). The FTG Navy is NOT like the submarine force he served in in the 70s; women serve alongside their male counterparts of dozens of alien species and at all command levels.
    You can read more and get links to Amazon and B&N on my blog at
    Hope to see your review of ‘Arlo and Jake Enlist’ sometime soon.
    Best of luck. I raise a glass of Sweet Rodeo Red in your general direction.
    Gary Alan henson

  169. Hi, Gary–

    I found your website and would like to submit my novel, The Underground, for review. With a paranormal revolution looming on the horizon, a werewolf trapped in a bitter love triangle with his mage ex-lover and his despised vampire master falls for an amnesiac alien who may be a serial killer. The Underground clocks in at 104,000 words and 466 pages.

    You can read a sample at Amazon at or my publisher’s (i.e., me) website at

    Thanks for your consideration!

  170. Nocomus Columbus says:

    I’d love to have you review my short story.

  171. RW Bennett says:

    Hi Gary-

    I know you’re an accomplished runner, so I think you might like to read and review my new novel, Suicide Squeeze. It’s strange, so many eerie parallels between the book and the events last week at the Boston Marathon. Anyway, here’s the link:

  172. tmycann says:

    I appreciate the effort you’ve put into your site–and I know what it’s like to be inundated with review requests. Nonetheless, I’ll add my books to the queue of the hopeful. I’ve published the first two in an urban fantasy/paranormal trilogy based on the premise that Communists entrapped their magical beasts to extend their power; a stand-alone scifi romance speculating on what might happen should a scientist lose a Higgs boson; and a short werewolf horror/revenge story. You can see them all listed on my author page at Amazon:

    Thanks for your consideration. 🙂

  173. Andrew French says:

    Hi Gary,
    I would very much like it if you would review Assassin’s Run. This is the first of three novels in the Michael Prentiss series of thrillers. Thank you. Andrew.
    It is May 1980 in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. An undercover operator with a secret intelligence unit is murdered when he discovers that an American oil tycoon is about to fund the vicious leader of an IRA splinter cell. As the unit mounts an unofficial operation to kill the tycoon they are forced to recruit a most unlikely assassin. This is a story of murder, treachery and double-cross where not everyone is as they first appear.

  174. Marquis Bey says:

    I’ll keep this short and simple because I value your, as well as everyone else’s time.

    Author: MarquisbeY (Me! 🙂 )

    Chapbook Title: Love the S(k)in You’re In

    Description: “Love the skin you’re in.” This little aphorism sluices from the mouths of those who mean to comfort and placate our insecurities. But what if you skin was the very thing that was branded as unloveable? This collection of poems and short stories examines and interrogates a skin that is both far from and close to being easily loved.

    Link: (Paperback)

    Thanks so much for the opportunity. Keep doing awesome things. And I mean all of you!

  175. J.K. Walker says:


    I’m an indie author struggling to get noticed. I found your site and was hoping you might find my series interesting enough to read and review. Currently, I have 2 novels and 2 novellas with the third novel nearly ready. (It should be out this summer)

    The Salt Lake After Dark series is filled with paranormal beings that are just trying to get by in our more ordinary world. The primary protagonist is Jasmine Bedeau. Recently inducted into a supernatural existence, she struggles to understand her own abilities and her place in a society that she never knew existed.

    Book one is titled: Glacial Eyes

    After a weekend party gone very, very wrong, third-year university student Jasmine Bedeau finds herself a “person of interest” to far too many interested parties. She must bring a family-inherited curse—and powerful new abilities—under control or risk the consequences of the supernatural community to which she now belongs. But between the police and the paranormal, the campus and the council, how’s a girl to rise to the challenge of just holding onto a normal life? Werewolves, vampires, and witches—and now a serial killer targeting the supernatural, setting his sights on Jasmine and her new-found friends. It’s a good thing she’s a werecat, because she’s not rolling over.

  176. Hi there, Gary

    Recently completed and released “The Zombies of Thornberry Cemetery (A Parody)” on Amazon for Kindle. (The book will be published soon through Xlibris.)

    It’s a sort of mélange of my experiences growing up, and also a salute to some of my favourite authors, bands and artists all twisted into a satire of the zombie-horror sub-genre which I enjoy. Along with many other things, needless to say.

    If you get a moment, please take a look:

    Many thanks.

    Trevor Gordon French.

  177. Hi, Gary–

    My novel, “The Underground” was released in January, 2013.

    With a paranormal revolution looming on the horizon, a werewolf locked in a bitter love triangle with his mage ex-lover and despised vampire master falls for an amnesiac space alien suspected of being a serial killer.

    Lots of genres going on in there, which is the sort of thing I like.

    So, if you’re so inclined, please take a look.

    Thanks much.

    Roxanne Bland

  178. Gary,

    I released a collection of short stories a few months ago, but finding the time to properly promote the dang thing is on my “get ‘er done list.” You are the first “official” book blogger I am contacting because I like your approach, though I don’t envy that long reading list as I only manage to review two books a month on my author blog. Here’s the description of my collection Such is Life (five stories, 75 pages):

    These literary short stories adhere to realism and feature characters down on their luck, yet stubborn enough to move on. A tryst between a carnival worker and a pretty high school student begs the question of who takes advantage of who. A young man’s encounter with a drug addict finds him striking out on his own in hopes of a better life. An English teacher publishes literature deemed inappropriate by a Mormon community. A mother goes on a quest to get rid of the family’s aggressive pet. Finally, New Orleans provides the backdrop for a stroll with a psychotic housewife. Such is life!

    Here’s to hoping the sample on Amazon further piques your interest:

  179. Sarah says:

    Hi Gary,
    I realize you have a long list awaiting you, so I’ll post my book in the off chance you ever have the time. Please feel free to add me to facebook in the meantime, especially if you enjoy wildlife photography (because I have a lot of that there ). I wrote a fiction novel about shapeshifting immortals (based on egyptian goddess Bastet). She is not a god in my book, but an immortal who has been cursed to live as a mortal.
    It is set in North America where she uses her gift of psychic sight to find the key to her freedom.
    I am a natural born spiritual medium, so many of my psychic topics are based on real life knowledge I have on the topics.
    I can gift the book, just let me know.
    facebook page on my site provided

  180. Hi Gary,
    My name is Terry J. Newman. Greetings from across the pond!
    I should like to ask you if you would write a review of my (indie) novel, “Drayling”.
    Drayling is speculative fiction/dystopian sci-fi and runs to 80,500 words. Published initially as a paperback in 2011, it has now been made available as an ebook on Kindle.

    A Brief Synopsis
    The small district of Drayling, in Southern 25th Century Britain, is typical of communities throughout the country, and its citizens live in harmony and contentment.
    Following the death of the head of the national government, however, there is a significant shift in approach – which forces a small group of ordinary people to conclude that they have no alternative but to take radical action to protect their way of life. This is their story.
    Not wishing to spoil the read, suffice to say that this is a different kind of science fiction book – for the intelligent reader.
    To quote from the back-cover synopsis, “Reality collides with fantasy and philosophy as they embark on a mission of suspense, danger, deceit and death – with far-reaching ramifications.”

    I don’t have a website.
    The brief “bio” at the end of the book reads, “The author lives with his wife in Sussex (England). He is a member of English Heritage, The National Trust, Brighton & Hove Albion Supporters’ Club and Mensa.”

    Possibly helpful links:
    Amazon USA:

    I would be delighted if you would write a review.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Many thanks and much respect for what you are doing,
    Terry J. Newman

  181. Hi Gary,

    I came across your website and enjoyed the reviews quite a bit. I was wondering if I could put in my novel for consideration as well?

    It’s YA.

    Book Blurb: Great friends. A perfect girlfriend. Life is good for 17 year old Sebastian. Until tragedy shatters his blissful existence, awakening a dark power inside him. Visions of a ghostly and broken world lead to a mysterious female who tells him that he’s the reincarnation of Death. With the title comes great power. Will he use it for good? Or, will he drown in the darkness of his own selfish purposes?

    Links to book:

  182. Gary,

    My debut novel, BAD POLICY, was published March, 2013. Here’s the blurb;

    When private financial investigator Seamus McCree returns to Cincinnati after a routine business trip, he discovers that his home has become a crime scene for a brutal murder. The victim in his basement is an acquaintance from a previous corporate investigation—and endured bullets to both of his ankles, knees and elbows before the final shot to his forehead put him out of his misery.

    No one has seen an “IRA six pack” victim since The Troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1970s.

    Now the primary “person of interest” in the murder, Seamus must use his talent for logic and hard work to prove his innocence. Soon he uncovers a trail that leads back to his Boston roots—and a poisonous family feud dating from the divorce of Boston’s Irish mafia and the Provisional IRA in the 1970s.

    Driven by the chilling realization that there was more behind the death of his policeman father than he ever knew, Seamus ignores warnings from the police, friends, and enemies as he continues to dig for the truth.

    As the body count climbs, all trails seem to lead back to him, and Seamus is forced to go underground to find out who is framing him—and why—before he becomes the next victim.

    You can read the first four chapters for free from the publisher (which will then provide you with a coupon for 35% off for Kindle or other e-book) at or you can read from Amazon at

    I know it’s a long shot given the list ahead of me, but long shots are better than no shots.

    ~ Jim

  183. Hi Gary,

    I have two books that I would like you to take a look at to see if either (or both) grabs your fancy and merits a review. The first is “Sensation: A Superhero Novel” and can be found here:

    The other is the first in a young adult fantasy/magic/horror series entitled “Warden (Book 1: Wendigo fever)” that you can find at:

    Thanks for your time.

    Kevin Hardman

  184. jameswilber347069596 says:

    My Story
    An obsessed magician will do anything it takes to satiate his perverse needs.
    My Myth
    He turns to forbidden arts to manifest his will.
    My Revelation
    In doing so, he will bring about the end of everything.
    My Babylon
    A serial novel about the paranormal and dark desires. The story of a cursed young man who has an intimate view of the end of the world as we know it. My Babylon weaves elements of urban fantasy, erotic horror, and real-world occult practices, to form a unique personal tale that thrills, terrifies, and even enlightens.

    My Babylon is told in a series of novellas. Book Two: Rose, is coming to Amazon Kindle May 14th, 2013

    Gary – I hope you get a chance to read this unique paranormal fantasy.



  185. Erica Dakin says:

    Hi there,
    I’m sure your ‘to read’ list is through the roof already, but I hope you’ll have a look at my book nonetheless. It’s an equal blend of Fantasy and Romance, but don’t let that put you off – I’ve had plenty of men read and enjoy it.
    This is the link:

    Happy reading!
    Erica Dakin.

  186. Samyann says:

    Appears you have many books to read. Please place Yesterday – A Novel of Reincarnation, in your queue. Thanks!

  187. Larissa says:

    Found Objects by Peter Gelfan


    New York writer Peter Gelfan argues gender roles, race, and child rearing in his debut novel Found Objects, where ménage a trois is the choice of lifestyle for a family in rural Vermont.

    Aldo Zoria is a successful photographer happily living with his wife Erica, his lover Marie, and Marie’s two children, until Marie’s husband Jonah unexpectedly arrives. Their idyllic relationship becomes threatened, and it isn’t clear whether Jonah is accepting of their arrangement or if he’s come to reclaim his wife. Will Marie leave Erica and Aldo with an empty nest? Or will Jonah take up permanent residence and turn their group into a quartet? Found Objects is a novel about the struggle of primal instincts in a vulnerable environment, the love and tension that surfaces in a ménage a trois, and the meaning and value of the word “family.”

  188. Hey Gary! I warned you I’d be chatting you up once my new book went live on Amazon! LOL. Well, it’s up and available now. Love the review you gave me for ‘Daughter of Hauk,’ hoping for the same honesty with ‘Mark of the Successor’!

  189. R.C. Fettig says:

    Hi Gary,

    I would like to submit a link to my new novel, Monsoon Reign, for you to consider. It just published less than a week ago and I’d love some feedback.

    Here is a blurb:
    In a post apocalyptic world where children are no longer born, but summoned through a religious calling, the wife of a powerful politician becomes pregnant. Using his powers and influence, the Duke overthrows the current king setting the kingdom into chaos. Kathair must decide whether to accept her fate in this politically and religiously corrupt society or attempt to flee as her world crashes down around her.

    Available here:

    Thanks for your consideration,
    R.C. Fettig

  190. Greetings. I have finished writing and published my first book set in my Earthborn universe: “Earthborn – The Eternal War”.

    This novel takes place in a far future, where the Earth is almost completely covered with an atmospheric darkness people came to call “The Shade”. In this dark future, humanity awakened within underground machine shelters without a memory of their past. In light of this they came to believe that the Earth itself was responsible for their existence and that of the machines around them, keeping them alive. They thus worship the ground beneath their feet as the goddess Aia, seeing her as being in conflict with the dark Heaven they call Cael. A conflict they interpret as an eternal war between timeless twins. 130 years after their ‘awakening’ a young wanderer called Marcus Tungsten comes upon a discovery which holds the secrets to humanities true past and a mission capable of changing the Earthborn’s future forever, be it for better or for worse.

  191. Candi Sary says:

    Hi Gary,
    I am writing to see if you would consider reviewing my coming-of-age novel Black Crow White Lie. It recently won the Reader Views Literary Award for the West-Pacific region, was named first runner-up in the Eric Hoffer Book Award for fiction, and made honorable mention in the San Francisco Book Festival. In the semi-finals of the 2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award, Publishers Weekly reviewed it and said, “This is a praiseworthy, poignant work.”

    Black Crow White Lie tells the story of Carson Calley, a thirteen-year-old with the curious ability to heal people. He lives in a variety of Hollywood motels with his alcoholic, fortune-telling mother, Juliette Bravo. She tells him fabricated stories about his past life and his hero father, to keep the boy believing in his great gift– so that he might rise above his true circumstances. Believing his mother, Carson does become a healer, with the people of Hollywood waiting in long lines to see him. He secretly saves the money he earns from healing in the hopes of visiting his war-hero father’s grave in Washington, DC., but just before he leaves, one of Juliette’s stories is finally exposed. As Carson wises up to his mother’s lies, he is faced with rediscovering who he really is. With the help of some unlikely mentors– Faris, a tattoo shop owner, and Casper, the albino at the head shop on Sunset Boulevard– Carson sets out to find his own identity on the provocative and colorful streets of Hollywood.

    I really appreciate you taking a look.

    Candi Sary

  192. Peter Jones says:

    My first book ‘How to do Everything and Be Happy’ was picked up by Harper Collins last year so guess that not longer fits in to your Indie theme but my second one might. It’s co-written with Della Galton and we decided to ‘keep it’ rather than going along the traditional publishing route.
    It is called ‘How to Eat Loads and Stay Slim’ and is on

  193. Edward Lange says:

    I wrote a Short Horror Story (About 3,600 words long) about the internet meme Slender Man. Basically, I decided to give him an origin story, and try to give a reason for why he kills people. Here is a link:

    I hope you like the story. Take care.

  194. Terrell Kornegay says:

    Hi there.
    I had written and published a fiction book. Whenever you have the time, it would be great if you could read it. Thanks.

    An overview and a peek at the first couple of pages are provided in this link:

    The book is a dollar cheaper here, if you’re interested in buying it:

  195. Hi,

    I’m writing this email to request a review of my newly published book, The Demon Rolmar. Please let me know if you’re interested in reviewing the book.

    Avery Griffin

    Title- The Demon Rolmar

    Genre-Science Fiction

    Book Length- 172 pages

    Book Description

    Rolmar is a heartless, misanthropic demon who serves as one of the three overlords of Pentar, a planet in the Amenis dimension. When Rolmar’s brethren bestow upon him the illustrious task of destroying Earth, his growing curiosity of humans adds a momentary pause to his original plan. Still intent on annihilating Earth, Rolmar extends his stay in order to discover what makes humanity unique.

    However, when Adam, a quirky college student, crosses paths with the all-powerful demon, one fateful night will change his life forever. Haunted by nightmares of his mind-blowing encounter, Adam can’t return to his normal life. His only path to solace is attempting to convince the demon that Earth is worth saving. With the fate of the world on their shoulders, will Adam and his friends be able to convince Rolmar that they and all of mankind should be spared?


  196. Amy Leigh Strickland says:

    I’m currently seeking reviews for my new Alternate History fantasy novel, Rescue OR, Royer Goldhawk’s Remarkable Journal. The novel came out last month–

    Here’s the blurb: “When Royer Goldhawk witnesses a fly-by kidnapping, he becomes inextricable entangled in a madman’s plot to break the barrier to another world and harness an unimaginable power. With the help of his friends, Royer embarks on a mission of rescue and revenge that will lead him across the country and plunge him into a world of magic, machines, and danger.”

    It’s set in Victorian America and brings in elements of Steampunk. The novel is part 1 of 2. If you’re interested, I’d love for you to review it.

  197. The lost garden is my first book published in English. When I wrote I honestly saw it as a book I was writing to myself.

    It’s a challenge for me to write in English and keep the stories true to the spirit of their Spanish counterparts. It’s probably a bold thing for me to try to put these ideas in English.

    I truly hope you enjoy them. If you don’t then I can at least say you won’t suffer for too long, as the book is very short (104 pages in large print)

    Thanks in advance for your kindness and time.

    Here’s the link to Amazon

  198. Chondra Glines says:

    Hi Gary. I just found your blog. Let me just say, that’s a lot of books on your kindle. And the requests to review? I just skimmed over them. How in the world do you decide? I am not sure if you have stoked or staunched my desire to be a book reviewer. Like you, I love to read. Always have ever since I read my first series around the age of twelve or thirteen. Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCafferty. I was hooked.

    Having said all that, here’s a brief description and links to the book, Hybrid Zone Recognition. So, when you read this post weeks or months from now, I hope you’re interested.

    The government has convinced the public that research into human animal hybrids has ceased. As lead scientist for the project, Macy Greer knows different. Troubled by recent policy changes towards the hybrids, Macy has grown wary of the government’s intentions. Her concerns will lead her on a perilous path of self discovery where she will be forced to decide what in life is worth fighting for.

  199. Hello Gary,

    My 1st eBook Parallel Heart is released today, and would love for you to review it. Obviously you are very busy, so I understand there is a rather large backlog you will have to work through first.

    Here is the link to my sample chapters –

    Many thanks,

  200. Hi Gary,

    good on you for doing such stirling work in your 20 minutes a night! Here’s the blurb for my debut novel ‘Sequela’ in case you fancy checking it out.

    “Kester Lowe is the next big thing in viral fashion. For the price of a Brinkov suit you could be wearing one of his exclusively engineered STVs. And once you put it on, almost everyone will want you…

    At least, that’s the plan. Alexis Farrell will stop at nothing to make her new designer a star, but not everyone is a fan; those offended by what he represents, those he has betrayed, his own suppressed ambitions and forgotten promises – Kester is racking up enemies and they are about to come together in an attempt to destroy him.

    Sequela is a solid debut from a fresh new voice in science fiction. Set in London in the 2080s, it follows the story of virologist Dr Kester Lowe as he rockets to fame as the first fashion virus designer.

    As events unfold, the reality of Kester’s fame and desirability bring him to crisis point, forcing him to deal with the consequences of selling his services to the highest bidder and reawakening his ambition to use his scientific talent to the greater good. A potent mix of nanotechnology, terrorism and sexual politics.”

    Good luck with your list.

  201. Farid-ul-Haq says:

    Hi, Gary

    My name is Farid-ul-Haq and i’m currently a 22 year old author who has completed his third novel and would love for you to give it a look when you can 🙂

    It’s by the name ‘Somerville Mysteries: The Missing’

    Here’s the synopsis:

    When Jerry wants to write for the school newspaper, the editor decides to give him a chance to prove himself by writing something new and exciting to impress her. Jerry can think of nothing until a friend suggests checking out the missing person story that was recently in the news. Jerry searches through a stack of old newspapers and on the front page of one is a picture of a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed woman who went missing two months ago. She was young and recently married to a wealthy man, and so far the police have been unable to solve the mystery of her whereabouts. The rumors are rampant. Some say her husband murdered her, some say she died at the hands of an ex-boyfriend, and yet others claim that she ran away. One thing is certain – if Jerry can solve this mystery, the editor of the school newspaper will be more than impressed. In their perilous quest to solve the mystery, however, Jerry and his friends discover that some of the citizens of Somerville have gone to great lengths to ensure that this particular mystery is never solved.

    Not only this, but Jerry also has to come to terms with a kiss he shared with his neighbor, Kevin and what it means regarding who he is. Jerry has to deal with the case and the social drama that comes along with being a high school teenager.


    I hope you find my work interesting enough…Thank you 🙂

  202. Mark Tedesco says:

    What an honest blog and views you express! Very cool.
    I am a full time history teacher and part time writer (wish it was in the reverse order!) and I recently had published a book on two soldiers in 4th century Rome. It is a beautiful story, based in research, and carries the reader along in their adventure and the depth of their bond to their convictions and to one another.

    If you have time to take a look at it, I would be honored.

    Here is some more information and a link:

    The book is a historical novel, the product of eight years of research, and gives an accurate picture of life in 4th century Rome under Constantine and Julian, Emperors.
    The story is truly gripping as these two soldiers experience the cataclysmic times in which they lived, their bond to one another, and their decision to follow “The Way” .

    The nature of the bond between the two men is left up to the reader to decide, but their attachment to their belief and to one another is apparent.

    Fox News reviewed the book in these words:

    “Adventure, intrigue, faith, commitment, love and hate and everything between! Mark Tedesco has done it again, fashioning what is arguably his best work yet! He entices you on a phenomenal journey into the fascinating lives of two 4th century Roman soldiers, John and Paul, in a tale of loyalty and love that grabs you by the throat from the very first sentence and holds you spellbound, gasping for air as you’re swept from chapter to chapter with barely a moment to breathe. An unbelievable marriage of fact and fiction that will leave you applauding or appalled but never bored or indifferent. A must read!”-Tony McEwing, Fox News

    I would invite you to read this book. It is something fresh and new which your readers might enjoy also.

    Here is the link and thank you for taking the time to read this email.


    Mark Tedesco

  203. Mark Brewer says:

    Hi Gary,

    If you’re interested in an indie YA paranormal romance, I would like to recommend the following and thank you so much for considering:

    Title: Eyes of Lightning – The Thunderbird Legacy (Book One)
    Author: Erin Keyser Horn
    Amazon link:

    After a thousand years of curses, the Thunderbird’s secrets are about to be unleashed in charming Galena, Illinois.

    Ivy is a normal fifteen-year-old girl … if you consider yellow eyes and storm-chasing urges normal. Life gets even more normal when she runs away from home to find Walter Nimiki, the grandfather she’s never met. He tells her the truth: Ivy is a descendant of the cursed Thunder Clan, so the boy she’ll someday fall in love with will die young. Walter believes Ivy is the hope the clan has waited for—the one who can end the curse. Before she can learn more, a terrible accident leaves Walter in a coma. Ivy can’t save Walter without the help of three boys: Gabe is keeping a promise to Walter, Cal always knows what she’s feeling, and Dan can’t stand the sight of her. Ivy doesn’t know what would be worse—failing to save Walter, or accidentally falling in love with a boy. Either way, someone will die.

    “Eyes of Lightning” is an indie YA paranormal romance with a bulletproof plot, quirky characters and unexpected twists. Popular with adults as well as teens, “Eyes of Lightning” currently has a 5-star rating on Amazon, a 4.67 score on Goodreads, and is a RONE Awards finalist for 2013 (RONE winners to be announced August 2013).

    Here’s what some readers think of “Eyes of Lightning:”
    “One of the best paranormal romances I’ve read. … I never wanted to put the book down. … Ivy is spunky, funny, and flawed. The three guys are so unique and realistic.”
    “Horn’s characters all have their own voices.”
    “I saw myself walking beside Ivy and feeling like that awkward teenage girl again.”
    “You feel what each character is feeling emotionally and physically.”
    “The plot twisted sharply enough to hold my interest, while turning slowly enough to keep me on track.”
    “This is a very clean YA book. No language, no sex or sexual innuendoes.”

  204. Hi Gary,
    I’ve been going through your back catalogue of reviews and I’m really enjoying how comprehensive you are. It’s rare to find an indie reviewer who puts so much time into their posts, so kudos to you for that, and thank you for taking the time to give these books the reviews they deserve.

    I’m also an author, and would love for you to give one of my works a similar review, if your never-ending list hasn’t already grown too long. I have two works available at the moment that I think you’d enjoy: a fantasy novel, and a science fiction novella.

    The first is CENTURY OF SAND, available on Kindle at:

    In CENTURY OF SAND, Richard and Ana are on the run.

    As a young soldier, Richard led a rebellion that installed the King’s sociopathic Magician as the new regent. Now, after forty years of watching his comrades vanish into the dungeons of Stonebridge Castle, Richard has fled the kingdom with his mute daughter in tow, escaping into the desert wastes where magic still boils in the clouds and demons walk the dunes inside the bodies of men.

    The Magician isn’t far behind, and he’s brought a pet: the Culling, an undead stitched-together tracking dog with a taste for blood. But Richard has his own weapon, stolen from the Magician himself: the calcified heart of a demon, which he hopes to trade back to its original owner in exchange for sanctuary. What he doesn’t know is that his daughter, Ana, is far more valuable than the stone. She was the last piece in the Magician’s grand weapon, and he’ll tear the desert in half to get her back…

    – – –

    My second ebook, the science fiction novella, is THE EIGHTEEN REVENGES OF DR MILAN. It’s a shorter work, a dark scifi tale in the classic style of Haldeman and Bester:

    The blurb:

    Cezar didn’t come to the prison colony known as the Pike for rehabilitation. He came for revenge.

    Ten years ago, Cezar witnessed mutiny and murder aboard a colony starship. He survived, and with the aid of the enigmatic Doctor Milan he’s worked his way into the Pike to kill the man who led the rebellion: the warden himself. But before he can get his hands around the warden’s neck, he has to deal with the prison gang known as the Song, a Buddhist preacher with a suspicious interest in Cezar’s past, and the creature lurking in the mines at the heart of the Pike… a monster that devours men whole and that may, in a way, be instrumental to Cezar’s plans…

    Cezar has his fists and a head filled with Milan’s combat circuitry. The warden has a platoon of armed guards. The only way out of the Pike is death.

    – – –

    I hope either of those titles catches your eye. Again, thank you for writing such comprehensive reviews, and for taking the time to keep the indie book scene ticking.

  205. SIMON SAHA says:

    Hi Gary,

    I request you to review my work, “Yet Another SE(Story of an Indian Software Engineer)”.

    My name:Simon Saha

    Book Genre:Fiction- Humor, Satire

    Format: E-Book Kindle format

    Word Count:19,746

    Release Date 28th March 2013

    Book Link in Amazon:

    Book Synopsis:There is a marked difference between a ‘Software Engineer’ and an ‘Indian Software Engineer’. An Indian SE is one who can adjust to any recession condition and any salary figure. The super-human can manage the software, the management and the client with one hand and impossible deadline with the other.

    He spends his office hours not only to develop the software. But his time is also spent in trying to develop the client’s and manager’s understanding on whatever is getting developed. In return he is rewarded for his ability to impress his masters …. and sometimes for his hard work too.

    An Indian becomes a Software Engineer not because he is interested in the field (yeah, those people are there too). But his prime motive behind joining the field is because there was nothing else to do and everybody does that. If placed properly, this field also brings him money, prestige and a “good wife”.

    When a SE arrives in the industry, he struggles to find space to apply his brains. However, he rarely gets the chance to do so because of his position, client’s misunderstanding and the presence of ‘smarter dudes’ who always appear superior to him. Those who can’t adjust to the environment drown in this ‘Ocean of IT professionals’. Only those who learn the art of utilizing their position to their advantage, survive.

    This story is about another such SE stuck deep in the Indian IT sector. In spite of challenges, this guy is clever enough to turn the opportunities in his favor. Instead of adjusting to the situations, he changes the situation itself to his advantage. In this way he earns his promotion, on-site and also manages to get married in time.

    About Me: I am Simon Saha, a Software Engineer from New Delhi, India. I have been working in the software industry for 7 years. This is my first novel which I took me more than 2 years to write.

    My Web Presence: ,

    Best Regards

  206. Ryan Collins says:

    Hey Gary,

    I just published Everyone Dies Alone, which is a book of nine short stories. The description reads:

    Everyone Dies Alone is an anthology of nine short stories. All of these short stories differ in subject and length, but revolve around the transcendental nature of the human spirit to survive and succeed. From walking with guardian angels in a casino in Theophany, to a strange son of a strip club owner in the Shotgun Willies, and back again to the tragic tale of two brothers snowmobiling in Shiva’s Kiss, Everyone Dies Alone has the ability to catch your interest and not let go.
    “Collins makes his mark in the center of his target – the gut of the reader. Ryan Mitchel Collins is a writer to watch.” Grady Harp, February 13, 2013

  207. pmsartwork says:

    Hello Gary!

    Just self-published a new ebook entitled “Glazed City Eyes”. Would be overjoyed if you were able to read and review it! Here is the synopsis:

    Jackson McCormack is entering his thirties and his life is not what he hoped it would be. Despite his newly acquired girlfriend Terra, his fledgling writing career and his life are in a state of constant flux. He works a dead-end job and self-medicates profusely, while utilizing every spare moment to devote to his passion for writing. Enter Julius, an elderly, sage-like, street-wandering black man. These two men strike up a unique relationship, as Jackson quickly discovers that Julius also has a penchant for words. While Jackson’s relationship with Terra and career hang by a thin thread, Julius leads him on a series of adventures that will prove to save Jackson’s life. A novel as gritty and vibrant as the city of Los Angeles; it is a story of self-destructiveness, and longing for inner peace. Take the journey alongside Jackson on his quest toward redemption.

    Here is the amazon link (or you can get it on multiple links through my website):

    Thank you!!

  208. Hi Gary! I just discovered your blog and absolutely love your encouragement and support of indie authors. I also want to congratulate you on your own literary works — what an accomplishment.

    I am writing because I recently self-published my first novella and would like to be considered for a review. It is called “Descending the Corporate Ladder” and is a semi-autobiographical account of my transition from the academic to corporate world. The novella is about what it means to be a young twenty-something while it is experienced — the search for a niche, purpose, and meaning in life. You can read more about it here:

    I look forward to hearing from you!

  209. Thanks for considering my upcoming book. The ARC will be available in September, but your can read a sample on wattpad.

  210. Hello Gary,
    First off, thank you so much for devoting your time and money to those of us seeking to make our living by penning words to paper, or pixels rather. My debut novel is called The Harrowing and I would like to submit it to you for possible review. Below I have included the Amazon Kindle link and the books first paragraph followed by a summary of the plot. I hope it not only, as you said, grabs your fancy, but shakes it until it cries uncle! Thanks once again and I hope to someday read your thoughts on my work!

    The darkness was visceral. Tainted. It pulsed and flowed around and through Zoe like a great mass of shadowy vipers, her skin tingling with their strikes. If asked Zoe could not have pinpointed exactly what it was that bothered her about it. The faint, sickly sweet charnel house stench which left a mildly unpleasant bitter taste behind. The chill which seemed at once something physical and something more. The complete blackness; the absence of light, of hope. The utter, unnerving silence. No, Zoe Flynn could not have expressed any of these things, yet they were all present and in sum they equated to one thing: Death.

    Zoe Flynn’s sister, Lucy, is dead. The police call it suicide and indeed it was. Murder by suicide. After witnessing an apparition of her sister, Zoe, a private investigator by trade, uses her skills to delve into Lucy’s life and death. What she discovers is a world she had believed to be a figment of her over fertile childhood imagination. A world of Angels and Demons, zombies and witches, monsters and heroes, ghosts and ghouls. Zoe, a disgraced ex-detective, uncovers things about her sister that she never knew and finds links to her own past and the death of her mother twenty years ago.

    Charlie, the lead detective on her sister’s case and Zoe’s one time mentor, warns her to let it go, but Zoe has never been one to back down. Soon her digging winds her up on the FBI’s wanted list as the prime suspect in her sister’s murder. Only the FBI agents that visit her aren’t exactly normal and it seems that Charlie has been keeping secrets.
    But Zoe does have help; Warden, the Half-Angel guardian of her family, and his friend Geremial, an unfailingly well mannered zombie. With their aid Zoe uncovers a plot to plunge the world into eternal darkness by an organization known as the Collective and they want her body. Her dead body that is.

    Zoe discovers within herself a power she had forgotten and the courage to do what’s right at any cost. She and her dog Thorn, who turns out to be more than he seems, join with Warden and Geremial in a fight to save the world from the shadows. Can Zoe and her friends stave off the forces of darkness or will the world be consumed by the Collective and its strange god?

  211. marc mcvey says:

    Hello Gary,

    Thanks for your support of fellow indie writers.

    I have written a novel called, “The Trashcan Opera Society.” My work tells the story of Jordan, a lawyer who has dropped his law practice and now lives on the streets. He loves opera and uses a variety of schemes to buy the best season tickets to the opera. These tickets allow him to sit with the “high and the mighty” of Los Angeles. One night, by accident, he saves an older exotic dancer from being assaulted in the alley behind the club where she dances. Her name is Hannah.

    The novel is the story of how they try to survive LA and not surviving. It is a love story and like all good operas, you know that there is tragedy before the curtain falls forever.

    Here is the link to Amazon:

    Hope you will find time to read and review my work.

    All the best,

  212. Hidden Chops says:

    When crime scene cleaner Charles ‘Yey’ Reyes helps a detective friend solve a Roanoke homicide, he shuns the praise. He quickly changes his mind when his friend is killed while on duty. But this time, his offer to help is rejected by the police captain. Meanwhile, homegrown celebrity Sydney Estes buys a house near town. As the citizens swoon, Yey notices a link between Sydney and a flurry of homicides. Harangued by the captain, local media, and Sydney’s fans, Yey struggles to connect clues and prove his theory.

    Hello. My name is Chris DeBrie. The story is a mystery called “Cap’n Random.” It is about an everyman who solves a cold case that the police couldn’t. Thanks for your time. Take care. –D.

  213. Molli Fields says:

    Hello Gary,
    I just stumbled across your blog and it intrigued me from the beginning. I think what you do is amazing and it helps out so many others like myself. I am not sure if this is a genre you would be interested in, but i just completed my first novel, a 112,000 word, paranormal fantasy book. Here is the blurb from Amazon:
    Madison remembers nothing of her life before the age of ten. A week before her eighteenth birthday she meets Parker, a mysterious man that claims Madison is not from the human world. He tells her of her mythological homeland, Eden, and he informs her that her sister has been taken into captivity.
    Evil threatens to destroy her home forever, and Madison must quickly understand and accept this new world and her heritage. She must reach within, and channel her own power to help save her baby sister from the leader of the Underworld before it’s too late.
    To save her home, she must find herself.

    And this is the link where you can find it:

    Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
    -Molli Fields

  214. Hello, Gary! It’s incredibly hard to find indie book reviewers, let alone ‘honest’ ones, so I’m glad to see you here, doing this. I see a lot of requests here, so I’ll submit ours and I apologize if I missed an e-mail. It’s probably somewhere obscenely obvious and I just couldn’t see it.

    We’re a supermicropress that specialize in Speculative Fiction. In November of last year we published our first Scifi Thriller, Darkside.

    Our Positional: “Take a pulse pounding and at times, pulse stopping ride with a young athlete, an unconventional government operative, an underworld lieutenant, and an enigmatic madman through the post-Earth streets of a mega-metropolis and its worst slum: Darkside.”

    Thank you so much. We wish you an excellent day and hope we’ll manage to pique your interest!

  215. Hi Gary, I’m submitting for review my new novel, “Remember Big” (Literary, 80,000 words). Thank you so much for your time.

  216. Justin says:

    My debut novel Too Many Sparrows In Zaragoza is a philosophical travel novel, in the tradition of Emile Zola and Rebecca Goldstein. It is the story of a group of people living a hedonistic, aesthetic lifestyle in the Spanish city of Zaragoza (really and truly the novel’s main character). A young Maltese (where I’m from) psychologist pays them a visit, she gets carried away by their lifestyle and begins to analyze the implications, pleasures and dangers of such a libertarian lifestyle. The novel has non-fiction elements that deals with subjects as diverse as Freudian psychology, nature, imagination, art, living well and so on.

    Hope it tickles your fancy, would love a review!

  217. Hey Gary – I love what you’ve got going here, especially that you really work to find both good and bad in books. I’d love a review from you if you find the time, if only to get some pointers for the next project! Anyway, here’s the link for my latest novel:

    Thanks for your time. I know your queue is pretty long, so I understand if there will be a pretty considerable wait.

    -Taylor Hohulin

  218. Stefano says:

    Hi Gary thanks for supporting indie authors. Here’s the link to my sci-fi novel on Amazon:

    And here’s the description.

    2287. The Martian Republic is an established country on Mars. The planet was colonised in the late 21st century. During all this time, the Martian Republic has been on a level-playing field with Earth. Since the beginning of colonisation, Mars was seen as a stepping stone on humankind’s way to the stars. Not all is well though. The Martian Republic is gradually getting farther apart from Earth and the societies on the two planets are losing interest in each other. The Earth Association is trying to fight against this increasing separation. Among its activities is an exchange programme for Mars children. The programme seems to work well, helping establish ties between the newest generations on Earth and Mars. However, suddenly children start dying of measles, an illness against which, it soon becomes clear, the humans born on Mars do not have any antibodies. Detective Inspector Harry Strickned, of the Aaltrin Police Department, investigates, with the help of Marko Slavik, a space marshal, on Earth. Are these deaths just an unfortunate coincidence or is there a bigger plan behind them?

  219. Amber Sayer says:

    It is amazing what you do and your reviews sparked my interest in several books, so thanks! I’m hoping, despite your long queue, you’ll give my memoir a chance.

    It is called “PR: A Personal Record of Running from Anorexia”

    As a nationally ranked high school runner, nobody seemed to notice that Amber Sayer’s weight was dropping just as fast as her finish times. “PR” is a sports chronicle, a coming of age story, and a cautionary report of one runner’s simultaneous decent into anorexia and rise in the high school track and cross-country rankings. Her honest account of a distressingly common problem among high school and collegiate athletes takes readers through the disease’s progression and its unsettling parallels with her burgeoning running career. After losing more than she ever anticipated, and incurring permanent physical and emotional damage, Sayer struggles to overcome her severe case of anorexia and the sport’s culture in which eating disorders and their increasing prevalence remain dangerously taboo.

    You can read more about it and purchase it at

    or visit:

    Thank you!

  220. Hi Gary,

    I am including the link to my novel, UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD.
    It’s a post-apocalyptic zombie fiction, but it’s really a story of hope, survival and true love. It was published a couple of weeks ago and already has 27 reviews (26 4-5 star and a 1 star from a reader who was upset that a main character is gay–so I don’t really count hers).
    I would love to hear what you think.


    Cassie Forrest isn’t surprised to learn that the day she’s decided to get her life together is also the day the world ends. After all, she’s been on a self-imposed losing streak since her survivalist parents died: she’s stopped painting, broken off her engagement to Adrian and dated a real jerk. Rectifying her mistakes has to wait, however, because Cassie and her friends have just enough time to escape Brooklyn for her parents’ cabin before Bornavirus LX turns them into zombies, too.

    This is difficult enough, but Cassie’s tag along ex-boyfriend and her friend’s bratty sister have a knack for making everything, even the apocalypse, more unpleasant. When the two attract a threat as deadly as the undead to their safe haven, Cassie’s forced to see how far she’ll go to protect those she loves. And it’s a lot farther than she’d anticipated. This, coupled with Adrian’s distant voice on Safe Zone Radio and, of course, the living dead, threaten to put Cassie right back into the funk she just dragged herself out of.

    Survival’s great and all, especially when you have leather armor, good friends and home-brewed beer, but there’s something Cassie must do besides survive: tell Adrian she still loves him. And to do that, Cassie has to find faith that she’s stronger than she thinks, she’s still a crack shot and true love never dies.


  221. Hi Gary,

    I would like to request a review of my science fiction novel, A Hostile Takeover, complete at 165,000 words.

    The synopsis is as follows,
    Somewhere deep within the last bastion of democratic society called The Bluezone, segregated from the chaotic slums and destitute refugee camps, lurks a technology that could either push civilization further into the abyss, or bring forth its salvation. Struggling to save his innovative hybrid techno-finance company from malign threats leftover from twenty-two years of severe economic depression, a young Uberman ends up fighting for his life against ruthless enemies.

    Corporate banksters are increasingly adopting unscrupulous strategies and tactics. Dangerous slumlords have infiltrated every facet of the economy and run their gangs like small quasi-nations. Rebellious artificial intelligent entities, which may or may not believe the human world actually exists, are going rogue. To make matters worse, the Bluezone government, so obsessed in asserting its authority, is willing to risk all out civil war.

    Not that James Tucker, a war veteran and corporate Uberman from the age of nineteen, and a staunch proponent of alternative economic theorem, minds putting his life on the line. At stake is the destruction of his country, the disillusionment of his fans, and the prospect of betraying a promise he made to his daughter.

    A Hostile Takeover was published on August 1 of this year on CreateSpace. It’s available in paperback, .mobi, and and the ISBN number is 1234567890123.

    A Hostile Takeover is available for purchase:
    At Amazon

    Let me know if you’re happy to include this to your reading list and I will organise a ecopy for you.


  222. Hi Gary. My first novel, Salvation, has a little bit of everything – high school romance, historical hardships, and classic vampire horror, all tied together with a unique literary flair.
    You can read a sample on the publisher’s website, where they also sell both print and digital copies.

    Hope you find the time, and enjoy the read! Thank you,

    Alyssa Cooper

  223. Dear Gary,

    I noticed your Amazon review for CHASING AMANDA, by Melissa Foster, and decided to look into your reviewer status. That’s when I found you here. Wow, you’re an amazing reader and contributor to the success of many authors. I love that you purchase a copy of each novel too.

    A few years ago, a writer friend said to me, “You should write a novel with a geocaching theme.”

    “What’s geocaching?” I said. I had no idea what geocaching was or how to play, so I researched the sport and loved the whole concept.

    (Wikipedia defines it this way, “Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called “geocaches” or “caches”, anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook where the geocacher enters the date they found it and signs it with their established code name.”)

    I also love writing a good mystery/suspense/thriller, so I thought, What if a geocaching-enthusiast found a body part in a cache site?

    My author mind said, “Why? Who would do that?”

    That’s how CACHE A PREDATOR’s villain was born. I made the character a person who enjoyed games and had an emotional reason to target victims. And who better to target than pedophiles?

    But that wasn’t a broad enough premise for a novel. There had to be more.

    That’s when Officer Brett Reed’s character was born. He’s a great dad who wants custody of Quinn, his five-year-old daughter. Unfortunately, he loses his temper with his drug-addicted ex-wife and the judge grants his ex-wife custody instead.

    When Quinn is found wandering the streets alone, Child Protective Services places her in a temporary foster home until an assessment can be made. It should only take a few days.

    But a lot can happen in a few days.

    Especially when there’s a psycho/madcacher on the loose, a vigilante who wants to protect girls like Quinn.

    That’s how the two stories collide. Two different people, each with their own purpose and passion crashing into each other like two airplanes crossing the same path in the sky, even though they’re heading in different directions.

    Readers who knew nothing about geocaching before they read the book are taking an interest in learning about the sport and enjoying the premise. Some reviewers are finishing the novel in just a few days.

    Here’s the link to the book:

    If you’d like to watch the trailer here’s the link:

    I look forward to the possibility of having you review this novel.

    M. Weidenbenner
    M. Saint-Germain (my kidlit pen name)

  224. kellysamarah says:

    I would love if you would consider reviewing my book, Thorns of Glass. Here’s a link. It’s a paranormal story, sad, hard to lump into one genre. Murder, abuse, family…I hope you check it out!

  225. Hi Gary,

    Might I interest you in my book, Pro Bono – The 18-Year Defense of Caril Ann Fugate. As the name implies, it’s about the defense team of Caril Fugate, who was with Charles Starkweather during his murder spree in 1958. After he was captured, the question remained whether she was his hostage or his accomplice. My grandfather was her attorney, and this book tells the story of the crime spree, the trials, the nearly two decades of appeals, and finally goes on to talk about the many different artists it inspired, such as Stephen King, who became a horror writer because of it, Terrence Malick and Peter Jackson who made their first major movies about it, and Bruce Springsteen who wrote a whole album about it.

    It’s on Amazon at:

    And on Smashie at:

    There’s also a website that tells a little more about it at:

    Thanks for reviewing independent books! 🙂

    – Jeff

  226. markbarham says:

    Ever done something you regret? Mark has. Now it is coming back to haunt him, and until he can exorcise his guilt, his life hangs in the balance.

    That is the essence of my novel, ‘Bunker’. I stumbled across your website, was impressed by the range and depth of your reviews, and wondered if you might like to review my novel. Please find links below to my novel on Amazon where there are other reviews which will give you more of a flavour.

    I hope that you don’t mind that I have attached ‘Bunker’ in a word document and Mobi file. Alternatively, I would be happy to make my novel free to you via the Amazon website if that is more convenient.

    Thank you for your time and efforts; they are very much appreciated.

    J M Rawbone

  227. nolabels says:

    Hi, Gary! I do have a quick question for you. Do you take works of poetry as part of your submission process as well?

  228. bubblymissy16 says:

    Hello sir, I’m Carmen Stevens and I request that you please review my exciting historical fiction novel, which is titled “Anne” and centers around an arrogant, orphaned girl in 18th century England who dreams of happiness, but must endure various hardships in order to attain true satisfaction. Here is a link to purchasing it if you like: I can also offer you a free copy. Thanks very much, and I hope you consider me.

  229. Hi Gary. My name is David Haskell, and I’m writing to ask you to consider reviewing my new book, Too Much Information, now available on – it’s a political technothriller that was just released last month.

Brief Synopsis – Corporate greed and TMI technology leads to unprecedented invasions of privacy. Civil rights advocate Rob Folsom is called upon to fight back. (a longer blurb is available at the Amazon link)

    You can find me online at (my blog), on Goodreads at and on twitter @haskellwriter – if you could let me know of any other information/requirements you may have, I’d be happy to offer any assistance you might need in order to help set this up.

    Thanks in advance for your consideration.


    David Haskell, author of Too Much Information

  230. kellysamarah says:

    I have a book coming out on the 25th, a collection of short horror stories. If you are interested, here is a link

  231. Hello Gary,

    I have two supernatural thrillers out right now. I’d love it if you could check out the previews and give them a read/review if you’re interested.

    My latest is a SciFi Supernatural Thriller “Nasferas: The Begotten”.

    Under siege by an alien race, Davidar and his family escape the planet Nasferas only to crash land on Earth where they’re transformed at a genetic level, forcing them to deal with new abilities and an insatiable hunger. While at a party on Earth, twins Matt and Katelyn witness what they presume is an airplane crash. Unbeknownst to them, their lives will be changed forever as they come face to face with a terror that leaves them fighting to save each other and stop a master race from taking over the world

    My first novel is a Supernatural Thriller set in the 80’s “Sustenance”.

    In a time when friends, wrestling and graduation should be his top priorities, Coert unlocks a terrible secret about himself, unleashing an ancient evil that threatens to destroy his very existence, but to overcome this evil and save those he loves, he must learn to gain sustenance and harness the power trapped within.

    Thanks. Looking forward to your thoughts about my work.

    Nate D. Burleigh

  232. Whitney Lee says:

    Hey Gary! First off, thanks for supporting indie authors! I would love for you to consider reviewing my new novel, Mastema Blood. It’s a fantasy fiction novel that crosses between love, loss, and life’s obstacles. Here are the links to both Amazon and Smashwords.

    Dark forces are invading the planet of Terrene. Erlik the Emperor has instructed his Knight Huntsmen to “kill all in their path”. Alys Neale, a young woman destined for greatness, is part of an elite and secretive group of supernatural soldiers known as Mastemas. They alone are responsible for the protection of the villagers.
    What will happen when her best friend, Leah, not only discovers her secret, but that she is Alys’s one and only love? Will she choose to embrace Alys’s unfaltering love, or run from it? This is a tale of true love, loss, and the obstacles life chooses to throw in one’s direction. The fate of Terrene rests in the hands of Alys Neale…or does it?

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

  233. Emily Otto says:

    I’m so excited to announce the launch of my husband Andy Otto’s first novel, Caught on Film: An American Nightmare. It is a haunted house book that taps into psychological thriller/horror vein of Haunting of Hill House and The Shining. It will be free this weekend (8/23 – 8/25) under an Amazon Kindle Direct promotion! Here is the link:

    Andy is an English major with a doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and I am a Journalism major, so even though it is our first “indie” publishing attempt it should be pretty clean in terms of editing. Also, I did the cover art myself.

  234. 13 short tales of weird fiction with a horror slant.

  235. Fiona Rawsontile says:

    Hi, Gary,

    I am wondering if you would like to review my military science fiction, THE STARLIGHT FORTRESS, which was published three days ago.

    “When an agricultural country tries to survive a modern war, a powerful woman finds herself in a hopeless situation. People do not count on Queen Geneva to protect them from Emperor Pompey, the wicked gamer who’s always one step ahead. Things begin to change after the completion of the Starlight Fortress, a giant space structure that may be turned into their best weapon, if only Pompey would sit back and watch it happen. As the war evolves into a competition between old wisdom and advanced technology, Geneva can no longer tell friend from foe. Life itself is a battle, in which mistakes can be fatal and victories do not bring happiness.”

    Here is the Amazon link:

    This is my debut novel. If you don’t like it, please let me know what you think has gone wrong in your review. I’m thick-faced and serious about being a writer. I want to keep learning.

    Thank you very much!


  236. Neesha says:

    Hi there! I admire your support of indie authors. I try to buy at least 3-5 books a month, myself. If you’re still accepting books for review, I have a suspense/thriller with a splash of supernatural titled “I of the Storm: Death is Watching.” Here’s the synopsis, and link. Thanks! — — Being struck by lightning as a child sets Kira on an adventurous path of discovery. The “shocking” accident changes her forever, creating a secret door in her mind that gives her second-sight. Feeling as though she is stalked by death, her childhood is plagued with spooks and mysterious encounters. As she enters adulthood in the arms of an abusive husband, her life becomes a riveting series of events after pregnancy unlocks that door and connects her to yet another realm of existence. Her guiding light is the supernatural as she begins to have visions that lead her through some spine-tingling revelations about her husband, the man whose cruelty she endures and whose rigorous rules she obediently follows … until the day she makes the ultimate discovery. He’s not just Mr. Wrong; he’s something much worse. Kira must decipher her visions before it’s too late.

  237. Gary –

    Thank you for supporting new and independent authors. If you are looking for a quick and fun romantic comedy about the world of trade shows, conferences, and living on the road,please consider “Peter in Flight” by Paul Michael Peters. The first two chapters are available on and also my website along with select short stories.

    About “Peter in Flight”
    Peter can tell you how to run a great marketing campaign. He can tell you everything there is to know about successful trade show programs. He can tell you stories about the thousands of people he has met, miles he has flown, hotel rooms he has stayed in, and ways to work the system when you travel. But he can’t tell the woman he loves how he feels.

    You can also view an overview of the story from The Kindle Book Review:

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Paul Michael Peters

  238. Perhaps one day you will get around to mine.


  239. Suzanna says:

    Hello, Gary!

    I would like to submit my novel, CLARA, for review. It is my first novel. To see a information about it and read a sample, you can go to Smashwords at . I also have a blog: .

    I hope you like it and that you’ll review it when you can!


  240. wolfshowl says:

    Hi Gary!
    You have the most unique book blog site I’ve seen, and I really appreciate your review policy. I thought you might be interested in my book, Waiting For Daybreak. All relevant information is listed below.

    Title: Waiting For Daybreak

    Author: Amanda McNeil

    Genre: post-apocalyptic science fiction

    Length: 211kb/172 pages

    Publication Date: June 4, 2012

    Publisher: indie/self-pubbed

    What is normal?

    Frieda has never felt normal. She feels every emotion too strongly and lashes out at herself in punishment. But one day when she stays home from work too depressed to get out of bed, a virus breaks out turning her neighbors into flesh-eating, brain-hungry zombies. As her survival instinct kicks in keeping her safe from the zombies, Frieda can’t help but wonder if she now counts as healthy and normal, or is she still abnormal compared to every other human being who is craving brains?

    Thank you for your time!


  241. Rae Thomas says:

    Violet is trying to remember.

    The pictures don’t help. She’s analyzed countless photographs of her life before the accident, but nothing in them is familiar. She still doesn’t recognize her parents or even herself. Not even her father, who has dedicated his every waking moment to her recovery, has been able to resurrect her memories.

    Together, they intend to start a new life in Eligo, where no one knows who they are, or what they’ve lost. There, Violet meets David. He provides a welcome distraction from the pressure she feels at home. With him, she can be herself instead of struggling to be the girl she once was.

    But when Violet suspects that her father is lying about their past, she needs David’s help to uncover the truth. What they find goes beyond her family—a secret worth killing for.

    It’s too late now. Violet and David can’t turn back, and there’s only one option left.


  242. JD O'Guinn says:

    Hello Gary. Please consider my novel A World That We Expect for your review. In brief this science fiction novel concerns a Mormon enclave’s struggle to preserve civilization in the mountains east of Salt Lake City in the year 2098. The story is principally about Emmett Helaman, a teacher and historian of the Asher facility who ventures into the ruins of Salt Lake City to collect old records. It is not religious fiction nor does it harbor any agenda against this faith. Rather, like all dystopian novels the work explores the human condition and the ability to choose.

    More information may be found at .My current author’s page is http://www, .

    Lastly, thanks for taking the time to write these reviews since I know first hand that it means time away from your latest project.

  243. Ben Steber says:

    Dear Gary,
    I’m an amateur with no editor who has a warts-and-all-free-for-all-in-pulp-style online novel and I just want proof that one human being has read it. Even a bad review would be proof enough.

  244. Titus Welch says:

    Hi Gary,

    I love your simple and honest take on reviews and submissions. As I’ve been reading through submission guidelines for various sites, yours is truly a breath of fresh air.

    I’d like to let you know about my novel, Pneumadiluvians Volume 1. I’d written most of it last year as a monthly serial on Kindle, but have now compiled and re-edited the first six chapters into one volume, and also added a prologue, epilogue, and gallery of artwork. I just released Volume 1 and you’re the first reviewer I’m contacting, so there are no reviews on Volume 1, but if you browse the reviews of Chapters 1 – 6, they should give you an accurate look at how other readers like it.

    I think my favorite summation of the novel would be – “The Walking Dead meets MacGyver, minus the zombies.” It’s dystopian like I’ve never seen anyone else do.

    Thanks for your consideration!

  245. Ann Simpson says:

    Hello Gary,
    First, thank you! You may be interested in my paranormal, The Genealogist’s Guests. There may be a scene or two that’s disturbing but not too graphic. I published it on Oct 5, 2013. Here’s a link at Amazon

  246. Hi Gary,

    This is Shomari Black, author of Sabien’s Quest: The Light. I’d love for you to take a look at my book and decide if I can make your book list cut. I appreciate your consideration.

    Smashwords —



  247. JD O'Guinn says:

    Hello Gary. Please consider my novel A World That We Expect for your review. In brief this science fiction novel concerns a Mormon enclave’s struggle to preserve civilization in the mountains east of Salt Lake City in the year 2098. The story is principally about Emmett Helaman, a teacher and historian of the Asher facility who ventures into the ruins of Salt Lake City to collect old records. It is not religious fiction nor does it harbor any agenda against this faith. Rather, like all dystopian novels the work explores the human condition and the ability to choose.

    More information may be found at .My current author’s page is http://www, .

    Lastly, thanks for taking the time to write these reviews since I know first hand that it means time away from your latest project.

  248. Stuart Jaffe says:

    Please consider my paranormal-mystery, Southern Bound, for review. Here’s the short blurb to tell you what it’s about:

    When Max and Sandra Porter moved down to North Carolina, they thought they were getting a new beginning – good job, good pay, and a lovely little place in Winston-Salem. But the family that hired him to research land deals in North Carolina is not all that they seem.

    And when Max discovers that his office is haunted by Marshall Drummond, PI – a ghost from the 1940s – what started as a simple research job sinks him neck-deep in a world of old mysteries and dangerous enemies. One in which ghosts, witches, curses, and spells exist. One in which something as innocent as a book can turn deadly.

    Real North Carolina history meets fantasy magic in this pulse-pounding, paranormal-mystery series.

    For more info, including samples, here’s the amazon link:

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  249. S.M. Cooper says:

    Clearly you have no shortage of books to read judging by your queue – however, if you ever get down around book #200 you might find that you enjoy the fantasy (most accurately ‘speculative fiction) novel I recently published. At least, I hope so. The following is the synopsis for ‘Forsaken Lands, Book 1: Tragedy.’

    When the formerly prosperous nation of Elseth’s Land faces a catastrophic decline, unlikely heroes gifted by the gods are hunted for the abilities which could heal or destroy nations.

    Teveres and Aiasjia could not be more dissimilar. Raised in poverty at the merciless hand of her mother, Aia is a powerful healer disgraced by her profession and outcast from her home city of Nivenea. Teveres is the privileged son of Ilvan’s High Priest whose startling ability to kill with only his mind leads to the brutal murder of his entire family. Though they do not know it, Aia and Teveres are linked by their strange abilities – they represent a once-revered minority of the population known as the Deldri, individuals gifted by the gods with extraordinary power. It was thought that the Deldri lived on only in legend… until now.

    When the leaders of Elseth’s Lands disappear and Aia and Teveres are captured by the warring Kaldari people, they are thrust into a whirlwind of politics, religion and subterfuge which has been quietly destroying their homeland since before they were born. Together with a peculiar young baron and a renegade Kaldari mercenary, they must grow beyond their weaknesses to discover their roles in the fate of nations.

    Thanks for putting yourself out there. Best of luck!

  250. Hey Gary, I’d love for you to review my indie novel, Exodus. You can get the free sample on Amazon here:
    And the description is below.

    Thanks so much for your time.


    Book Description
    Publication Date: August 8, 2013
    A dark stranger arrives in the middle of the night, ripping open a centuries-old wound in post apocalyptic Harpers Ferry. Religious zealots have risen from the South, conquering all that stands before them. Now Jason must help his fellow villagers escape to a land far away to preserve their culture and buy enough time to build a defense. Can they succeed without any technology in the face of a rugged American continent?

    Blogger and author Geoff Livingston confronts America’s worst fears with a world destroyed by technology and dominated by Christian fundamentalism. Don’t miss the opening salvo in The Fundamentalists Trilogy.

    “Author Livingston (Marketing in the Round, 2012, etc.) presents the perils of medievallike life with unflagging realism. A wondrously executed parable, sure to attract readers from every walk of life.” – Kirkus Reviews

  251. elouisebates says:

    Hi Gary,

    What a great review site this is! You provide a tremendous service to all indie authors; on behalf of my “tribe,” I thank you.

    The following is the blurb for my debut novel, Magic Most Deadly:

    “For Maia Whitney, life after the Great War is dull, monotonous, and drab. Nursing soldiers in the bloody fields of France hadn’t been easy, but it was better than life at home, standing in her sisters’ shadows. There seems no chance for a change until the night she witnesses a murder in the woods.

    The last thing Magic Intelligence Agent Lennox Davies needs is this outspoken, independent lady crashing his investigation. Bad enough that a murder happened on his watch; much less that she had to see it happen. He works alone, and he does not have time for Miss Maia Whitney’s interference.

    But as Maia’s own magical talent blossoms and danger thickens around the two with every step they take, before long Len and Maia must rely on each other in a fashion neither has ever done before. If they can’t learn to work together, England itself might topple. Even worse, if Maia doesn’t learn to control her magic soon, she might do more to destroy them even than their shadowy enemy.

    Can they set aside their stubbornness and self-reliance in time to save themselves—and all England?”

    You can purchase Magic Most Deadly at Amazon here: or through Smashwords here:

    Thank you again for your time!

  252. Sam says:

    HI Gary
    I like a reviewer that quotes The Stones.
    Below are the blurb and the link for my first eBook Solid Rock. It’s a thriller… hopefully.

    Solid Rock is an action tech’ thriller with shades of Lee Child and Michael Crichton.
    About the book
    Jeff Draid is a genius who works at the cutting edge of military science. He has produced a technology that will leave America’s enemies nowhere to hide.

    It is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The kind of money people will kill for.

    From the edge of triumph he becomes a hunted man in a nightmare of violence and fear. Some want him dead, some want him alive, and some want him put on trial for murder.

    Ragged and alone Draid has to answer just one question.

    When there is no place left to hide, where do you run?

  253. Mark Petterson says:

    Hi Gary:

    Our need for companionship runs deep, and many of us explore the possibilities of online dating sites. To help facilitate that search I’ve written an eBook entitled: ‘Cupid’s Secret: Writing Irresistible Personal Ads’.

    The subtitle reads: How to write compelling personal ads using the powerful marketing techniques of professional ad agencies including over 400 super-charged words, phrases and examples to inspire you.

    By way of introduction I’ve been a professional writer for thirty years. I’ve worked for ad agencies, magazines, corporate marketing departments, politicians, and private individuals – all looking for that crucially-important competitive edge in marketing.

    I’d like to give readers that edge in marketing themselves online.

    My book reveals how to turbocharge your profile by exploiting the same powerful marketing techniques ad agencies use. The basics are simple and easy to use once you know them. Even better, I’ll walk you step-by-step through the process from A to Z. And along the way I’ll give you over 400 compelling words, phrases and other examples to help spark your creativity or even use for yourself.

    Here’s just some of what I cover:

    Choosing a fun and unique user name
    Using subliminal suggestions in your profile pictures
    Knowing what to bait your hook with
    Nine headline types that get you noticed fast
    Starting your profile with a bang for maximum impact
    Your profile narrative – what to include, what not to include, and how much to include
    Emotional triggers – 63 key words that arouse emotions
    Advanced psychological techniques
    Building your profile toward a powerful close
    The call to action – motivating others to get in touch with you promptly
    The importance of reinventing yourself and how to do it
    And over 400 super-charged examples to kickstart your creativity

    Here’s the link to my eBook on Amazon:

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Best Wishes – Mark Petterson

  254. Hi Gary,

    I’ve just hopped on the bandwagon for your blog, having read over some of your reviews. They’re fantastic!

    Anyway, I have a recent release from Ink Smith publishing that may interest you. Here’s the blurb…

    “There are twisted creatures, hiding in the darkness. In the deep woods, the abandoned barn, the back alley, the empty apartment next door. Some control minds or weather, others dabble with lost souls and possession. They have preyed on the unwary for centuries and are only satiated by the next victim they take.

    But they have not gone unnoticed.

    There are Hunters, scouring just at the edge of the light. Michael Grayleer is one such man. Shotgun in hand, Grayleer tracks down whispers of attacks, finding the perpetrator and removing them before they can hurt anyone else. It is not so cut and dry these days, especially since Grayleer’s prey has found a new orchestrator. Grayleer is not the Hunter anymore. They are being sicked on him, one by one, until he either dies or turns to find protection at the hands of men that he would have never put trust in before. As he watches his new friends slowly lose themselves into the ruthless kills that his job requires, he is forced to wonder whether his Hunt is just – or even forgivable.”

    Here are the links to the barnes and noble/ Amazon pages if the description interests you. Thank you for your consideration.

    Barnes and Noble :

    Amazon :

  255. frank beerman says:

    Dear Gary, I read some of your review and I like your style and integrity.
    Here is my how-to non-fiction book- I think you will be pleasantly surprised
    My best regards
    Frank Beerman

  256. David Saur says:


    Great site! I have written a book that is part parody of Lord of the Rings, part adventure, and all of its own story. Bill and Luke grow up with the desperate desire to be heroes, but have no idea what that entails. So they launch headfirst into the war to end all wars and end up in the final confrontation with Moron the Shady Lord. Traveling with Grandlaugh’s A-Team of heroes, they beat up orcs, dorcs, ninjas, pirates, and really stupid elves. But when they complete their journey, forever changed yet still just Bill and Luke, they gain a real appreciation of what a hero truly is.

    Mysterious capers; yep.
    Adventure; got it.
    Swashbuckling sword fights; definitely.
    Massed cavalry charges and clouds of arrows; all there.
    Heavy machine guns? Read the book.

    Thanks for the look and I hope you enjoy the book as much as I do.


  257. Thanks, Gary, for this wonderful opportunity.

    Here’s a brief summary of my bully prevention book for middle grade (ages 8-14) kids: The kids at Ralph Bunche Middle School love to pick on Elliot Kravitz-Carnucci. He struggles with his weight, looks like a geek, makes top honors, and lives above the Carnucci Home for Funerals in South Philadelphia with his distant, workaholic father and Nonna, his quirky, overbearing grandmother.

    Since his parents divorced, he splits spending his time with his funeral director father and his mother Rayna, who dreams of becoming the queen of commercials on the west coast.

    At the hands of his peers, Elliot experiences a series of bullying episodes that escalate from entrapment in a school supply closet to a brutal “swirly” (head dunk in the toilet) that lands him in the hospital emergency room.

    Elliot has a small circle of loyal friends and a mentor named Duke, an aging school custodian, who root for him to overcome his bullying issues so that he can enjoy his life as a teenager and a budding singer/performer. Can Elliot win his fight against the nasty bullies, or is he doomed forever? Read this funny, sad, and crazy book to find out.

    Here’s the amazon link if you’d like to read a sample:

    My website address is I write books about bullying and grammar writing improvement.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to submit my book!

    Kind regards,
    Catherine DePino

  258. Thabo Seseane, Jr. says:

    Hi Gary

    Thanks for a great service. Indie reviewers have never been so apposite as in an age when the internet is inspiring such initiative among previously sidelined content creators.

    As a South African writer far from the madding crowds of global publishing, finding an audience has been a challenge. It doesn’t help either, I guess, that the book I would like you to consider, Random Collection of Disquieting Thoughts, is ultimately a Marxian attack on the prevailing superstructure of society. This would obviously include the mainstream publishing houses that have had writers at their mercy almost since the days of Johannes Gutenberg.

    I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I did writing it.

    Thabo Seseane, Jr.

  259. Hi Gary,

    Please consider reviewing my Paranormal Romance.

    Title: FORBIDDEN KISS(Julian’s Mate)
    Author: A. R. Flowers
    Length: 130 pages
    Publication Date: September 12, 2013
    Publisher: Indie/Self-Published

    24-year old Trinity Parker and her two brothers Simon and Scott, have just lost their parents James and Eden Parker to a plane crash. Trinity’s father was a successful business man and owned a lucrative textile business in Rhode Island. He leaves her sole control and ownership of the business.

    Trinity is also at odds with her boyfriend Colin Butler, who seems to treat her well but lacks the passion she desires. She has been having terrifying recurring dreams and in them she sees not only her boyfriend, but a mysterious tall, dark stranger.

    One night after having had another bad dream, she wakes screaming. She notices a tall, dark figure standing in her room. He has been observing her for a while, and as it turns out, she has been dreaming of him and forecasted his appearance in her life. She discovers his name is Julian Bishop.

    This is an ebook on Kindle at and my author link is amazon.comB00F5Z7DKK.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    A. R. Flowers

  260. martincosgrove1980 says:

    Wow! Looking at this list of submissions, I doubt you’ll ever get to mine, but it’s worth a try!

    ‘Pembleton, PhD Issue 1: The Case of the Disappearing Scarlett Limb’ is the first in my new series of monthly paranormal comedy shorts for the Kindle. Here’s the link if you think it may interest you:

    I have also written a contemporary fantasy novel entitled ‘The Destiny of Ethan King’, which is available as a paperback and for the Kindle.

    Thanks for your time and best of luck with your reviews and your own writing.

    Warmest wishes,

  261. cleemckenzie says:

    Good luck with all of these, Gary. You’ve got your work cut out for you. How will you write your next book? 🙂

  262. Elia says:

    Good work you do here. I’d also like to submit/propose to you a book I recently published.
    It’s a very short (13k words) story of fiction, narrated in the form of a diary. It’s titled “How to kill yourself”.
    There is a free PDF version of the book downloadable from my site which is released under Creative Commons. All details and links to Amazon/Kindle and the free PDF can be found here:

  263. educreator says:

    Hi, Gary,
    Thanks for all your reviews. They certainly help orient us in the increasingly kaleidoscopic world of publishing. I wanted to point you toward my new book Wisecrack in case it catches your fancy. It’s a conspiracy thriller that re-tells the story of “The Waste Land.” You can find an excerpt at and the Amazon page at


  264. Hoping to get added to your back list…as long as it is! LOL!

    “Not a Whisper”
    Book One of the Klondike Mystery Series

    When Cherie Marshall catches her fiancé and best friend in a compromising position, she cancels her upcoming wedding and jumps at the chance to escape to quiet Klondike, Pennsylvania to care for her elderly aunt. She thought her biggest issue would be adapting to life in the middle of a National Forest, so very different from her upbringing in the deserts of Arizona.

    But that was before she met State Trooper Fire Marshall Jamison “Jazz” Maddox at the scene of a mysterious fire. As they both become acquainted with the close-knit Klondike residents, things get complicated as Cherie and Jazz find themselves in the middle of a local crime wave where arson, kidnapping, embezzlement and a decades old murder are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Book two is “Barely a Spark”, also available on Amazon.

    Police Sergeant Jim Sanders has been appointed the Acting Police Chief while his boss takes a vacation in Montana. Jim thinks two weeks will be a breeze, crime isn’t a big thing in the small town of Bradford, Pennsylvania.

    Was it an accident? Maybe suicide? Or could it have been something more sinister. John Crocker was not a well liked man. He smoked too much, drank too much, and gambled too much. But even he had a family and they deserved to know the truth.

    Small town Klondike, up the hill from Bradford, suddenly sees a spike in vandalism. Cabins ransacked, cars trashed – who is responsible? Summer tourist kids or someone more menacing?

    Sometimes, two weeks can seem like a year…

  265. P. C. Zick says:

    Hi there – You’re doing a great service for us Indie Authors. Thank you. I have four books of fiction. Blurbs are here on my blog: Links to amazon:
    Trails in the Sand –
    Tortoise Stew –
    A Lethal Legacy –
    Live from the Road –
    I’d be honored for consideration in reviewing any of these; I understand that your queue is probably as full (or fuller) than mine!
    P.C. Zick

  266. John Rydzewski says:


    Would you consider reviewing a travel book? I wrote it in real-time while living and working in China from 2007-2010, then finally published it in 2012 after some clean-up. Each chapter is a separate story that is about 2000 words long.

    Title: China Diaries and Other Tales from the Road
    Author: John H. Rydzewski
    Available in Kindle, Nook, and Apple formats, as well as hardcopy.
    There is a free preview of Foreword, the Table of Contents, and the first two chapters at

    Thanks in advance for your time,

  267. Gary,

    I am impressed and delighted by the great work you are doing here!
    I am an indie author and would like to ask you to consider reviewing my novel — a historical-slash-time travel-slash-vampire story, told through the eyes of a snarky cat…

    I know, it sounds a little crazy, but I think it’s entertaining!

    Here’s the critical information and a link:

    Title and author: Timeslider (The First Timeslider Cat Novel), by Cherokee Stein Ross

    Brief Summary/Teaser Blurb:

    “Yes, of course: I am a cat…”
    With those words we begin to see the world through the eyes of the Timeslider Cat—a super-intelligent, telepathic, time-traveling feline with a scientist’s interest in the human race. And through the Cat’s eyes unfolds the story of Renata Beaumanoir, a beautiful young college teacher with many of the problems common to young college teachers, and one big one that’s not so common: Renata is a vampire…
    Renata is able to hide her vampire nature with injections of thanadoxicil, a substance created by the mysterious Doctor—a powerful vampire somehow connected to Renata’s past life. How? Renata doesn’t know—the endless, empty reaches of eternity have degraded Renata’s ability to remember her past, just as happens to all immortal creatures. But when Renata is confronted by the Vampire Council and its vicious assassins, the Cat realizes that only a furious effort to reclaim those memories by timesliding into the distant past of Renata’s life will suffice to rescue Renata from a peculiarly horrible end…
    With locales ranging across the centuries from a small college town in North Carolina to the plague-ridden battlefields of the Middle Ages, Timeslider is a sometimes whimsical, sometimes violent, but always intelligent and entertaining romp across time and space. It’s an adventure, as well as a meditation on the meaning of immortality, memory, history and friendship—all told in the opinionated, snarky, sometimes infuriating voice of the Timeslider Cat.


    I hope you can fit this on your queue!

    Thanks, and keep up the great site!

    Cherokee Stein Ross

  268. Hi, Gary — I love your review style, because everything has good and not-so-good points. I’d like to offer up my contemporary fantasy, The Opposite of Magic:

    Emily Daggett’s childhood dream of finding a wizard, becoming extraordinarily powerful and battling evil is belatedly coming true. In the most screwed-up way possible.

    First off, the wizard’s all wrong. Alexander Hartgrave is a thirty-year-old IT worker instead of a silver-haired mage, and he’s dead-set against playing the proper role of helpful mentor.

    Worse, he thinks Emily’s extraordinary, all right — because she’s uniquely incapable of doing magic.

    When adventure overtakes her despite (or rather because of) her oddity, she has to start seeing fantasy like a cold-eyed realist, and fast. Otherwise, her bookish expectations about good and evil will get her, Hartgrave and a lot of other people killed.



    Colleen Cowley

  269. Hi Gary,

    I have a quick read for you that may appeal to both the reader and writer within!

    The book is called Story Sprouts, and it’s a mix of writer’s guide – complete with 10 exercises and lots of tips – and anthology, filled to the brim with 38 pieces of poetry and prose, many by new voices in the world of writing, and others previously published.

    Here’s the blurb:
    A Day in the Life of a Writer

    What happens when linguistic lovers and tale tellers workshop together? Inspiration. Wonder. Discovery. Growth. Magic.
    Brave and talented, the writers featured in this anthology took on the challenge of dedicating one day to the raw and creative process of writing.
    A rare view in to the building blocks of composition, Story Sprouts is made up of nearly 40 works of poetry and prose from 19 published and aspiring children’s book authors.
    This compilation includes all of the anthology writing exercises and prompts, along with tips, techniques and free online writing resources to help writers improve their craft.

    If you’re interested, the link to Amazon (Kindle or print editions available):

    And the link to more info about Story Sprouts:

    Thanks for your consideration!
    ~Alana Garrigues
    Story Sprouts Co-Editor

  270. penguingirl12 says:

    I am a first-time writer who has just published her first novel on
    My novel is called “Subtle, Flowing Changes” (I wish I could use italics); it is about 17-year-old Cera Brandenburg, who moves to a mysterious and enigmatic city when her parents change jobs. Cera, hating change, is in despair at her sudden, new life. In high school, a bubbly girl named Mariah will not leave Cera alone, and she insists Cera change her attitude about change–something impossible. Meanwhile, the city’s mysteries begin to reveal themselves to Cera…
    This is the first book in a trilogy of the same name. I would be homered if you would give the book a try (let alone review it!). The book has been professionally edited, though I am aware there are still a couple typos that I will change soon.


  271. Mark Gray says:

    Gary, thanks for taking the time to provide this service. I’d love for you to consider reviewing my debut novel. Here’s a brief synopsis:

    Cassie Moore just killed her only (sort of) friend.
    And she liked it.

    Deny is the story of a girl who has awakened a darkness inside of her and can’t escape the urges and cravings that insist she was born to be a monster.

    And maybe she was.

    But then again, there are other voices to consider and sometimes the biggest challenge in life is to figure out who or what to believe.

    Cassie finds herself stuck between two worlds, but quickly becoming more and more immersed in the world of darkness and violence.

    It’s what she’s drawn to. It’s where she feels most free, and who doesn’t want to be free?

    Who determines what’s right or wrong anyways? Can we really be expected to fight against our own nature?

    Deny, the debut novel from Mark Gray, is a gripping thriller that enters the mind of a young killer as she wrestles with her identity, uncovers life-altering family secrets and battles for control of her own destiny.

    The book is available here:

    I’m pleased with how it came out, but being that this is my first published book, I’d absolutely love some feedback. Thank you for your consideration!

  272. Hi Gary,

    I’m trying to promote and generate interest for a new self-published novel about vampires, and I’m hoping you might be interested in reading it and writing a review. It’s not the usual vampire story, there’s no romance, some violence, but not all gore. I would describe it as a fast-paced thriller, that happens to have vampires in it.

    About the book:

    Robert Young

    Adrenaline: Taste the fear

    Brief description:
    Two complete strangers are attacked and remember nothing until a number of strange changes come over them. An aversion to daylight, a mysterious, raging hunger and heightened abilities and senses all point to one thing, but neither man can accept the truth until they are confronted by it. But more than this, they also realise that they have become prey and must join forces to survive.

    Link to Amazon Kindle store:

    I’m hoping you might be interested in reading it and writing an honest review on Amazon.
    Look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for your time.

    Best wishes

  273. Hi there,
    I would like to submit my novel for review. My name is Dale M. Chatwin and I am 25 years old from England. My novel is titled: Underneath the Draconian Sky.


    1107: a man with no name and a past cloaked in the occult.The Guy is a Rift Walker, a being capable of passing through dimensions at will. On the Island he is an Exterminator, working for pleasure to rid the land of Human vermin.

    The Island: a place that exists on an alternate plain of existence. It was a paradise where people could retire to and live peaceful lives under the watchful eyes of the Old Gods. In the small town of Lament’s Corner a mysterious Cult opened a rift in time and space, causing malevolent creatures to spill forth into their reality.

    The Aakmanu: a cold blooded race of inter-dimensional aliens, they came through the rift and established their draconian way of life upon the Island, abolishing the ways of the Old Gods. Their only form of religion and law is the Cult of Aakmanu, an indoctrinated group made up of creatures from different worlds.

    The High Occultist: an abomination. Former resident of the Bachman Gardens Institute for the Criminally Insane and failed experiment of the Aakmanu. He has the ability to walk through dreams and control the Unconscious Mind. His defining feature is a crystal tube embedded into his skull, called the Halo, that gives off a sickly amaranth glow.

    When 1107 is hired by saloon proprietor Sylvester Claproot to exterminate a group of escaped residents from Bachman Gardens, it all seems like a run of the mill extermination: capture, torture and kill. He soon finds himself plunged into a brutal world of sexual lust, unhindered violence and where the fringes of sanity are lost to the winds of time.

    The story begins in the small town of Lament’s Corner, from there the reader is taken on a journey to the City of Debauchery, the Industrial Complex, the Lair of the Desert Shamans then spiralling into the deranged world of the High Occultist and ending in the Moffatt Fields.

    Underneath the Draconian Sky is a novel that explores the darkest realms of Humanity’s nature. A macabre world, a draconian world where terrible people commit hideous deeds. It is a novel that will haunt and disturb you with elements of Ero Guro Nansensu, Steampunk, Western, Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy. A novel that will plague your imagination with horrific images and keep you reading until the Sun scars the horizon.

    Link to the Amazon UK Page:

    Link to Amazon US Page:

    I thank you in advance for taking the time reading this and if you purchase my novel, I look forward to reading your review and sincerely hope you enjoy reading it.

    Kind regards!

  274. Zoran Jevtic says:

    Hi – here’s mine, fresh out. Not a ‘zombie-shoot-them-up-aliens’ kind of thing, but a grown-up postulation on existentialism, digital afterlife and evolution – an original premise peppered with action, sarcasm, social critique and multi-planar theories. Told in a fast-paced, hi-tech narrative, it received a glowing endorsement from Richard Appignanessi and can be found on Amazon:

  275. LM Chase says:

    Good Evening Gary,
    Thank you for taking the time to go through all of these books!!
    When you have a moment, please consider mine as well.
    Thank you so much!
    ~LM Chase

  276. Monica Bruno says:

    Hi Gary,
    I’m seeking reviews for the Advanced Reader Copy of my novel, Rachel’s Folly (official launch will be early January, 2014). I have the ARC available as an epub, mobi and hard copy. I’m looking for honest feedback, but I do ask (plead, beg, implore) that you not include any spoilers.
    The book would be considered Literary Suspense/Thriller, it is by no means erotica, but it does include two sex scene (non-explicit). It also has occasional profanity (used judiciously). The word count is right under 60,000.

    Book blurb:
    Family therapist Rachel Richards’ life is about to come undone.
    She has it all: a successful career, a beautiful house, a loving husband, and a son she adores. To top it off, her best friend is getting married. But who is this mysterious man who calls himself Jack and, more importantly, who is Rachel when she’s with him? After a night of drinking gone awry, Rachel is forced to face a dark part of herself she didn’t know existed. She must find a way to cope—with what she’s done, with the kind of person she might be—or lose her life in the process.
    Told from three unique perspectives and set against the backdrop of an Austin, Texas both strange and familiar, Rachel’s Folly is an exploration of profound loss, morality, and the lengths to which we will go to save our loved ones and ourselves . . . from ourselves.

    The book cover can be found here:

    Thank you so much for your consideration. I really appreciate it.

  277. Bart Stewart says:

    Good day Gary,

    My name is Bart Stewart, and I wanted to ask about the possibility of a review of my debut novel.

    Painter of the Heavens is character-driven literary suspense about a woman’s love affair with a possibly dangerous con artist. She becomes drawn in as his accomplice. Sub-title: “A Novel of Crime and the Heart.” We explore the psyches of these two lovers as they pursue a “perfect” and “victimless” crime.

    The word count is just over 82,000. A detailed description is posted on its Amazon page:

    To get a feel for the writing, you may read the first 25 pages by clicking “Look Inside.” If you prefer not to be stopped at 25 pages just say the word and I will send you a Kindle gift code for the full novel, or a PDF file if you prefer. At present this book is available only in digital format.

    Here’s hoping your schedule will allow for a review of Painter of the Heavens!

    Best regards –

    Bart Stewart
    (On Twitter @BartStewart1)

  278. Hi Gary:

    Here is the link to my novel, Tempesta’s Dream – A Story of Love, Friendship and Opera on Amazon.

    Also, here is a link to a book trailer.


    Chip LoCoco
    New Orleans

  279. Chramaqi says:

    Non-fiction Islamic Books: For Sale, Never Read.

    What book loving Muslims everywhere, ought to know about the starving mother of five beautiful and loyal Muslim children.

    The author.

    Halimah bint David the slave: waiting to be fed and provided for by Allah (swt).

    The goal?

    To simply sell books that inspire and nourish, crackling parched, hearts and minds of children and their loving families.

    I understand you are trying to proficiently do your job and are extremely busy, I would be honoured for a short amount of your time to read these and review

    These are a Children’s Tawhid Series. The writing is simple factual and short, focused on those just learning how to read.

    Eric Carle Meets National Geographic Discovering Allah

    Allah? Who Is Allah?
    Written and Illustrated By: Halimah bint David

    in simple words this books interacts with kids about who is Allah.

    Eric Carle Meets National Geographic Accepting Allah

    Allah! Allah Is My Lord!
    Written and Illustrated By:Halimah bint David

    In simple words this book rejoices with kids about learning how great The Lord is.

    If you don’t read one of these books and write a review, you may regret it later.

    If you review one of published books, I will be giving you a free copy of my next book of Islamic poetry, that is not yet available.

    The free Islamic poetry book is called ‘Everything Under The Throne’.

    Please privately email me at for your free PDF Copy.

    For more information on our books for sale:

    We hope you will enjoy!

    About the Author: Halimah bint David authored, illustrated, published and marketed several books on Islamic monotheism (tawhid) for kids and Sharia for adults. Halimah founded a few popular blogs at SurvivorsAreUs.WordPress.Com, HighwayToHeaven.WordPress.Com, ChristinaMacQuarrie.Wordpress.Com and is currently researching and implementing new copy writing skills.

  280. Delia Winters says:

    Hi Gary,
    I have written a novel for the first time and I self published it on Amazon.
    If you ever find the time I would be very grateful if you check out my book. It is a fantasy with a little bit of humor and romance in it.
    I am posting a small excerpt here in hopes of piquing your interest.

    Aurelia stopped her car and got out of it too anxious to make sure she had parked between the yellow lines.
    “I thought I told you to go home.” Aurelia seethed. “And to keep quiet”
    Lisa and Gwen had gotten out of their car moments after Aurelia and rushed to her. On seeing Aurelia’s glowering face, the two had seemed to lose their mettle.

    “Well, technically you asked her not to tell Cillian or Siobhan” Gwen tried to placate.
    “So you decided to go to her” Aurelia pointed the question at Lisa.
    “I was kind of out of options.”
    “I don’t have time for this” Aurelia said her face flushed from cold and anger. “Get out of here.”
    “But” Lisa squeaked. “We can help.”
    “I don’t need your help.” Aurelia hissed.
    “Well tough” Gwen had finally managed to remember that Aurelia was her classmate first and witch later and she would definitely not be intimidated by a two bit bio geek. “You go to this dude alone and you are one dead witch. So take the damn help and try to appreciate it while you’re at it.”
    “I can’t let you guys get hurt because of me.”
    “Letting us” Lisa looked slightly insulted. “Aura, you are not letting us do anything. We are here because we want to, because we chose to, and because” she gave a small smile, “because that’s what friends do.”
    “Yeah, count me out on the BFF bracelets” Gwen tried to look disturbed.
    “If that’s so, why are you even here?” Aurelia asked as she gave Lisa a hug.
    “Rebellion” Gwen answered after a small pause. “My parents grounded me for helping you; over the phone while they are in New York sharing eggnogs with their perfect son.”
    “Right” Lisa rolled her eyes. “Wanna tell me why you stopped in front of the elementary school playground?”
    “This is where he asked me to meet”
    “Well I don’t see anyone.” Gwen squinted trying to see if there was anyone in the park.
    “It’s too dark to tell, plus they are probably staying out of sight.” Lisa said. “Okay so what’s the plan?”
    “Yeah” Gwen rubbed her gloved hands together. “Do we set a trap or something?”
    “Well” Aurelia scratched her temple with her index finger. “We see that David is okay, and then um… we grab him and run.”
    Gwen paled. “That is not a plan.”
    “You don’t have a plan” Lisa looked like she wanted to strangle someone, preferably Aurelia.
    “Well I have always been a last minute gal” Aurelia appeased.
    “Perfect” Lisa clasped her forehead with both her hands.
    “Silver lining, if we die, I won’t have to take the SATs in January” Gwen chose to look on the positive side.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

  281. Anna Klay says:

    Hi Gary,
    I am hoping you may give my book, Broken Wing, a shot at being reviewed. Broken Wing is a literary fiction novel that was released recently. It was number one on the literary fiction list on Amazon just after release. The summary is as follows:

    The Tarot predicts the journey as Ray Long comes to the town of Pettington hoping to leave his rage behind and begin a new life. And when he meets Skye Roosevelt, he begins to believe he can recreate himself and find his future in Pettington. But Pettington is no ordinary town with a metaphysical store that tells its future, a whore house that keeps it financially secure, and secrets long buried just beneath its surface. And soon Ray Long begins to spiral down into the pit of violence he has always known. He begins to hear the Devil whisper in his ear, and he soon discovers his old self is more soothing to him than the new life he’s created. And when he tries to murder two of Pettington’s own, Skye Roosevelt must search deep within herself for her own self identity in order to protect her son as Ray Long battles the past in order to separate the passion from the pain.

    Broken Wing is a story about an abuser who was a victim of abuse as a child. This is a story about his family relations, the need for love, the devastation of rejection, and the merry-go-round that keeps turning. And this story is about self-identity, a self-identity the character believes defines him, dark and rigid, until he is pushed to the extreme, only then can he step out and stand naked with this identity at his feet as he lays claim to the past that molded him and the passion that fills his heart.

    So far the reviews have been very good, and I just received a review from Pacific reviews that can be read at:

    The kindle edition can be found at:

    Anna Klay

  282. RC OLeary says:

    Hi Gary

    Thank you for this opportunity. My book is a fast-paced legal thriller titled Hallways in the Night. It begins with a deadly confrontation between a cop and baseball’ home run king and ends with a hard-hitting trial. Some of the more interesting aspects of the book are the behind the scenes political deal-making that take place in the wake of the shooting and the African American characters.

    It’s available via Amazon with the look inside feature enabled. A slightly longer sample of chapters 1-3 is available for PDF download on my blog site Thank you and best wishes for a Wonderful 2014, RC


  283. geosta says:

    Hi Gary,
    If you have some time then it will be great if you can review my new comedy/poetry book called ‘A Floristry of Palpitations’. The book satirises politics, the office environment, TV, relationships, and life in general. Titles include ‘I Know How To Fail – I’ve Failed Before’, ‘A Poem A Day Keeps The Public Away’, ‘Kidnapped By A Public House’, ‘A Party Popper Political Broadcast’, and ‘I Tried To Buy You Flowers’
    Best wishes,
    George Stanworth

  284. Hi Gary,

    Great website and thanks for your work. I’d love for you to take a look at my first indie published book, available on the Amazon Kindle Store. One Giant Leap is a gripping suspense novel with a historical twist. You can check out the description and all other information at the following link. Thanks for your consideration!

    J.T. Sterling

  285. email address correction in comment *

  286. Hi Gary,
    I was struck by the similarities in theme between “American Goddesses” and my novel at first glance.
    Thanks for what you do for our indie lit community,

  287. Casey Hays says:

    Hi there Gary,
    I know you’ve had a lot of submissions lately, so I hope my book captures your attention. Breeder is YA Christian dystopian sci-fi novel. I am proud to say my 16 year old son is the cover artist. The book will be released by The Grumpy Dragon, LLC on January 15, but is available for preorder at

    This is my second published novel. Thanks in advance if you chose to review.

  288. Brian Smith says:

    Hello Gary:

    I’ve found your blog from a Google search, and I’m wondering if you would be interested in reviewing my debut title, “Purified.” Purified is a sci-fi thriller at 320 printed pages. It is currently available on all e-book platforms. It will be released as paperback and hardcover in February 2014.

    Determined to get his old life back, a desperate man who’s been declared dead, escapes a mad scientist and must expose an evolution experiment to prove his identity and clear charges of assault, fraud and murder.

    “There’s no use trying to escape. You’re miles from anywhere. You have no clothes, no food, no money… You’re dead, Mason.”

    As far as everyone else is concerned, Mason Bushing died over a year ago, but now he’s running from Dr. Harlow who is secretly conducting an unauthorized experiment for a drug he calls Purify. It saved Mason’s life, but Mason is focused on getting what he wants most—his old life back. His plans change when he realizes his wife is more interested in the insurance money she inherited than seeing him alive. His best friend doesn’t believe his story, and the police intend on charging him with fraud and assault after he almost kills his wife’s boyfriend.

    Warren is a detective who’s assigned the case. He has just returned from personal leave after his wife died. His investigation turns up suspicions of lying, disturbing coincidences, and related homicides.
    When Mason becomes the prime suspect, he’s forced to run again.

    Imagine having to run from someone who saved your life. Imagine everyone thinking you’re dead, but you’re really alive. Questions, accusations, conspiracies… murder. What if this was all caused by a drug that’s creating the next physical evolution of man? What would you do if you were Purified?

    Amazon (sample available here):

    Goodreads (sample available here):

    I look forward to hearing back from you…

  289. Hello and Happy New Year Gary,
    My name is Von Rashawn Coleman and I’m a self published author of the military SF novel TIC ONLINE and a 18 year active duty sailor finishing out my career onboard the USS San Diego stationed in…you guessed it, San Diego! The idea for my story came to me back in 2003 when I was standing watch onboard the guided missile destroyer USS Winston S Churchill. I’ve been a science fiction fan my entire life and my love for it will never subside! TIC ONLINE was influenced by a combination of world events, classic anime and science fiction classics like Robotech Macross Saga, Starblazers, Buck Rogers, Aliens, Tranformers G1 series, Star Wars, Star Trek and many many others. TIC ONLINE can be found on May 2014 bring you another year of awesome reads.

  290. Paul Huhn says:

    Book Review Request
    The Existential Millennial Crisis. Here’s a link!

  291. Hi Gary;
    I’d like to submit my novel for review. The title is ‘Look Not Unto the Morrow’. It’s a Vietnam-era, anti-war romance. Here is the ‘blurb’:
    In “Look Not Unto the Morrow,” innocence shattered and ultimate redemption are portrayed against the backdrop of the Vietnam War and the turbulent sixties. The story follows the lives of three young people as they experience love and war. Roger Gaines is the promising young college student, drafted into the army and traumatized by his experiences in basic training and Vietnam. Pam Wentworth is the loving girlfriend he leaves behind, who evolves from naive college student, to political activist, to radical anarchist. Michelle Healy is the young woman Roger meets when he returns home, who loves him unconditionally when he can no longer love himself.
    It was positively reviewed by former senator and 1972 Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern, and best-selling author David Swanson.
    You can read a sample chapter here:

    Robert Fantina

  292. Looks like you have a lifetime of reading to do, but I thought I’d take a chance anyway by suggesting a different kind of story involving two treasure hunters on the quest of a lifetime – to save Japan from a Buddhist monk’s deadly prophecy. Rather than go into greater detail, this is a direct quote from ForeWord Review/Clarion Reviews: “Buried Threads, an erotic thriller, combines the action and adventure found in a Clive Cussler novel, the plotting and romance of Danielle Steel’s books, and the erotic energy and supernatural elements of a work by Shayla Black. Equally plot and character driven, it has a superb balance of action, character reflection, and introspection.”

    If I’ve peaked your interest in regard to this suspense story and you’d like to know more, please check out Buried Threads by Kaylin McFarren on my website or

    Book Page:
    Book Trailer:
    Purchase Link:

    Thank you for your consideration and good luck with all your reviews!
    Kaylin 🙂

  293. Priya Talreja says:


    My name is Priya and I was wondering if you could review my client’s memoir on your blog.The title is Inside the Giant Machine-2nd Edition by Kalpanik S.

    Here is a brief description of the book:
    Behind Amazon’s quirky smile logo lurks a cold and calculating giant machine. Author Kalpanik S. reveals his own smile as he tells the somewhat quirky story of his complex, and often hilarious, relationship with Amazon. From the sophisticated wit in his portrayal of the courtship period in “How To Get Hired By Amazon In Ten Days”, to the dark humor of the disillusionment period in “The Cold, Calculating Machine”, Kalpanik’s story is more than just an insider’s view of the giant machine known as It’s a modern, universal story of the uneasy relationship between an individual and today’s gargantuan corporations. In the end, it’s also a story of redemption for the creative and freethinking individuals that define America.

    And in case you were interested, here is an author bio:
    Kalpanik S. is an immigrant technologist. He came to the USA on a fellowship from the University of California and stayed back and worked in West Coast’s High Tech corridor. He had been writing a journal about his “journey'” through the US since the time he landed at the San Francisco Airport more than twenty years ago, and a few years ago, he decided to get his stories published. Kalpanik is a pseudonym the author uses to allow him to separate his literary identity from his professional identity.


    Priya Talreja

  294. Hello Gary,

    I salute your dedication to reading, and ask you to consider reviewing the first book of the trilogy Noor: the place of perfect light – Atrament Speaks – which is a literary fantasy.

    Ancient history, recent past, and present wind throughout the book and merge towards the end.

    Atrament: one of the the firstborn of the union between the Disobedient Ones and the Women of Lessadgh (an alternative Earth), was once considered to be a demi-god. At the beginning of the book, he is fading (dying). He makes a gift of a speak-cube that will tell his story, and which he hopes will set the record straight about his life, to Clara Maddingly, foster-mother of the Insane Child. For twenty years she has tried to find the answer why her boy descended into madness, and for this reason alone she accepts the gift as Atrament tells her it contains the answer, little suspecting she will have to listen to Atrament Speak.

    He tells of his rise to power, his struggle to keep the inheritance of talent (little lights that travel beneath the skin) as the children of the Disobedient Ones, and their children mate with the people of Lessadgh, and why, at the height of his power and glory, he was cut down, believed faded, (dead), and named Anathema. All he had built is lost, all he hoped for stolen by the people who bought him down, and who are now rulers of Noor in all but name, he has lived for centuries as a ‘creeping thing’. Vengeance, is the one thing he will have in common with Clara, once she has heard his story, and learns who was responsible for the destruction of her boy.

    I very much hope you are interested in reading the book and reviewing. If not, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your time, and wish you every success with your next novel, since the bug bitten once, continues to bite.

  295. Hello again, Gary,

    Sorry, forgot to mention Atrament Speaks is a kindle ebook on amazon, and paperback.

    Many thanks,


  296. Joseph Kranak says:

    Hello, if you have the opportunity, you can check out my new novel, Elixir of Flesh. It’s historical horror about people hunting vampires so that they process and grind their bodies into life-extending medicines, and about a serf’s son, a novice at a monastery, a vampire coven, and an apothecary. Here’s the link:

  297. glamorousbooks says:

    Great blog! Please follow me back on for author interviews, book reviews, travel, beauty, inspirational qoutes, and a diary of my life in Spain, and writing process x

  298. sue says:

    well I would consider submitting my book to you if I knew where to send the relevant info. It’s not gone live yet. It’s a collection of poetry and very short fiction

  299. Tex Leiko says:

    Hi there my name is Tex Leiko, I’d like to reccomend my short story, “Please! Do Not Read This”. It came out in October but has yet to really make a splash. Since it is a short story it is only 0.99$ here is the premise and the link:

    Kuwics syndrome is a horrible debilitating disease. Those who suffer from it need constant stimuli or else they suffer physical pain. What’s worse is it affects their relationships with other humans even further in that they have a difficult time distinguishing the difference between fiction and reality. They have a hard time viewing people as anything other than machines meant to be played with. They are prone to addictions and outbursts. Garret Shade, has Kuwics syndrome.
    Garret Shade was a man raised on technology and pampering. He never had a want in the world, never viewed people as anything more than playthings…until he met Bailey. She lifted him from the mire that was his life and gave him three remarkable months. Now she’s broken a promise to him and plans to flee Garret won’t rest until he finds out why.

    Show more
    Show less

  300. Hi,
    My name is Irene Dolnick and I was wondering if you would consider reviewing my children’s book:
    Kurt, Gert, Jazmine And Bagel; ISBN 978-1-4787-0966-4
    amazon link:

    Synopsis: Brrr! Jazmine is feeling cold, hungry, and lonely—and when she passes a picture window and sees her two friends, Kurt and Gert, in the warm, cozy house, she also feels a bit jealous! But this little dog will soon meet a handsome black and brown beagle named Bagel, who knows what it’s like to be alone. Join Jazmine and Bagel as they form new friendships and embark on new adventures together! It’s a story that will delight children of all ages and remind us of the importance of friends.

    This book was written for children beginning the reading process or for struggling readers; consequently, it contains an introduction or review of high frequency words, phonograms, whole words, and pronunciation within a storyline. Thank you for the opportunity to submit my children’s book for review.

  301. vpettee says:

    Fleur deKey – debut mystery

    Links to my book on Smashwords and youtube book trailer

    Hope it interests you or any of your readers

  302. Azhar Lorgat says:

    Hi Honest Indie Book Reviews

    I stumbled across your blog today and would absolutely love to share my first novel with you, a dark crime thriller named The Sorrow.

    The Sorrow is a dark crime story that explores the consequences of pain, and losing yourself to it.

    Jack Mercer is a struggling cop caught between two worlds – trying to protect his wife and daughter by staying under the radar, or taking the fight to his enemies.

    When a breakthrough threatens to uncover grand secrets about the mob, their hand is forced and Jack returns home one night to find his family brutally murdered.

    Three weeks later he receives a phone call from his dead daughter.

    As Jack chases the ghost of his child, he discovers a darkness within him; a bloodlust that he cannot control.

    Link to Smashwords:

    My blog:

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

  303. Ryan says:

    Hi Honest Indie Book Reviews,

    WANG YANG: a memoir
    by Ryan Andrew Peters

    Re: Book review request

    My book is available for FREE until 25th Feb 2014, if you manage to download it in time.
    Here’s the link:

    I trust that you will enjoy it.
    Ryan Andrew Peters

  304. Paul Vincent says:

    Hi Honest Indie Book Reviews,

    I found your blog today (via Google) and would love to submit my sci fi thriller “Icarus” for review. It’s currently on a 99c promotional price, so now is the best time to buy it, assuming you like the sound of it.

    Link to Icarus on

    Here’s the blurb:
    “A mysterious prototype, a daring deep space rescue and three space-craft crews fighting for their lives.

    While working in the Trojan asteroid cloud, independent mining vessel Icarus picks up a distress call from a vessel stranded deep within the cloud. Risking a catastrophic collision, they board the mystery prototype vessel and attempt to rescue the crew. Meanwhile another vessel, from Earth, is coming to deal with the heavily damaged prototype, but with a conflicting agenda. After unwittingly discovering the bizarre secret of the prototype vessel, the crew of the Icarus end up fighting for their very survival against a superior and unexpected enemy.”

    I believe you will enjoy it and thank you in advance if you choose to review it.

    Best regards,
    Paul Vincent.

  305. Dear Gary. I love the idea behind your site. Do you review short story collections.

  306. Robert Point says:

    Hello. I thought you might be interested in checking out a mystery/suspense novel I’ve written called Black Earth. It features a female protagonist who is haunted by her domestic violence past.

    Keep up the good work. Link provided below.

    Robert Point

  307. Art Brennan says:

    Title: One Calamitous Spring: A Novel of Santa Fe
    Author: Edward F. Mendez
    ISBN : 978-1-937240-35-6
    Genre: Adult Fiction
    Website :
    Amazon Link:
    Synopsis: Theodora Mercedes has deep Santa Fe roots but her focus is on the present and tomorrow, and not on where she looks, but in what she sees. Making a better world, creating a stronger family, and paying attention to the universe that gives her life are where she puts her energies. So far, Theodora Mercedes has been successful, until one fine April morning when she leaves to visit her sister in Albuquerque. The springtime that follows is marked by disaster, murder, kidnapping, unearthed family secrets, new-found loves, and spiritual crises. Theodora Mercedes has only her wits, equable demeanor, and the gift to help her navigate troubled times and skies. Before summer comes, Theodora Mercedes discovers that she hasn’t prevailed alone.

  308. Art Brennan says:

    Title: Laws & Loves: Real Stories of the Rattlesnake Lawyer
    Author: Jonathan Hovis
    ISBN: 978-1-937240-4-17
    Genre: Humor, Biography, Lawyer
    Amazon Link:
    Synopsis: “Laws & Loves” is a humorous look at the real life of the Rattlesnake Lawyer. Jonathan Miller is a practicing criminal defense attorney in New Mexico and the author of eight books. These are the chronicles of his early years, how he learned to balance the law with literature, all while looking for love in all the wrong courtrooms. This book is a must for anyone thinking of practicing law or falling in love.

  309. Hi Gary,
    The Experiment is a science fiction novel about a community of highly intelligent species that struggles to deal with the first civilization to have ever emerged from one of their own experiments.

    Amazon link:

    Simplicity is the greatest accomplishment of the Universe Confederation. However, simplicity tends to shelter complex dilemmas. All intelligent species in the Universe live by their succinct Constitution: no true intelligent life form can harm in any way or interfere with another unless it is directly harmed or interfered with. The Constitution has never been broken, not even in the most complicated differendums.

    Different experiments had been set up in the Universe outskirts to try to understand the transition to high intelligence; researcher Geb is assigned a particularly promising one. To everyone’s surprise, this experiment succeeds and self-conscious preintelloids evolve and thrive. But, on a routine analysis, Geb finds astonishing evidence of a new technological development that would allow preintelloids to migrate from their star-planetary system and meet their creators. Their space travel technology was not expected to be so advanced at that stage of their evolution, before becoming fully cooperative.

    The Confederation has two uncomfortable choices: either terminate the experiment and risk going against the Constitution, or not interfere and risk an invasion by a potentially dangerous species. These diametrically opposed choices lead the Confederation to a third alternative: send Geb to the Experiment to diagnose the population’s aggressive traits before intergalactic travel is fully operational.

    Thank you for your time and consideration
    Cristian A. Solari

  310. Nat Kozinn says:


    It seems there is no end to the review requests. I can only imagine trying to keep up. Thanks for fighting the good fight, we indie writers need you!

    I recently release my first novel as an eBook on Amazon, it is a Sci-Fi/Superhero story set in an altered timeline. You can visit to view a short story set in my universe, as well as dozens of articles to help explain how our world became the world of Chosen Different.

    The Plagues destroyed almost everything. There are no more cars, no more planes, no more electricity. Differents undid that damage. Differents rebuilt the world: they move our trains, heat our homes, and feed our children.

    Gavin Stillman is a Different, but he cannot move mountains, read minds, or run like the wind. Gavin has his own talents he could use to help people, if only it wasn’t illegal to act like a hero. When he finds a trail of half-eaten human remains, Gavin has to wonder if the government lied… is The Beast still alive? Finding out the answer is going to test the true limit of Gavin’s abilities. Will he survive his attempt to fulfill his childhood dream of being a hero?

    Thomas Calhoun is a Chosen Son, created by God, infused with a spark of the Divine. He knows it’s a sin that his brothers toil away heating our homes and feeding our children. He means to put a stop to the sinning, whatever it takes, if he gets a few human meals along the way, all the better…

  311. Lauren Wills says:

    Try Chiliad by Simon Otius, on unhappened [dot] com. Not for everybody, in fact almost for nobody.

  312. Grant Reed says:

    Hello Gary!

    My name is Grant Reed, and I am the author of six fantasy novels. I have most recently published my Vellian Mysteries series (two of the three novels are online while the third is out to my test readers) on Smashwords and Amazon.

    I am contacting you to see if you would be interested in reviewing the first book for me, “Welcome to Deep Cove.” The genre is Fantasy/Humour, and the book is 80,701 words in length.

    At thirty-one Garrett Willigins has finally earned his private investigator’s badge. Unfortunately, the bills haven’t stopped coming and building a solid reputation won’t happen overnight. Forced to take employment wherever they can, Garrett and his miniature dragon partner Merle, must dirty their hands any way possible to make a buck. Shoveling manure, chasing cats, and dock duty seem to be the order of the day. Working off back rent for a notorious gangster isn’t the safest of jobs on a good day, but when the other workers start turning up dead, Garrett finds himself elbow deep in a mystery that could spell a quick end to his short P.I career.

    Here is the link to the book on Smashwords:

    You can check me out at:

    Thanks for your time!!

  313. ihath says:

    Hello Gary,
    Graffiti Hack is a new novel that tells the story of the east/west cultural clash through the viral language of the internet. It has stories within stories – inspired by the idea of the Arabian Nights. Whenever one of the characters gets stuck they tell a story which frequently is misinterpreted, causing all sorts of havoc but also inspiring unplanned surprises.

    The outer story is about woman who hacks the internet to install elaborate graphical designs.
    Kindle version:

    Elen Ghulam

  314. Carol says:

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for celebrating the indie author. I’d welcome the chance to be added to the queue. My novel, “Battle Not With Monsters,” introduces Neen Ford, a drifter with a keen sense of justice who becomes embroiled in a human trafficking ring. For various reasons, I’m using the pseudonym Overton Scott.

    Here’s the link to Amazon:

    And here’s a brief synopsis:

    Neen Ford is a loner, drifting from town to town, working as a security guard and teaching martial arts. One hot night in Dallas, she witnesses the brutal murder of a Ukrainian prostitute and becomes the killer’s next target. Neen’s never backed down from a fight, but she’s never tangled with a human trafficking ring before. Until now.
    Naïve young women are being trafficked into the United States by Russian criminals. Someone needs to help them. The police are trying, but they’re not moving fast enough for Neen, who is now being stalked by a man who enjoys inflicting pain.
    How far will Neen go to save herself? How far, to save three young women from a life of fear and suffering? And what price will she pay for battling the monster? There’s a thin line between hero and vigilante – will she cross it?

    Thanks for your consideration, Gary. And best of luck to you and to all the writers here.

  315. Hello Gary

    My book is a sports/fiction novel called The Favorite. Hope this grabs your attention.

    Synopsis: Veteran prizefighter Michael Dane believes he’s on top of the world. He’s had a star-crossed career and life, with plenty of wins in the ring and an eighteen-month stint in prison. As the number-one contender for the IBF Light-Heavyweight Championship, he’s training to go up against Quin Cortez, the undefeated champion, in a title fight in Las Vegas. Michael’s drug-running manager, Dante Alexander, has driven his career, making no friends along the way. Now, after a tense meeting with Dante, Michael is rethinking his choices as a man and as a professional fighter. Worse, he’s doing all he can to stay one step ahead of the treacherous men who would exploit him for their own gains. With nowhere else to turn and few people he can really trust, Michael turns to his former trainer for advice, Terence “Dutch” Masters, who raised him like a son. His former girlfriend Selena, now several months pregnant with his child, represents a life he has never known. Now Michael must do what it takes to keep everyone in his life safe from Dante. With his old trainer in his corner for one more fight, his old flame back in his life, and rival gangsters on both sides, can Michael get out with the title … and his life?

    Kindle link:

    Best regards

    Franklyn C. Thomas

  316. Hi Gary,

    As with everyone else, I have to praise what you’re doing here. There are not altogether that many avenues for indie book marketing. I found a book on here called Merkabah Rider which ended up being very good, so I thought I’d give a swing at getting my book reviewed by the same man.

    The Hunter Grayleer is a paranormal action/thriller.
    There are twisted creatures, hiding in the darkness. In the deep woods, the abandoned barn, the back alley, the empty apartment next door. Some control minds or weather, others dabble with lost souls and possession. They have preyed on the unwary for centuries and are only satiated by the next victim they take. But they have not gone unnoticed. There are Hunters, scouring just at the edge of the light. Michael Grayleer is one such man. Shotgun in hand, Grayleer tracks down whispers of attacks, finding the perpetrator and removing them before they can hurt anyone else. It is not so cut and dry these days, especially since Grayleer’s prey has found a new orchestrator. Grayleer is not the Hunter anymore. They are being sicked on him, one by one, until he either dies or turns to find protection at the hands of men that he would have never put trust in before. As he watches his new friends slowly lose themselves into the ruthless kills that his job requires, he is forced to wonder whether his Hunt is just – or even forgivable.

    Please check it out if you have a moment! Thanks for all the hard work.

    Alex Billedeaux

  317. Kyle Snyder says:

    Stranded in Sweden
    Kyle E. Snyder

    Daniel Cyrus is a businessman from Indianapolis, Indiana employed by Neo-Minds Communications. He is sent on a business trip to Stockholm, Sweden to introduce Mindphone, the newest innovation in communication and internet technology, to a company called Ultra-Neuron Tech. During his business trip, a nuclear missile hits Stockholm, preventing Daniel from returning home to his family. Using Mindphone, he and his Swedish friend, Ventus Anderssen, must find out who was responsible for the attack and why the culprit attacked.

  318. Gary, hey,

    I really liked your approach to reviewing indie authors and would like to get in line..I sincerely hope you’ll cast a glance at my Amazon page to see what my book is about:

    A Poker Game of Love tells the story of the subtle change of roles, expectations and limits in relationships that are far from what they seem at first. It follows the way people’s darker urges, insecurities, vanity and need for validation dictate and shape their lives by forcing them into co-dependent and dysfunctional dating patterns.
    The main story centers on a young woman who’s in the process of discovering that her sexuality and its power over men are her strongest allies.
    In a world, where every date is a gamble and every relationship is a poker game of love – one of the players will have to outmanoeuvre all the rest to come out as the undeniable winner at the cost of anything. Because all is fair in love and war..

    p.s. or to cut to the chase – it’s basically a follow-through of the types of dysfunctional relationships we’ve all been in, but were unable to shake off at some point in our lives. The story is told from male/female perspective, centering on the type of woman that knows just how to get exactly what she wants from men without investing too much time and emotions in return. On the other end is the guy who women love to blame for their broken hearts and trampled hopes and the whole lot. The glue that holds the whole thing together is the process of how all characters came to be the way they are.

    Thanks for your time.

  319. Would you be interested in reviewing either (or both) Danse Macabre or Artificial Gods? They are both published by Double Dragon Publishing.

    Danse Macabre:
    Roselyn Jacobs was used to how weird reality could be. After her roommate was transformed into an avatar of Thought, she found herself sworn to secrecy about the truth: the world still belonged in part to mythic being who kept low profiles. When Dryden – her older, gothic, and subtly abusive boyfriend – is turned into a reluctant member of the undead sought by an uppity vampire coven, Roselyn and a man from her past must rescue Red Hook from becoming an all-you-can-eat buffet with the help of a confederacy of monsters.

    Artificial Gods:
    Jasmine Woods knew a few things for certain: she was owed a break before her senior year of college; her younger sister Chrys was an enormous pain; and Pine Bush, her home, was a boring town. On her first night of summer break, she sees a UFO. Soon, she is pestered by discomfiting Men in Black, who want her to destroy a photo she never took. The Woods sisters have to uncover the connections between the objects in the sky, the MIB pouring into their town, and the local abduction support group before a paranormal conspiracy can sacrifice their town and the sisters’ sanity.

  320. ticknor1992 says:

    Hello, Gary. I’d like to introduce my 63,000 word light fantasy novel to you, The Heartless. It is the first in its trilogy. Also, during this week, a portion of the proceeds generated from sales will be donated to the American Red Cross. The blurb and location can be found below:

    18 year old Menar Redfield, a gifted Healer apprentice, plans to finally move out of the orphanage and settle in the city of Cajoi with his pregnant fiancée, but his unexplained visions catapult him into a secret war fueled by the King’s political regime. His visions come true, and the city is ravaged by a sadistic raider cult known as the Heartless.

    Menar storms a tactical campaign to reveal the truth behind the genocide at Cajoi and kill the Crual, the leader of the Heartless’ combat operations, but the more blood he spills, the more he realizes a dark power resides in him. If he can use this power to overcome Crual, end the war, and disband the Heartless, their increasing control over the debilitated country will be stopped. But he must hurry, because the dark power Menar possesses threatens to consume him.

  321. Laura W says:

    Hey, Gary!

    I just published my first novel, a science fiction time traveler piece set in pre-revolutionary Boston. I would be so honored if you would consider my book for review! Here is the blurb:

    There are just three rules to being a time traveler.

    1. Do not, under any circumstance, interfere with your environment during travel.
    2. Do not attempt to carry other persons or large articles during travel.
    3. Keep your talisman on your person at all times.

    When time traveler Andrew Simmons loses his talisman in pre-revolutionary Boston, he must race against the clock to retrieve his only way home. Everything is on the line – family, love, freedom, honor, and quite possibly the future. But as time reveals a long line of dark secrets, Andrew realizes he must save more than just his skin. He must also save his kind.

    Renegade is available on Kindle for $3.99, and will also be on Nook soon. Additionally, I can order paperback copies if needed. I really hope you consider taking a look at my book, and thanks for your time!

  322. Hey Gary,

    Just read your blog so I wanted to post about the novel I just published called Death Has A Daughter. Below I’ve posted the books blurb and the link for amazon. I hope it is something that peeks your interest. Thank you for your time. Have a nice night:)

    Cendall, history’s first female Grim Reaper, has until her eighteenth birthday to prove she’s worthy of the role. The only obstacle in her way are those pesky Guardian Angels who protect human souls, but Cendall is certain she can handle any Guardian who gets in her way. However, nothing could have prepared Cendall for Lacie—a soul that is protected by multiple Guardians, wanted by Demons, and, most startling of all, can see Cendall.

    Cendall uses every trick in the book to try and slip past Lacie’s Guardians and collect her soul, but a Demon interferes at the last moment. In the chaos, Cendall accidently saves Lacie’s soul, along with one of the injured Guardians. Realizing Cendall fears termination for her mistake, the Guardian blackmails her with an offer she can’t refuse: in exchange for his silence, Cendall must keep Lacie’s soul safe from the Demon, until he recovers from his injuries.

    Cendall agrees—with the intention of checking Lacie’s soul off her list, the instant the Guardian is healed. But as the three of them are forced to work together, Cendall begins to question why Lacie is wanted by the Demons and if her name actually belonged on Cendall’s list in the first place…

  323. Gary, first off thank you on behalf of all indie authors. I admire people like you who contribute to the advancement of indie works. I’ve read several of your reviews and I’d like to submit my own novel for your consideration. My Two Flags revolves around a 13 year old immigrant and his family and what it takes for him to embrace his new culture, new life, and what the impact is upon the rest of the family. The novel is a coming of age story meant to bring awareness to issues of prejudice and bullying in American schools. Although the theme of immigrants is prominently displayed, the story’s elements go beyond, exploring the nature of teenagers when faced with someone different. This novel is receiving warm reception among educators and virtually anyone who has a relative who came from another part of the world and marked his way into American society as The Other.
    Here is the link. My best to you and I hope to hear back from you when time allows.
    Sincerely, Javier A. Robayo

    I’ll also include my own website if you’d like to find more information on the novel.

  324. Darlene says:

    Hello, Gary!
    An indie book for your consideration . . . “Something Good,” a contemporary romance by Darlene Deluca (a fellow Kansan and Jayhawk, btw 🙂

    A mistake. A blessing. A tragedy.
    And now, Mandi Evans has made it her goal to fade into anonymity. Once a straight-A student with her choice of colleges, she’s withdrawn into a life that consists of two jobs, an online class, and memories. Crippled by the past, she feels unworthy of a better life – until Lane Whitmore walks into the diner where she works six nights a week.

    An urban planner, Lane is looking to revitalize the rundown part of town where Mandi’s hidden herself away. He can’t help but notice this diamond in the rough as well, and what starts as simple good times grows to . . . something more.

    With Lane, Mandi feels alive again, and she makes a bold decision – one that could chart her course on a path to redemption. But will keeping her plan a secret from Lane turn out to be the biggest mistake of all?

  325. Matthew Anderson says:

    Hello there Gary,

    My name is Matthew Anderson. I’m 26 and just recently published my first piece of literature. I’d absolutely love for you to give it a read if you get a chance. Here is a brief synopsis from Amazon.

    Denver Williams. Suburban junkie. Lost in the mundane and swallowed by his own confused sense of self, Denver Williams has been living the life of a functioning heroin addict for years. He is adrift, taking as few steps as possible to simply maintain the unattached status of his mediocre life. Work. High. Work. High. The cycle is endless. But there is a release, a place to lose perspective of the world at large. This place is the hardwood forests of the North Georgia foothills. Embarking on a weekend trip to get lost in the watchful serenity of the woods, Denver loads his gear: tent, sleeping bag, backpack…and his ever-present shooting kit of needles and dope. Equally adrift, albeit in their own unique way, Anna Aleppo and Nathan Roth are two unattached music festival goers who have been rolling like human tumbleweed across the nation, and through the random pushing of fate, their paths cross with that of Denver’s. Like-minded yet profoundly different, the trio hit it off and decide to make a weekend of it. Overcoming his original need for solitude, Denver embraces the situation for what it is, and prepares for a weekend of the unexpected. Little does he know that what has started in this chance meeting will end up pushing him to the very brink of his very existence. Fast-paced and deeply visual, Thirty Two Miles to Paradise is the story of one young man’s journey to the depths of nothing, a story in which demons must be faced, and the muted realities of his own self must be conquered. Change is inevitable. Its cost is high. Its price must be paid.

    Thank you in advance for your consideration!

  326. I would like you to review my book, NEW YORK STORIES.

  327. Hello this is my first novel and something that has been in my head for many years. Thank you for taking the time to look at it. I hope it catches your eye.
    JT Blackburn is a working class man who is living the American Dream. That is until he loses it all. Hell bent and unforgiving, Blackburn embarks on a vengeful quest to right the wrongs of modern society and murder those whom he holds responsible. A lone wolf, this simple man from Ohio exacts revenge on those who have ruined the lives of so many. The one percent will pay.
    Crusader for the poor or soulless serial murderer?
    You decide.

  328. If this summer you are thinking of travelling to the majestic, sun kissed Greek Islands, think again. A sadistic killer is on the loose.
    Over the picturesque Greek islands bodies are piling up fast. Captain Papacosta, a former American homicide detective turned Greek police captain after the loss of his daughter, teams up with young and ambitious, top of her year Lieutenant Ioli Cara to face their most difficult and intriguing case yet.
    Olympus. The tallest peak in Greece and as maintained by the ancients, home to the almighty Gods.
    In 1972 a boy is born in New York to a raped young girl. A boy who through abuse will grow up into a vicious, merciless and cunning killer. A killer who believes he is murdering the Olympian Gods and mutilates his victims according to Greek mythology.
    Will the two officers catch the murderer in time or will the Olympus Killer have his revenge?

    Only five star ratings on Amazon and on Goodreads.

    Check out my webpage, see the trailer, and accept my thanks for your consideration!

  329. guyportman says:

    Hi Gary,

    I am contacting you in the hope that you might be interested in reviewing my new book, Necropolis. Necropolis is a humorous work of dark Fiction about a sociopath, who works for the Burials and Cemeteries department in his local council. This is the Blurb:

    Dyson Devereux works in the Burials and Cemeteries department in his local council. Dyson is intelligent, incisive and informed. He is also a sociopath. Dyson’s contempt for the bureaucracy and banality of his workplace provides ample refuge for his mordant wit. But the prevalence of Essex Cherubs adorning the headstones of Newton New Cemetery is starting to get on his nerves.

    When an opportunity presents itself will Dyson seize his chance and find freedom, or is his destiny to be a life of toil in Burials and Cemeteries?

    Brutal, bleak and darkly comical, Necropolis is a savage indictment of the politically correct, health and safety obsessed world in which we live.

    ‘Not only a funny, twisted, erudite satire on the psychopath
    genre, this novel also boasts a compelling plot and
    finely sculpted characters’

    ‘A black comedy of true distinction’

    ‘I was at once fascinated and disturbed by the devious Dyson Devereux with his malicious pedantry, wicked schemes and grotesque good taste. A barbed joy’

    Kind regards


  330. Do any two topics fit together better than drinking too much coffee and a misguided plot to abuse the power of GMO technology on a global scale? Of course not. If you agree, I’d appreciate a review of my first novel, “You Bring the Coffee, I’ll Save the World.”

    Here is the description:
    The problem of world hunger has been solved by Dr. Nathan Fiker, beloved head of Hallita Inc. Several days prior to his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Fiker is wrapping up work at his lab in Costa Rica when university professors Gary Berg and Richard Stenvick lead a class of students to the country for a short term cross-cultural. Dr. Stenvick, an ultra-athletic caffeine addict, begins a whirlwind hiking tour that leaves many of the students gasping for breath. Dr. Berg meets up with Paul Hargren, a former student. Following a conversation over dinner, Berg agrees to temporarily part ways with his class to look into an invasive corn crop that’s ruining Hargren’s research. Their investigation soon leads to Fiker’s research facility, where their concerns are dismissed by a condescending assistant. An attempt on their lives hours later forces the two scientists into hiding and confirms their suspicion that they’d stumbled upon a nefarious plan. Hargren enlists the aid of an epicurean CIA operative and they set out to uncover Fiker’s secret. Meanwhile, Stenvick’s group suffers one mishap after another at the hands of two dysfunctional assassins hired to ensure their silence by arranging spectacular accidents. A shocking discovery sets Berg on a race to find an answer before Fiker takes the podium for his acceptance speech. Set amidst the beautiful Costa Rican countryside, “You Bring the Coffee, I’ll Save the World” combines harrowing adventure, scientific research, theological inquiry, interesting vehicles, gourmet food and excessive coffee consumption in a light-hearted foray into the dangers of unrestrained corporate power and corrupted philanthropy.


  331. Andrew S. says:


    I was hoping you’d like to review my debut novel, Empire. It’s a fantasy novel about a boy who becomes tangled up in a plot to kill an Emperor.

    Here’s a more complete teaser: Somebody is trying to kill the Emperor. Kean d’Angelo, a beggar-boy who never before gave murder a second thought, is plunged into the middle of a conspiracy when he finds the body of an Imperial Prince at his feet. With the ruthless assassin Dagger Ace hot on his trail, Kean must unravel the conspiracy before Ace finds him – but with a whole Empire of suspects to choose from, Kean may be hard-pressed to discover the all-important truth.

    And here’s the link:

    (I’m not quite sure how to do this image thing everyone else seems to be doing, so I kinda hope this is enough.)

    I took a look at your queue and it’s a bit mind-boggling, but here’s hoping you’ll have a chance to check out Empire!

    Thanks in advance.

  332. Gary,
    I’m interested in your opinion about my brand new indie ebook, Whisper Independence. It’s a sci-fi/dystopian with romantic elements.

    You can watch my video ebook trailer of Whisper Independence at You Tube:

    Or, you can get a free sample at Amazon or Smashwords:

    Adora is a young woman reveling in a fierce independence, only to find herself a prime candidate for human-looking but evil beings whose government has detestable plans for her and others like her. Genetically transformed Humiens who deceptively call themselves Guardians want to use people like Adora as test subjects to create a subservient, dependent population when their own deceptive tactics aren’t fail-safe. Her only protection must come from Zane, a similar being whose unnatural magnetism she can’t deny. But the Guardians have some problems of their own. As young Humiens join the ranks, the Guardians’ methods and successes are questioned. Carney, a newbie, struggles to conform and truly become one of them. Time is running out, and Zane must reveal his own identity as a Humien and must convince Adora to put herself under his protection. But she is reluctant to believe him and refuses to relinquish her freedom, even in order to save it.

    I appreciate your consideration,

    T.J. Patterson

  333. Steven LaVey says:


    I would like to request your review of my novel The Ugly Spirit.

    The Ugly Spirit is a fictionalised, autobiographical, pornographic-romance that charts the drug and alcohol induced existential break down of a modern man. The novel details the explicit myriad sexual encounters of the author as he searches for fulfilment in the birth and death of his relationships. Along the way, he opens a philosophical black hole inside himself that sucks in Satanism, Buddhism and new rituals of Dionysian hedonism. Trapped in poverty during the long, snowy days of a Novocastrian winter, he finds himself alone with the grim and ugly face of his creative identity.

    Writing this book was like opening a wound. Every word a scab picked off and left to bleed. Creating it caused me considerable consternation, not through the creative process, but through reliving the existential terrors of the story itself.

    The Ugly Spirit is essentially a story of empirical evidence, in that it is concerned with the understanding that through all forms of experience, no matter how ugly, insight and enlightenment are acquirable for the open-eyed.

    I have no doubt that the publication of The Ugly Spirit, will cause me more grief and trouble than it is worth. It is vulgar, smutty, and as one publisher remarked ‘off-putting and nauseating.’
    To me, this means that I had succeeded in my goal. It was always my intention to make it as difficult as possible for the eyes to digest. This digestion of the book, however, will be more so tasking for those whom I know personally, as the material contained within The Ugly Spirit is, as mentioned above, fictionalised-biography. However, I did not write this book solely for the sake of a reminiscence with friends and acquaintances; I created it for those that I do not know, with the hope that the adventures and ideas contained within the book may resonate with complete strangers. As, I suppose, is the intention of most authors.

    To put it plainly, The Ugly Spirit is a dirty book.

    ‘The time that speed steals from you, it gives it back with interest, cold and hard on a Monday morning. It brings with it a terrifying despair that creeps upon you. It is a black, slow-motion suicide. The ceiling begins to drip and ooze grey-brown sludge. Aural hallucinations, the demons of psychosis, speak wordless words of pure dread…
    Sometimes I would laugh and giggle hysterically at inane nonsensical stories that would play out in my mind. I would watch them unfold, like a lucid dream, weird images, Boschian forms, twisted nightmares… And I would weep. I would weep for nothing with salty tears, rivers of anguish and existential pain running down my face, dripping quietly onto the carpet. Day after day, I would unravel myself, dissect, and analyse my life over and over until I was exhausted and insane.’

    The book is available now in both Kindle and paperback editions.


  334. Matthew Marchitto says:

    Hello Gary,

    My first novella “Moon Breaker” is a fantasy story approximately 30,000 words long. It is based around a tribal society. Here is the description:

    “Where fire is sacred and the stars sing, a tribe lives in a secluded valley. Among this tribe are those given the first gift, the power to move earth and stone with their minds. Koll is one with this gift, he must leave the Valley to hunt a Stone Eater and take his father’s place as the Moonwarden. No one expects him to return.”

    You can read a sample over on Smashwords:

    Thanks for your time,
    Matthew Marchitto

  335. insaneowl says:

    Hello Sir,
    Would be thrilled and grateful if you review my latest short story Flesh of Flesh.
    Thakur Vijay Singh Rathod was one of the richest political businessmen in Mumbai. He was revered by his wife, Savitri, who wanted to give him a son, the heir to his inheritance. But fate decreed otherwise. This is a story of Thakur Vijay Singh Rathod, a proud and ruthless man, his wife Savitri – religious and completed devoted to him, his offspring, and his abandoned child (a transgender) (4824 words)
    The link to my book is given below:


  336. Tim Macejak says:

    Greetings! My book, published last year through a mentoring publisher (Beaver’s Pond Press) is titled Zen Unleashed: Everyday Buddhist Wisdom from Man’s Best Friend. The book is a fun yet thorough introduction (or review) of Zen Buddhist teachings, all explained by a Zen Dog named Sheila using dog haiku and brief, to the point and sometimes humorous commentary. I’ve had almost 30 years of experience with Zen practice, and the book is endorsed by an accredited Zen teacher who spent 6 years in a Japanese monastery before being ordained (Rev. Zuiko Redding). I think the book has a unique and needed niche andhas a very ecumenical tone. Sheila the Zen dog and I would be quite grateful if you took a look and gave a review.

  337. Tim Macejak says:

    Oops, forgot the amazon link.

  338. Ian says:

    Hey Gary,

    I wonder whether you’d be interested in reviewing my book.

    It’s Scandinavian folklore. It is a collection of ten of my translations of medieval narrative folk ballads into English verse, primarily from Swedish tradition. These ballads were part of an oral tradition in Scandinavia, and were written down first around 1600. The stories in the ballads are mainly about warriors, heroes, trolls, and (unusually) the Norse gods.

    The legendary hero Widrick Waylandsson comes face to face with a troll in the forest. Thor resorts to cross-dressing in a bid to recover his stolen hammer. The daughter of the King of Sweden is abducted from a convent in the Swedish countryside. A young fighter has to show off his prowess in skiing and shooting for King Harald Hardrada. And more…


  339. Hey there, Gary,

    I wanted to know if you’d be interested in reviewing my psychological suspense novel, “Trigger Finger.” Here’s the product description:

    “When two intruders break into his house one night bent on attacking his family, Kevin Swanson fights back–with deadly consequences. In the aftermath, he rockets from obscure lawyer to local hero overnight–a hero to everyone, that is, except for a strange man who calls in to a local talk radio show when Kevin appears as a guest. The caller, who won’t reveal his name, has a message: Kevin is no hero. And his story about what happened isn’t even close to accurate. Suddenly, Kevin finds himself thrust into the center of one violent crime after another, rising to the occasion and exceeding his wildest expectations each time. Strangely, though, none of his attackers carry any identification. And as his doubts drive him through his own investigation of what really happened that night, his crumbling reality sends him hurtling towards a face-to-face confrontation with the nameless caller—and the horrifying truth that won’t let him hide.”

    Here’s the Amazon link so that you can see the cover:

    If you’d be interested in taking a look at this, I can send you a gift code so that you can read it on your Kindle or any mobile device equipped with the free Kindle app. Just let me know.

    Thank you for your time. Take care.

    Jackson Spencer Bell

  340. Thanks for your efforts. Finding honest reviewers is harder than writing some days.

    My name is Frank McManus, author of ODIUM.

    Lost in time and dimension, is an island known as ODIUM.

    It is said that this land called ODIUM holds the keys to our existence, our past and our future. To find the island and rediscover its secrets will bring about a time of great prosperity, wonderment and peace upon all lands.

    However, through the millennia all of the charts and records to ODIUM have been lost. All that remains are the strange stories that elders will tell to their young at bedtime. Hence, ODIUM was to remain forever a myth, a story told to children, or so we were led to believe.

    This is the tale of two extraordinary best friends, who discover a great secret and become adventures. Friends who never gave up, who dared to challenge reality and their own awareness in order to rediscover and explore ODIUM. For the good of the many, on the hopes of a few, they embarked on a journey of a lifetime.

    The book can be purchased at Amazon;

    It is available as a paperback and EBook. The Amazon link has a sample chapter as well.

    I have a web site: with all my books, info about me, etc.

    Thanks again for your time, efforts and helping the indie writing community.


  341. Sean Davison says:

    Hi Gary,

    Last week I published my début novel, “Mouth” on Amazon, and I would be so grateful if you were to review it for me. It is a psychological thriller coming in at 342 pages (on kindle).


    “A tale of guilt and redemption, Elijah Goodman is a London investment banker who has survivor guilt after escaping a bus crash. Caught between two women, the love of his life who has walked away, and a pretty young girl Elijah saved from the crash, he walks the tightrope between a downward spiral and outright oblivion.

    It is by the Thames that an old phone box begins to ring out, desperate to grab Elijah’s attention. The caller on the other end, the Voice, instructs Elijah on where to be and when to be there to avert future disasters and loss of life. But as with all things that seem too good to be true, this knowledge comes at a price, and the Voice expects to be paid.

    Mouth is a psychological thriller told from the first person perspective of Elijah Goodman, a young man with a bright future, but who gets caught up with drugs, crime, and the whims of a tormentor who knows more than is possible. ”


    Many thanks,

    Sean Davison

  342. ogi says:

    Hello, Gary,
    Congratulations for your nice blog! It’s great for indie authors to show such a support. I would like to put on your attention my new book “The white prisoner: Galabin Boevski’s secret story”/ It’s a non-fiction real life story about one of the best weightlifters ever, an Olympic, world and European champ, who was sentenced in Brazil prison for cocaine traffic. You may check more here:

    Thanks for the attention. If you are interested of the story, will be very happy to hear your opinion.

    Best regards
    Ognian Georgiev

  343. writingsprint says:

    Hi Gary,

    My name’s Matt and I found your blog after doing a Google search on indie book reviews. Would you please consider reading my novel? On June 3rd I published my first novel, a fantasy called Shadow and Shade. It’s young adult to adult level, about 80,000 words (203 pages written), a gritty fantasy story about witches, wolves, and growing up. Initial readers tell me that they love the description, pacing, and closeness that the reader feels with the characters. Here’s the blurb from Amazon:

    Logan doesn’t just hunt with wolves. He talks with them. He can also see in the dark, heal, and feel the emotions of the forest itself. If only dating were so easy.

    Marissa, the missionary’s stepdaughter, captivates him with her fiery spirit. Logan’s taste for trouble and strange ways fascinate her. Marissa’s stepfather fears that Logan will drag her into darkness with his heathen ways. Logan’s mother is outraged because she thinks Logan is abandoning the blood of their people.

    Angry words turn to vengeful deeds. Logan and Marissa become ensnared in a web of bitterness that was spun hundreds of years before they were born. Blood demands blood, and it refuses to be denied.

    You can find the book on Amazon at

    Thank you for your time!


  344. bubblymissy16 says:

    Hello, Gary. I understand that you probably have many books to read and review, but I would really appreciate if you reviewed my novel, a historical thriller. The book is titled “Anne” and involves an arrogant, orphaned girl in old England who longs for “fate” to bless her with a better life, and she must take the journey to discover what true happiness really means. Please reply to me if you’re interested. Thanks for your consideration. Here it is on Amazon:

  345. kgbethlehem says:

    Good morning,

    I wanted to submit a sci-fi/anti utopian novel for review. Here is the description:

    Synopsis: The year is 2025; Colonel Harrison is given a simple mission to discover potential allies to aid against a potential war from the Nexus Jor and to find the missing vessel of Captain Delcid that was sent out years ago on the exact same mission. But what Colonel Harrison does not know is that this mission will encounter life forms and technologies that are well beyond his comprehension. This mission will also unearth a hidden menacing and melancholy force that will be detrimental to his mission and the beginning of another. Colonel Harrison and his crew will meet other life forms, involve themselves in other nation’s internal political struggles, and participate in revolutionary movements. They will also encountered “hidden ones” who in turn will cause the greatest conflict of any mortal being, “The defining of one’s self with acceptance of one’s self.”

    Earth’s back-story is the entire world is section off into two major provinces; the first being the United States of Western Lands (USW), which is composed of what was formerly known as the United States, Mexico, both South & Central Americas, and the majority of the Caribbean Island nation. The second major province being the Central South United Nations (CSUN), which is composed of the rest of world’s former nations. The CSUN is more subservient to the (USW). The USW is the main governing body of the world. In contrast the CSUN is composed of land governors whose powers are equivalent to the ancient feudal systems.

    The world’s military is also branched off in two departments; the Space Core and the Security of X-Police. There are different variations of the X-Police throughout the lands, they follow their own mandates, have distinct command structures, various rank structures, and enforce different laws unique to their jurisdictions. However, their main purpose is for law enforcement, security, and surveillance.

    The Space Core however charged with defense of the skies, investigation of the world’s oceans, space defense, and space exploration. Only time will tell if they will complete their mission and escape the malevolent presence of power to which they will never see.

    Consequently, as Colonel Harrison is dealing with the impending war in outer space and an underground resistance movement on Earth is taking place led by a former X-Policeman named Mury Te. As his plight was shown by a mission too guided by gaining allies in different cities across the mainland, his mission for the TRUTH will have an eerie similar fate like Colonel Harrison with unknown results. Mury Te personally is more infuriated that an un-ending martial law was enacted across the mainland. This in a sense conflicts with exposing potential operatives of the Nexus Jors and has filled him with another objective.

    Assassinate the operatives and exposed the reason for a perpetual martial law.

    Thanks again for your time, much respects.

    K.G. Bethlehem

  346. Good morning,

    I’d like to submit my debut Science Fiction Novel for Review. “The Circuit: Executor Rising. You can find the book at:
    I will also paste the blurb below. Please reply or email me at if you are interested! Thank you for your consideration.

    It has been centuries since Earth was rendered a barren, volatile wasteland. With their homeworld left uninhabitable, humanity founded a system of colonies throughout their local solar system. Known as the Kepler Circuit, these settlements are strung together by a network of nonaligned Solar-Ark transports, locked in continuous motion. They have served to provide an influx of resources to every faction ruling over the remnants of humankind, most importantly the newly discovered element Gravitum which is found only in the Earth’s unstable mantle.

    By 500 K.C. a religious sect known as the New Earth Tribunal has risen to preside over most of The Circuit. Though there is barely a faction left remaining to challenge them, a string of attacks on their transports force them to summon the enigmatic, yet brilliant, Cassius Vale for help. What they don’t know is that together with his intelligent android creation, ADIM, he is the one orchestrating the raids.

    His actions lead to the involvement of Sage Volus, a beautiful Tribunal Executor sent by her masters to spy on their mortal enemies – the Ceresian Pact. In order to find out who is behind the attacks, she infiltrates the ranks of a roguish mercenary named Talon Rayne. Against all her intentions, however, she finds her faith tested by him and his ragtag squad.

    While Sage and Talon are engaged in a futile hunt, Cassius Vale initiates his strategy to bring down the narrow-minded Tribune once and for all. But will anyone be able to survive what he has in store for the Circuit?

  347. Angela Jackson says:

    Where do we send info for possible book review.?

  348. purplejo says:

    Hi Gary
    Please consider adding my teen novel Unworthy to your review list. You will find it at You will also find it on Amazon and Kobo etc.
    Word count 60,000. It’s a fast read.
    Key words: YA, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, fantasy / sci-fi.
    Here is the blurb:
    Nearly two hundred years after a killer disease swept the planet, an island nation continues its isolated survival due to the ruthless dedication of the military. The laws and culture of the country are based on the survival of the fittest, distrust of disease, and control of the general population.
    Marked at birth as “Unworthy” to be raised, a young woman questions the necessity for the cruel practice, so many years after the Isolation was declared. She embarks on a journey which will uncover truths about her past and about her society which she could never have imagined.

    Joanne Armstrong

  349. Dave says:

    Hi Gary.

    You say you look up to writers. Well, I look up to readers. They are a writer’s lifeblood, and we couldn’t exist without you. So thank you.

    If you would be kind enough to consider any of my fiction to review for your site I would be honoured. My Amazon page is:

    However, today on my blog I posted about offering a free PDF copy of one of my books to anyone happy to read and review, so while you say you are happy to buy copies, if you’d like something for free for a change please try me. The post can be found here:

    Either way, regardless of whether you read/review me or not, thank you for all you do. I have subscribed so I can come back again.

    Kind regards,

  350. Debbi says:

    Hi Gary,

    It’s great to find a reviewer looking for indie books to review. Thank you for that!

    I’d appreciate your reviewing any of the novels in my Sam McRae mystery series.

    The first, IDENTITY CRISIS, made the NY Times ebook bestseller list in 2011. I released a revised version in ebook and print format last year. Here’s the Amazon link:

    Summary: A simple domestic abuse case turns deadly when the alleged abuser is killed and Stephanie Ann “Sam” McRae’s client disappears. When a friend asks Sam to find Melanie Hayes, the Maryland attorney is drawn into a complex case of murder and identity theft that has her running from the Mob, breaking into a strip club and forming a shaky alliance with an offbeat private investigator to discover the truth about Melanie and her ex-boyfriend. With her career and life on the line, Sam’s search takes her from the blue-collar Baltimore suburbs to the mansions of Gibson Island. Along the way, she learns that false identities can hide dark secrets, and those secrets can destroy lives.

    The second book is LEAST WANTED, which was a Kindle bestseller on and Amazon UK, in 2011. Here’s the Amazon link for that:

    Summary: Stephanie Ann “Sam” McRae’s busy, but orderly life as a Maryland lawyer takes a chaotic turn when two clients are accused of murder. A poor, black girl is accused of killing her mother. A young man suspected of embezzlement is accused of murdering his boss. The cases collide in a bizarre way involving girl gangs and computer pornography. Sam ventures into the heart of DC’s suburban ghettos to find answers. A maniacal killer who’ll do anything to hide them stalks her. After a nearly disastrous confrontation, Sam must do business on the run. As the body count grows, Sam races to learn the truth and clear her clients before she becomes the next victim.

    The third and latest book in the series is RIPTIDE, which came out in 2012. Here’s the Amazon link:

    Summary: Stephanie Ann “Sam” McRae’s stay in Ocean City for the annual Maryland bar association convention turns into a busman’s holiday when her best friend Jamila is arrested for a murder she didn’t commit. All signs point to a frame, but Jamila’s local counsel must plea bargain, placing a permanent stain on the ambitious attorney’s spotless record, unless Sam and the private investigator on the case find evidence to clear her. Sam has her work cut out for her, given that the victim is the stepson of a local wealthy entrepreneur and poultry producer and no one will talk to her, including the investigator hired on the case. Even Jamila appears to be withholding information. Meanwhile, Sam’s running from mysterious pursuers and comes under police scrutiny when another murder takes place. With the clock ticking down to the convention and preliminary hearing, Sam must uncover secrets, lies, and fraud to find the real killer. At what cost will that knowledge come for Sam?

    I’m coming out with the fourth book in the series later this year, so I’ll be in touch later! 🙂

    Thanks so much for your interest and service!

    Debbi Mack

  351. Hi Gary!

    You probably remember me as being the creator of that “monster” Brett Cornell. Well, you may also remember that I wrote a serious novel (“Why She Left Us”) using the pen name David Dennis, and I now have a brand-new (as of today) science fiction novel (“Phase 4”) available on Amazon (again by David Dennis).
    I do thank you for your review of “Brett Gets Hammered” — But, by all means, please check out “Phase 4” in the event that it perhaps may grab your interest.
    The blurb is as follows:
    “Pampered, spoiled, self-centered, Greg Marlowe swaggered out of the Pleasure Dome one evening in late September, only to find himself suddenly propelled into what he took to be an alternate reality.
    “With his self-confidence beginning to dwindle, he became visited by a series of robotic-like beings who seemed determined to subject him to pain — both physical and mental.
    “Could he ever find his way back to the world he had always known, or was he destined to remain locked in a literal battle of minds with a force that no human being had ever encountered before?”
    The link is here:

    Thank you for taking the time to consider my new novel, and thank you for all the support you have given me, and other indie writers as well.

  352. Thanks, Gary.
    Requesting review for Kaleidoscope (The Vision Chronicles, Book 1) a paranormal thriller series that details one man’s changing ability to see the future.
    Chariss K. Walker, Indie author

  353. eric says:

    Hi Gary-
    Please consider taking a look at my debut book “Rally Caps, Rain Delays and Racing Sausages,” an account of my trips to every major-league baseball stadium and a look at teams’ relationships with their fans. It was named by Kirkus Reviews as one of their top Indie Books of 2013. Now on sale at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown in addition to being available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble and for the Kindle, Nook and iTunes! Amazon link here:
    Thanks so much, Eric

  354. Debbi Mack says:

    Hi Gary,

    I left a review request before, but it disappeared.

    I’d appreciate your reviewing any of the books in the Sam McRae mystery series.

    The latest book is RIPTIDE. I’m offering it for half-price on Smashwords when you use the code GS73D at checkout:

    The first book is my NY Times ebook bestselling novel, IDENTITY CRISIS.

    Here’s the Amazon link:

    The second book is LEAST WANTED. Here’s the Amazon link:

    Thanks! I hope you get this comment. 🙂


  355. syfanmedia says:

    First off, I’m super impressed with your blog! There are a lot of resources here, not to mention the service you provide for indie books. I would like to submit a book for consideration. It’s called “The Wish Doctor” by G.R. Sabian. One line synopsis: Driven by the relentless impulse to grant intriguing wishes, an amoral killer suddenly finds himself trapped into playing guardian to a street child.

    You can find it at

    Thanks for your consideration, and have a fabulous week!

  356. Robert Rufa says:

    I know you get far more requests for reviews than you could possibly fill in a lifetime, but here’s the link to mine at Amazon, where you will find a synopsis and sample. It’s a collaboration accomplished entirely via the Internet.

  357. Robert Gonko says:

    I would like to submit my novel, ‘The Servant’ for review. Synopsis: On the day same-sex marriage becomes legal, the murders begin. The victims: the leaders of the movement behind the new law. The perpetrator: A cold-blooded killer who calls himself ‘The Servant of the Lord.’ The man determined to stop him: private detective Steve Bennett, best friend of one of the victims.

    Find the first 20% free at Also, I’m running a sale through the end of July. You can get it for $1.99.

  358. Gina Carfagno says:

    Hello! I wanted to make sure you heard about DC sci-fi author Bill Gourgey and the latest installment in the Glide Trilogy coming out in October.

    Would you be interested in announcing his new novel, “Nu Logic,” or reviewing it? Bill is available for interviews, and he can discuss how his successful career in technology has helped shape the series and give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at his work. I also copied the press release about his books below.

    Here is Bill’s press kit (book details, author bio, Q&A):

    Click to access Bill-Gourgey-Press-Kit.pdf

    If you need more information or would like to talk with Bill, please let me know!

    Gina Carfagno
    Connect with JKSCommunications:
    Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin | Publisher’s Marketplace

    Author Bill Gourgey continues sci-fi trilogy with thought-provoking second novel

    WASHINGTON D.C. – Intersecting technology with humanity, author Bill Gourgey takes readers on a futuristic journey in the second installment of his unique indie science fiction “Glide” trilogy out October 15.

    “Nu Logic” is garnering high praise from the industry, including a starred Publisher’s Weekly review dubbing it a“fascinating and thought-provoking adventure tale” that “also offers serious reflections on the potential darker aspects of our ever-increasing subjection to the yoke of e-everything.”

    With more than 5 million reads from science fiction and fantasy fans all over the world the trilogy’s debut “Glide” (March 1, 2011, Jacked Arts Press) has been a hit on where Gourgey has nearly 5,000 fans and followers, and thebook’s trailer has garnered more than 18,000 views on YouTube and Vimeo.
    Gourgey incorporates his professional knowledge of science and technology into the story of two courageous teens, the Prophet and, of course returning in book two, Captain Magigate. The first book in the series chronicled the captain’s quest to change the world through technology, and in Gourgey’s newest release, Magigate comes face to face with a sinister scientist who plans to unleash a devastating virus.

    “The human-technics love affair – what I like to refer to as humanity’s Great Romance – fascinates me, especially in our modern era where the pace of change spurred on by technology has accelerated to a blur,” Gourgey says. “Who among us could survive without technology? But, who among us will survive if our passion for it burns too hot?”

    Gourgey lives in Washington D.C. where he is working on the third and final book in the “Glide” trilogy, “Genesys.” He worked in the field of technology for 20 years before becoming a full-time writer. He is also the author of “Unfamiliar Fruit”(2012, Jacked Arts Press) and “Outside the Box” (2007-2008, Jacked Arts Press).

  359. insaneowl says:

    This is just to inform you that I have published my novella- Nirmala: The Mud Blossom.
    The link is given below:

    The best for your book. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  360. clynnmurphy says:

    Hello Gary!!

    If those 20 minutes of yours before bedtime are in need of something new, please check out my new book!
    My novel, The First Noble Truth, is a work of commercial literary fiction. It is available through Amazon:

    Here’s the blurb:

    “Just as the wind, blowing back and forth
    Controls the movement of a piece of cotton,
    So shall I be controlled by joy,
    And in this way accomplish everything.”

    Machiko Yamamoto pulls out her hair, picks at her skin, and triple checks the locks to the house behind the school where she works. When a foreigner moves into a neighboring thatched roof cottage, she quickly falls in love with the quiet woman with the mangled hand.

    Krista Black does not mind the weekly visits from the local English teacher. The scarred woman seems harmless, but she always wants to talk about travel and language and why Krista has come to the remote, Japanese village. Krista avoids her questions. She has seen much of the world, and she knows what it does to fragile people. Machiko may want to know her, but she could never understand her.

    Set in Kyoto, New England, Africa and Kathmandu, THE FIRST NOBLE TRUTH is a story of redemption, interwoven between two protagonists, across two cultures. It peers beneath the comfort of expected storytelling to investigate the dualities of suffering and joy, religion and sex, and cruelty and kindness.

    Please let me know if you have an interest, and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Kind regards,


  361. m petterson says:

    Hi Gary.
    Here’s my submission: FIRE SIGN.
    ‘A beautiful forensic engineer hiding a tragic past must team up with a troubled cop to stop a serial arsonist targeting churches.’
    Here’s the link:
    Here’s the website:
    Thanks for the opportunity – m petterson

  362. Dave says:

    Hello Gary,

    Thank you for stopping by my site.

    I think this is a wonderful site. Also, I had a quick look at your listed books, and was interested in American Goddesses, which will be included in my next Amazon splurge… ;8^>

    As for which of mine to suggest for you, I am torn. I love my long novel Tell Me Something True, but given all the books you try and read, suggesting one that clocks in at 275000 might be a tad rude. Then i considered Seven Sneezes, my novel about a woman’s life, from birth to… well, sadder times… but thought this might not be so much your cup of tea, so to speak. Then I considered my short story collections, which immediately led me to where I should have started… WONKY MONKY. ;8^>

    What do you do when you’re in a whole heap of trouble and your only true friend might not be real? And, even if he is, he lives in a carpet and you’ve outgrown believing in him?

    Wonky Monky loved Odd Bob from the day he was born. There was an instant bond, and this grew during Odd Bob’s young life, despite the fact Wonky could never leave the toilet carpet.

    All that changes on Odd Bob’s 10th birthday when guests mock him and he finds he can no longer find the desire to believe in his imaginary friend, and everything between them falters.

    Now almost 13, Odd Bob is in trouble with a bully, and the only one who cares at all is Wonky Monky, but Odd Bob no longer has any memory of him, and Wonky remains trapped in the carpet.

    Their story is about friendship, belief, violence & nonviolence, and love. It’s about a bullied boy with nowhere to turn. It’s about life: finding a way to live one, whatever you believe.

    Of course, if you think you might favour one of my others, they can be found here:

    Thank you if you are interested, but no worries if not. And keep up the excellent, helpful-to-indies work.


  363. kgbethlehem says:

    Greetings Gary,and thanks for the opportunity.

    Book name: Astronomical

    Description: The year is 2025; Colonel Harrison is given a simple mission to discover potential allies to aid against a potential war from the Nexus Jor and to find the missing vessel of Captain Delcid that was sent out years ago on the exact same mission. But what Colonel Harrison does not know is that this mission will encounter life forms and technologies that are well beyond his comprehension. is the entire world is section off into two major provinces; the first being the United States of Western Lands (USW). Consequently, as Colonel Harrison is dealing with the impending war in outer space and an underground resistance movement on Earth is taking place led by a former X-Policeman named Mury Te. As his plight was shown by a mission too guided by gaining allies in different cities across the mainland, his mission for the TRUTH will have an eerie similar fate like Colonel Harrison with unknown results.

  364. Hi Gary,
    Book Name: The Road behind Me (the Lie of Hannah)

    I have written a memoir of a series of events that occurred in my life when I was a young man. It is a story of growing up and falling in love in suburban New Jersey, of losing love and seeking refuge in the land of milk, honey and Disney; and returning home a defeated and forlorn road warrior – all during the time of peace and love, Woodstock, Nixon and Vietnam.
    You can read excerpts at:

  365. KLAUS VON DEER says:

    HELLO GARY! Get ready because in this long list is the blockbuster book of the season by debut author Ann Marsiliano SINNERS HEART just published by Fiddler Inc. to the KINDLE Select program.

    Love to hate despicable Johnny who is intent on getting a free ride through life until he inherits his father’s substantial fortune. Along the way he meets a religious scam artist, a sadist, a serial murderer the mob and finds out the truth about his life.

    The link address:

  366. waifette says:

    Hey there! Sandy Lynn Riefberg here, and I’m the Lorax for the smokers. In January I released my debut novel, Cigarettiquette! A Smoker’s Manifesto. Cigarettiquette! provides a voice to the voiceless masses of smokers, in a celebration of smoking. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Please find my information below:

    Please find important links below:

    My website:
    Amazon link:

    While I do not have a sample listed on Amazon, you may enjoy a sampling of a few chapters in my WUSB radio interview regarding the work:




  367. Will Hose says:

    ​Dear Gary,
    Hi there! My name’s Will Hose, and I’m a budding indie writer. On June 29th I finished and posted my new urban fantasy, The Mercenary’s Guide to Ruined Seattle, and I was hoping that I might set up a book review with you and your blog.

    A quick synopsis of my book:

    Sixty years ago, CERN screwed the world by tearing a hole in reality and letting the magic return in a flood; large chunks of the major cities were destroyed but eventually life went on. Today, teams of explorers delve into the ruined cities to retrieve lost artifacts…and occasionally to stop
    threats before they get too big to handle.
    Ward, a mercenary drifter, is hired to help Breakers Incorporated investigate a problem in ruined Seattle: a dark cloud is rising around the remains of the Space Needle, and there are rumors of a warlord uniting the Goblin clans under one banner. The Breakers are dangerous to more than just Goblins, though, and Ward soon finds himself on the run with a child and a man making a documentary about ruined Seattle. All around him, the darkness grows, and there’s only one thing Ward can do about it that will allow him to look at himself in the mirror: fight.

    TMGtRS can be found in ebook form at Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords, among other places online. It can also be found in paperback form at Amazon and Createspace.

    Thanks for your time, and have a good one!

  368. Hello,

    I have published my first book on the Kindle network and am looking for reviews. If you get the time to have a look at the sample that would be fantastic.

    The book is entitled ‘The Diary of Nicholas Oldman’
    Genre: adventure – realistic

    Kindest regards,

  369. Decided to give this hollering thing a try. My name is Autumn Christian, and I think you’d enjoy my dystopian horror, The Crooked God Machine.

    The synopsis:
    Charles lives on the black planet, a place where plague machines terrorize citizens with swarms of locusts and rivers of blood, salesmen sell sleep in the form of brain implants, and God appears on the television every night to warn of the upcoming apocalypse. When Charles meets Leda, a woman who claims to have escaped from hell, he begins to suspect that the black planet is not at all what it appears to be. After Leda disappears, Charles sets out to find her with help from his stripper ex-girlfriend, the deadhead Jeanine. Along the way he will uncover the truth of the origins of the black planet, and discover the source of the mysterious voice that calls to Leda from the ocean waves.

    The book can be found on Amazon here:

  370. Hi Gary; I’m seeking a review of my novel THE HEALER. This is its premise:What happens when a 22nd century doctor on sabbatical to Mars, suddenly finds himself – through terrorism – stranded 168 years and 150 million miles from loved ones? He is on a violent & primitive world – ours! How will he survive in modern-day Anchorage, Alaska? Moreover, how will he heal the sick using 2181 medical science, without risking exposure of his true identity? But while he dreams of someday returning to his own time, and family, he has no choice; for he is – THE HEALER.
    These are my pertinent links:

  371. Hi Gary,

    I have two collections of short stories, I hope they take your fancy:


    Matthew W. McFarland

  372. Hello! I just published my first novel, “The Last Daughter of Lilith” yesterday! It is up on Amazon –

    The quick synopsis is that it is about a young girl, Katrina, who is ordinary in every way, then one day all sorts of hell breaks loose and her life is changed forever. She is confronted with her true power and what she can and has to do to save her people.

  373. jbgarner58 says:

    Hey Gary,
    I like the work you’re doing here! I just wanted to throw my book into the pile to be considered for review. Hope it catches your eye!

  374. Adam Gainer says:

    Hey Gary,
    Looks like you’re a fairly popular person. No rush on giving a review here, but I decided to throw mine up on the list. It’s a deep psychological thriller that dips into the views of the afterlife, and changes the perspective of a crippled woman named Tara for the rest of her days.

    I hope you enjoy it!

  375. Dear Gary,

    I would like to suggest my newest novel, Claimed by the Enemy, to you to try out and possibly review.

    2300 BCE. Mesopotamia. Sargon the Great’s legions swarm across the known world, conquering city after city.

    Ten years after their home city was destroyed, two exiles—a lonely princess and a reluctant soldier—struggle to stay alive and choose their own destinies.

    The genre is historical fiction with romantic elements, and the paperback version of the book is 284 pages. The novel is as historically accurate as possible, given the archaeological record and the textual evidence, while aiming firstmost to entertain the reader.

    The Kindle version is available at

    Thank you for considering my novel for review.

    Shauna Roberts

  376. Paul Stempka says:

    Hi Gary,

    I’d like you to review my novel HALFWATER.
    It’s an illustrated, over the top, post-apocalyptic comedy.

    From the Back O’ the Book:
    “It’s a Wonderful Cataclysm. When Boldizar Halfwater heads to town the last thing he expects is to uncover an alien conspiracy rife with danger, horror, humor and unforgettable characters.”
    HALFWATER is the epic tale of Boldizar- an engineer living in a scorched Earth that has forgotten its past. While taking a rudimentary dog polisher back to his client, he discovers an ancient talisman that changes his life forever.
    This book is an anti-subtle, illustrated, post-apocalyptic, fantasy science fiction horror comedy. Fearless reader, you’re in for a warped journey filled with aliens, creatures, mutants, cyborgs, gladiators, mystery, inventive cursing, ultra violence, sexy times, and one seriously irate Screamicorn.

    You can check it out here:

    Thanks for doing what you do.


  377. Hi Gary,

    If you consider hybrid-genre works, I’d love to submit my new collection for review. It consists of six sections, each containing one poem, one short story, and one painting. You can read more about it here:

    No worries if you don’t do this sort of thing. Just thought I’d check!

    Best wishes,

  378. Jordan Little says:

    Hi Gary! There are so many comments here!

    If you get a chance, I’d like you to review my relatively short novel, ‘HOW WE RAN’. (The title isn’t really in all-caps.)

    It’s about a young man who gets invited to run away from his family home by a complete stranger in the middle of the night, only to realise that that’s an absolutely terrible idea after he does it. What follows is a story about how two young men who don’t know each other at all work to overcome the problem of significantly pissed off family members and past indiscretions, while trying to work out whether they should trust each other or not.

    This is the link to the Amazon store. (I’m not sure which store you’d rather it be linked to, but it’s on a 99p sale in the UK for the next four days, so I’ll leave you that one.)

    Thank you! Hope you’re having a nice day, and best wishes from China!

    Jordan Little

  379. austin says:

    Appreciate what you’re doing for the writer community. I just published a YA Fantasy novel titled Journey to Wasteland. The synopsis is as follows:

    In the land of Wetsfalia, Mesha P. Longbottom descends from a long line of shepherds and is expected to carry on the family tradition. Since the death of his parents he now lives with his grandparents and spends his days slacking off in the pastures, reminiscing of the magical tales his father told before passing. Was tending to smelly sheep the only life that awaited him, or could the magic his father spoke of really exist in Westfalia?

    When life at home proves too much to bear, the olive-skinned boy decides to live out the tales of his father in hopes to find adventure, grow closer to his father’s memory, and above all to find his own place in the world. In particular he searches for a swampy island called Wasteland, for it was there his father claimed, lived a banished wizard by the name of Arcadia. Finding Arcadia and the Wasteland become the obsessions of the boy, it is the island and only the island he believes, that will bring him happiness.

    In his travels the boy meets several new companions, the brother-sister combination of Piper and Driggs, as well as a mysterious man from the hill-tribes named Fang who travels with his shadowy pet wolf. Piper and Driggs prove to be both quarrelsome and helpful, while Fang’s knowledge of the land and combat prove indispensable. Mesha possesses little to no survival skills except for a strong will and belief in Wasteland’s existence. But as the group encounters countless perils along the journey, it is unforeseen if these traits will be enough to help the travelers reach their fabled destination.

    Journey to Wasteland begins as a simple tale that quickly evolves into a dark psychotropic fantasy thriller. It is a tantalizing cocktail of adventure, self-exploration, humor, romance, and a cast of quirky characters that will make you never want to leave their world.

    Heres a link to the book on amazon:

  380. Four average teens are recruited by a scientist from a future to prevent weapons inventors from destroying the world with a time machine. The teens travel through time both forward to 2347 and back to 1863 and 1916 as they try to solve a riddle spanning centuries.
    amazon link:
    more info + first six chapters free:

  381. Hello Gary!

    I’ve followed you on Twitter for some time. I’m @cajeck. I really appreciate what you do!

    If I could perhaps interest you in my new book, coming out November 1st? My book is titled “Tributaries”. It’s an LGBT Fantasy Romance novel, and the first in a long series.

    The synopsis:

    Nyx is a feline shape shifter, lost and alone, host to a fierce and ferocious being that lies deep inside her. She harbors a deadly secret and is running for her life when she is saved by Elmiryn, a cursed warrior on a quest for revenge. The pair quickly become unlikely allies and embark upon a perilous physical and mental journey that will put both their skills and sanity to the test. Ultimately, they form a unique and powerful bond through their shared trials and tribulations. Together they continue onward and follow a path that leads to new and remarkable discoveries of both the worlds around, and within them.

    What Vicky Janik, a reviewer and book consultant, had to say about my work:

    Tributaries: Eikasia Book One is an epic, intelligent, and original work that leads its reader into an emotional, mental and physical adventure. Montoya creates a lush mythical landscape that surrounds the reader in striking visuals and provides a delicious feast for the mind that satisfies one’s literary appetite from beginning to end. Tributaries will captivate hard core fantasy enthusiasts and action & adventure fiction lovers alike. The storytelling is smart and witty with a razor-edged humor that remains tongue-in–cheek all the while conveying deep thought. There is also a certain level of sexual and intellectual tension between the two main characters that will surely intrigue and excite. Best suited for the more avid reader, multiple plot levels, narratives and inner dialogue take you on a cerebral roller coaster ride filled with great passages and catchy quotes. Unlike many clichéd works which get lost in the shuffle, and gather dust in an occasionally tired genre, Tributaries offers a fresh and exciting boost that will not only capture its reader’s attention, but also their emotions.

    Here’s the Smashwords page:

    I hope it catches your interest, but if not, I understand. Thanks for your consideration and I wish you the best of luck in all that you do!

  382. Shelah Maul says:

    Hi Gary,
    Thank you so much for your willingness to formally review books for indies! From all of us, we are deeply grateful you are here. 🙂 It seems you have your hands quite tied up, but my title won’t be released till November 24th on amazon etc. Perhaps by then you’ll have had a chance to read some of the other exciting titles you’re looking forward to? Here is a brief synopsis:

    Hausa Blues
    An unforgettable, true story of a Hausa girl’s misadventures on her way to a modern life.

    Sakina is the daughter of the first wife of a prosperous, polygamous, Hausa tribesman. When she is just 12 years old, Sakina’s father expels her mother from his tribal compound, located in the remote village of Yoko, Cameroon. Heartbroken, Sakina resolves to avoid the spiritual death that defeated her mother by one day becoming a modern, free woman—like the Americans and Europeans that captivate her on the village’s only television.

    However, at the age of 16, she learns of her arranged marriage to a Hausa man. Educated in Belgium and wearing blue jeans, he inspires Sakina to believe he is enlightened. But when a fatal car accident postpones the wedding, it’s the beginning of a series of brushes with fate that convince her to believe her sisters were right all along–someone has maliciously cursed her.

    Despite persistent attempts to reconcile herself to a traditional role of the submissive and servile Muslim wife, the physical and emotional abuse that she is expected to endure without complaint soon threatens her heart, soul, and faith in God. Although bad fortune has seemingly thwarted her at every turn, serendipity intervenes and Sakina crosses paths with a night manager at her local bus station—a man from a scorned, Christian tribe. This forbidden friendship empowers her to risk everything for the chance to reclaim her dream, while igniting her faith in both herself and others.

    If the memoir interests you, please let me know and I’ll send you a link to amazon when it is released. Thanks much and have a wonderful day! 🙂

  383. ryanmcswain says:


    I’m hoping you’ll review my new horror-thriller, Monsters All the Way Down, an intriguing blend of Philip K. Dick’s mind-bending paranoia and H. P. Lovecraft’s cosmic horror. I use complex characters and familiar ideas to craft a story full of twists to keep you guessing right up to the end and beyond.


    After a routine DNA background check, Brennan Wade is on the run for murders he does not remember committing. Pursued by a shadow agency, he fights to clear his name and catch the true killer. Brennan forges an uneasy alliance with Joan Runciter, the only woman to survive an attack, and together they delve into a world of secret history and ancient horror. As the body count rises and his true nature is revealed, Brennan must decide if the world’s salvation is worth his own corruption.

    You can find out more about me and my book at the links below. If you need any additional information, please ask.

    Book Information Page:
    About Me:
    Amazon Link (sample should be available):
    Goodreads page:

    Title: Monsters All the Way Down
    Author: Ryan McSwain
    Publisher: Pithos Publishing
    ISBN (softcover): 0990460770
    ASIN: B00N70Z58M
    Pages: 314
    Released September 5, 2014

    Thanks for your time!

    ~Ryan McSwain
    Author Website:

  384. Hi Gary,

    Congratulations on a smart and well maintained site, you seem to be a busy and well-organised guy.

    Should you be so enclined, I was hoping you would like to take a look at my debut novel:


    Stu is your average teenager, dyslexic but gifted at maths, a little shy but eager to please, and living alone with his dad. But when he steps into the path of his father’s laser experiment, he accidentally catapults himself into a world where numbers and letters are alive and at each other’s throats. To top things off, Stu’s arrival triggers a prophecy that plunges the two rival clans into alphanumerical war!

    In his quest to return home, Stu will have to navigate the dangerous and angular System of Numbers, ruled by the Prime Constants. He will find allies in the neighbouring Land of Letters, governed by the Council of Vowels. As he explores the many sides of this intimidating, mysterious and fascinating world, he will uncover the long forgotten and forbidden power of geometry, the key to conquer the three dimensions…. and fly.

    Stu will finally be forced to face his crushing fear of flying in order to escape. More than anything, he will fight desperately to save Yana, the one vowel who helped him, who trusted him and who is now blaming him for the chaos of alphanumerical war that Stu’s arrival has brought into her life.

    But as the battle begins, Stu may already be too late.

    Amazon US:

    Amazon UK:

    You can find out more about me on I really look forward to your feedback.

    Take care, enjoy the book,

    Nicolas Forzy

  385. Ben Steber says:

    Hello again. I recently released a book I wanted you to review on kindle, instead of my website.

    This is a bit more professional than the pile of PDF files that was the original format.

  386. Hi Gary
    Thank you for your dedication in reading and reviewing Indie writing. I wonder whether you would be willing to review my work?

    I am 3 books into a series of metaphysical fantasy novels that combines the ancient (& less ancient) mysteries of Atlantis, crystal skulls and extraterrestrial contact with a modern day narrative that pulls the series together. The overall series is The Skull Chronicles, and the individual book titles are as follows:
    Book I: Lost Legacy –
    Book II: The Red Skull of Aldebaran –
    Book III: Daughter of the Gods –

    I’ve put all the links down so that if you would be willing to review my work, you can take your pick 🙂

    Synopsis of the series:
    13 ancient crystal skulls are scattered across the Earth, waiting for the time when they will be reunited in the service of humankind. That time is imminent, and they must find an ally to tell their stories and prepare the world for their re-emergence. As a reluctant Gemma Mason steps into her destiny, she is plunged into a world of ancient mysteries, adventure and self-discovery.

    There is plenty more information on my website at

    Thanks for taking a look at this. This is my first foray into requesting reviews, so I’m not sure if there is anything else I should be adding in here, but I hope I’ve given you enough to pique your interest. Again, thank you.

  387. LT Gibbons says:

    Hi there

    I would love you to consider reviewing my recently released book, Project Ark, by LT Gibbons.

    Project Ark is the first in a series of books about a sustainable utopic planet named Usonia. The genre is light sci-fi for young adults and is a total of 43,000 words. Please see below cover blurb:

    What if everything you thought you knew about the universe was a lie?

    Fourteen year old Mia McAdams’ world is turned upside down when she finds herself torn from her life on Earth and transplanted onto the planet Usonia – a secret utopic world colonised after the second world war to safeguard the human race.

    Submerged into this new reality, Mia quickly falls in love with the glittering planet and its alluring, other-worldly inhabitants. But when the future of Usonia comes under threat, it soon becomes clear that Mia holds the key to its survival.

    Project Ark was first published worldwide independently on 29 September 2014 and is available in paperback format from and as an e-book from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Google Play, Kobo and Smashwords.


    If you’d like to know more, please feel free to contact me at

    Warm regards


  388. Ken Grissom says:

    John Rodrigue is a former oilfield diver who spends the warm months in Galveston, Texas, eking out a living doing light salvage, non-critical rescue, and committing the occasional
    larceny. He spends winters in Belize, nestled comfortably among the Rastamen in a teeming tropical backwater, carrying scuba-tourists out to the reef, and ducking the bone-chilling
    cold that is the bane of working deepwater divers.
    He is also a reluctant war hero, having received the Medal of Honor for an act he is not proud of and that continues to haunt even his waking hours.
    In most precincts he would be considered a functioning alcoholic, but he’s barely one toe over the line for a Louisiana Creole-Cajun. He has worked hard and he has fought fiercely, and
    now he just wants to have some fun.
    And as many women as he can.
    In BIG FISH, a cool blonde with a dimple in her chin and a rich husband lures Rodrigue into a scheme to rig a million-dollar billfish tournament.
    In DROP-OFF, a casual beach-bunny-barmaid distracts him from a little innocent insurance fraud and winds up spread-eagle on his bed, naked and dead.
    Industrial espionage imperils five female astronauts in DROWNED MAN’S KEY. Rodrigue is the only one who can save them, but the spy is a woman with a long-standing claim on Rodrigue’s
    These books are mystery-adventures, and they’re authentic sea stories. The themes reflect the perspective of a man who lives on the fringe of civilization. But mostly they are about
    The language is coarse and the sex indelicate, but no more so than would be routinely encountered on the Galveston waterfront in the 1980s.
    The setting and peripheral events are accurate enough that, rather than being dated, you could quite honestly consider these books historical novels.
    They were published by St. Martin’s in 1988, 1990 and 1992, respectively. They got nice reviews in the New York Times and were optioned for a couple of years by Warner Bros. as a
    vehicle for John Larroquette, who opted for a show about a bus station instead.
    Now they’re on Kindle and I would like to introduce Rodrigue to a new generation of readers.
    For more background, please check out Rodrigue the Pirate on Facebook. Here’s the link to BIG FISH on Kindle:

  389. Hi my name is Kazuki Takamura and I am a comic book artist. I was wondering if you could take a look at my comic and tell me what you think.Here a link to it:

    If this catches your attention you can buy it here as a paper back book:


    an Ebook:

    Also, I thank you if you take the time to do this for me.

  390. Lee OIds says:

    Here is the link to and submission of a just published book, ‘The Composer’ that has already been been compared to ‘Great Gatsby’ in depth. Possibly you can review it. thanks, lee olds.

  391. I would now like offer you an advanced review copy of my latest book, “EDEN: A Sci-Fi Novella.”

    “EDEN” is scheduled for release November 15 and is my fourth book. It will be available in both print and Kindle version from, and is available for pre-order.

    From the cover blurb:

    “A sandstorm uncovers a long buried secret in the Iraqi desert, an ancient Sumerian temple dating back at least 6,000 years to the beginning of civilization. An American army patrol sent to investigate the ruins is trapped inside the temple’s eroded walls, first by an insurgent ambush then by another, even more powerful sandstorm. When an enemy mortar shell blasts an opening into a hidden burial chamber, Captain Adam Cadman and his soldiers take refuge deep in the ruins. What they find hidden inside threatens to destroy every belief about the beginnings of mankind—as well as modern civilization as we know it.”

    EDEN is available at

    I am the author of three other books: the award-winning short story collection “DUTY: Suspense and Mystery Stories from the Cold War and Beyond;” the mystery thriller “Empty Places,” and “The Killing Depths,” a top selling military mystery thriller on Amazon.

    I can provide a review copy in print, Kindle or pdf formats. Additional information on “EDEN” and my other works can be found at my web site listed below.


    Martin Roy Hill
    Martin Roy Hill
    Writer & Author

  392. kaoblues says:

    Good evening Gary.

    I have just released my second novel and would love it if you could give it a review. Below is some information from my promo that you will find relevant, including a link to the entire first chapter on my website.

    If this sounds like something you might like to review, I would be more than happy to send you a copy of Part 1 & 2 for free.

    Thank you for your consideration. And thanks again for getting to me on Goodreads so soon! I appreciate it.

    Title: The Mayonnaise Murders Part 2
    Genre: Science fiction/fantasy/humorous/detective mystery
    Author: Keith A. Owens
    Publisher: Detroit Ink Publishing
    Author Website:
    Page Count: 332 pages
    Smashwords Coupon Code: RG55G

    “The saga continues as a crew of angry mutant chickens collaborate with the critters from Planet 10 and a group of ambitious drug dealers in Denver to inflict the alien drug MayoMadd upon a planet of unsuspecting humans as revenge on behalf of the human/chicken hybrids for an experiment that went horribly wrong. This is a science fiction/fantasy/detective mystery with a lot of humor thrown in for one wild, offbeat ride.”

    The Mayonnaise Murders Part 2 is here! I know it’s been almost a year since Part 1, but I wanted to get this just right. I’m really hoping you’ll find it worth the wait. I’m not kidding, I had a ball writing this, so if you have half as much fun reading it as I did writing it then I’ll consider it a win.

    Meanwhile, take a ride with Chapter 1 for free here on my website. For your patience.

    Oh, and for those of you who have not yet read The Mayonnaise Murders Part 1, it’s on sale for just 99 cents for the next two weeks on Amazon:

    Happy reading…

  393. Gary,
    I am writing a series of stand-alone stories, novellas or nearly so (40,000 to 60,000 words) so they are a quick read and fast paced. My latest is, in my ridiculously humble opinion, one of my best efforts to date. It is a short romance with the emphasis on suspense, mystery and humor – no steamy sex scenes or the usual stuff you expect when you read a romance novel. This is the eleventh book in my 12 book series and it is called November and the Single Heart. My last one will be December and the Single Heart and I bet if you try real hard, you can divine the name of the previous ten.
    In ‘November’, our protag is a 3/4 blooded Coos Indian and a female cop in Seattle. She gets saddled with a rookie from Montana as her new partner and she does her best to send him packing back to Big Sky country. There’s a few cases to solve and some ugly truths revealed as they work together that slowly bring them closer.
    It’s a fast read, as I said, and it, hopefully, is amusing along the way. You can find it on Amazon at

    I know you have hundreds of books ahead of me but maybe take a peak and see if it stirs your interest and makes you move it up the list just a bit. Thanks,
    Vi Zetterwall

  394. Hi,

    My serial killer thriller His First His Second is available from all ebook outlets.

    Amazon link is here:

    Back-cover blurb.

    Meet Detective Sergeant Alicia Friend. She’s nice. Too nice to be a police officer, if she’s honest.

    She is also one of the most respected criminal analysts in the country, and finds herself in a cold northern town assigned to Donald Murphy’s team, investigating the kidnap-murders of two young women—both strikingly similar in appearance. Now a third has been taken, and they have less than a week to chip away the secrets of a high-society family, and uncover the killer’s objective.

    But Richard—the father of the latest victim—believes the police are not moving quickly enough, so launches a parallel investigation, utilising skills honed in a dark past that is about to catch up with him.

    As Richard’s secret actions hinder the police, Alicia remains in contact with him, and even starts to fall for his charms, forcing her into choices that will impact the rest of her life.

    And for good measure, in case you like book trailers, you can catch it here:

  395. georgetchronis says:

    Thank you for the opportunity, Gary.

    My novel is Sudetenland. You can find it on Amazon at:

    What I have here is is mostly historical fiction that veers off into alternative history in the last quarter. The setting is Central Europe in the 1930s leading up to Sudeten Crisis between Czechoslovakia and Germany in 1938. Given the era, I wrote the story in the fashion of films from back then — think Howard Hawks with a little Billy Wilder thrown in. You’ll find foreign correspondents, spies, politicians and military characters interacting with each other. I stay pretty close to actual facts throughout, even after employing a new variable before the Munich Conference that sends the continent into a war. My ultimate goal is to set up a very different and unique Cold War for the sequel.

    Some extra background characters and other material can also be found at my novel site:

    I hope my book catches your fancy.

    George Chronis

  396. Hey, your site looks great! Care to give my book a chance?

    It’s free on Kindle Unlimited, or $2.99 in the Kindle store.

    Byron is a husband, a seminarian, a sandwich maker, a Moon-landing enthusiast, and a liar. For eight years, he’s hidden a dark past threatening to drag him into insanity. He uses an obsession with the Apollo Moon landings and his religion to avoid a confrontation with that past, but it’s beginning to overwhelm him. He needs something stronger. And then, as if by providence, he is invited to play a tabletop fantasy game. The fantasy allows him to step into another world and live as Brodo, a Hobbit who is better equipped to fight demons of depression and suicide.

    Of Gods & Dragons is literary fiction, employing subtle symbolism and fantasy elements to tell the story of a man who only wants to live another day. It deals with sexual abuse, mental illness, racism, gender issues, philosophy, evolution, religion, and anti-theism. It is written to make the reader laugh, cry, and think along with Byron as he struggles against himself and either the higher power that put him here, or the black specter of oblivion haunting all men.


  397. Christopher McGarry says:

    Hi Allen. I have recently released my second novel. It’s a crime thriller called Summer of Fear. Here is a brief synopsis of the story:

    It’s the beginning of a blazing hot summer in New York City. Detective Antonio Guardini, a 20-year veteran of the NYPD, has always devoted himself to his job as well as his family. A devout Roman Catholic, Antonio is also stalwartly prolife. When I mysterious killer who believes that he is receiving messages from God begins targeting abortion doctors in New York, Antonio, along with a group of other detectives, are tasked with the arduous job of investigating the grisly slayings the tracking down the assassin, known as the “Abortion Avenger.” Though Antonio simply wants to do his job, the veteran police officer finds himself in a moral dilemma. He has little sympathy for the victims but knows that the killer must be stopped at all costs. And the killer is closer to him than he could ever imagine.

    Link to Smashwords:

    Thank you and we will talk soon.



  398. Hello, my name is Lasheda and I am the author of STEAKHOUSE: A Collection of Selected Short Stories and Essays.
    It is a novella of 9 short stories and essays that relay the thoughts and perspective of a young adult living in the 21st century (me).

    I would greatly appreciate if you gave my book a read and composed an honest review on what you thought about it.
    I greatly appreciate feedback and understand that in order to grow as an author, I must consider the needs and interest of my audience. Here is the link to it on Amazon.
    Also, if it isn’t too much to ask, if you decide to read and review STEAKHOUSE, do you mind leaving a review on Amazon as well?

    STEAKHOUSE A Collection of Selected Short Stories And Essays, is a short novella of 9 short stories and essays outlining the lessons yielded from life. It contains a conversation between you and your conscience, the thoughts of a murderer with a god-complex, and the reason why we need each other to survive. Great stories relay principles and lessons that continue to be relevant, no matter the era. STEAKHOUSE is a book based off of the principles we all should know, learn from, and live. It is these principles that helps maintain order and balance within our society. In STEAKHOUSE, you will learn why your conscience is your best friend. You’ll read about the issue regarding capital punishment, and learn the answer to the underlying question, “Does men have the right to take the lives of others to solve problem?s”. Apart from that, you will understand the importance of education, and why societal definition of beauty is flawed and marred. These writings were designed to be humorous but enlightening, serious but sentimental, informative but engaging, and common yet unique. I know you will find the morals and ethics contained in this small book to be timely yet timeless.

  399. atlantica79 says:

    Hi Lasheda. My name is Chris McGarry. I would like to exchange reviews with you. ‘Steakhouse’ sounds like a very good book. You will find my latest novel, Summer of Fear, intriguing. Please pm me when you would like to exchange PDFs of our books. Thanks.

  400. Benjamin Cheah says:

    Hi Gary,

    I would like to submit my novel for review. Titled Keepers of the Flame, it’s a military science fiction thriller-cum-post cyberpunk story that explores the future of war and civilization in a world recovering from a soft apocalypse.

    The novel is set in the Republic of Cascadia, the last bastion of civilization in North America’s Pacific Northwest. While it promises peace and prosperity through high technology, it is also plagued by a domestic terrorist group, the Sons of America. As Cascadia mobilizes its elite Combat Studies Unit to confront the SOA, a new American empire emerges on the east coast and marches west to rebuild a fallen America. War is coming, and in the shadow of the gun, a machine god is born.

    Please find the Kindle link here:

    Thank you for taking the time to consider this request, and I would greatly appreciate it if you purchase and review my work.

    Benjamin Cheah

  401. fdhalloway says:

    Not sure if this is a good book for your reading habit. Each essay will only take about twenty minutes to read but you won’t be able to sleep as you ponder the implications of each.

    Denationalization and Other Essays is a series of writings each dealing with a different issue created by the movement of the United States of America towards centralized governance. It is a work of historical perspective and comparative history which challenges the conventional wisdom that the creation of central authority under the hand of the electorate is fully in agreement with the United States Constitution. It is purposefully executed to provoke the reader into countering each position presented.

    While they will recognize all of the cited history, readers will not necessarily find this an easy read. Writings which challenge conditioned responses and the status quo rarely are. The 22 essays owe more to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses than to any modern writings. Instead of challenging the Catholic Church, a challenge to the neo-religion of American nationalism is offered. The Bible is replaced by the Constitution. Indulgences are replaced by modern subsidies and cronyism. The cross is replaced by the the flag. The sacrament of penance is replaced by the Pledge of Allegiance. Saint Peter’s church is replaced by presidential libraries. Protestantism is replaced by Denationalization.

    If this Amazon description grabs you read the short forward and TOC and hopefully they we pull you in.


  402. Erika Jayne says:

    Happy new year – I don’t know if this would be of interest to you as it is Young Adult – Dark Fantasy. The synopsis is as follows;

    Cherry Blossom Ball – House of Alternatives Book One
    Vampyre Hunter – Dayamanti Karrieá and Half Fae – Freya Mackenzie have one thing in common – neither of them fit in in the supernatural world. As the annual Cherry Blossom Ball approaches, each of them receives an invite that fills them with dread. All guests from the supernatural educational system, nicknamed the House of Alternatives –have been chosen by the highest power and once they accept the black and gold envelope they have no choice but to attend. The reluctant women arrive at the ball and find it just as the imagined, until a murder is committed. Shock ripples through the ball, as Dayamanti and Freya are surprised by the Supernatural Councils apparent lack of interest in the crime, they become determined to find out who committed the murder and if will they strike again. One thing you can be certain of – this year, it will be murder on the dance floor.

    It is available on kindle on this link;

    Many thanks and have a fab 2015

  403. Dear Gary,

    I am hoping that you’d consider reviewing my horror novel, The Phantom Cabinet, released last September by Necro Publications.

    Description: Space Shuttle Conundrum collides with empty atmosphere, passing from known reality into the realm beyond life. At the same time, a dead newborn is resurrected amidst a hospital-wide poltergeist infestation.

    What connects these ghastly occurrences, and how can the fate of humanity rest on a single boy’s shoulders?

    As the haunted Douglas Stanton spends his adolescence an outcast—his only friend the ghost of a long lost astronaut—a porcelain-masked entity lurks in the shadows, planning Douglas’ demise. Because Douglas is the key… the key to the door… a door between what we know and what we fear. And when the key is turned…realities will come crashing together.

    When Heaven and Hell don’t exist…what does?

    Step into The Phantom Cabinet…

    Thanks for your time,
    Jeremy Thompson

  404. Hello Gary,

    Thank you for your blog and the opportunity to review my book. The purpose of this email is that I’ve written an indie novel with no public/private investors. I am hoping that you’ll visit my website, and if it appeals, please download it for free and review it publicly. I can provide a printed version upon request. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Have a lovely day.


  405. Hi Gary,

    What an awesome website you have built and your commitment to the Indie Book world inspires! I know you are on respite from reviewing for a bit- best of luck on Rogue Goddesses- but I wanted to see if I could get my new novel in the queue. Perhaps the description below would lend enough to traction to pique your serious interest. Once can hope.

    “At the heart of a global economic recovery effort, the mysterious Secretary General of the Order of Nations Enterprise presides over a vast infrastructure project, the VAC. The VAC connects the wealth and civilized world of thirty-two Mega-Alpha cities through underground trains in vacuum chamber tunnels traveling in excess of 8,000 kmh.

    Seventeen-year-old Jada Brilliant adjusts to life after losing her father, anxiously awaiting the next chapter of her life in college—until a chance trip to an Outlier City with her grandfather results in a freak accident in the Everglades, leaving her in sole possession of a secret formula capable of world domination.

    Left alone, fleeing from the wilderness into the world’s new cosmopolitan capitol, Jada is in a race for her life to keep her grandfather’s legacy from what she believes is corporate espionage, only to realize she is being pursued by the most powerful man on earth.

    When these two worlds collide, Jada’s new passage to adulthood presses the envelope of courage, love, trust, and survival.”

    You can view the book at the Amazon link below. Thank you so much in advance for the consideration and best of luck on the sequel!


  406. Gary,

    I am a self-published author and would like to submit my book for review. Here is the link, lest I forget to attach it later.

    I’m going to be honest, Gary. I sent out some query letters and every one made me sweat because writing a blurb about this book is darn near impossible. When you are in the throes of writing furiously, the last thing you do is think: How am I going to summarize this book?

    It it told out of order. It has two protagonists. It is a love story but then it ISN’T, which a couple of reviewers thus far have said is a “pleasant surprise.” All The Roads isn’t a traditional novel, but I am not a “trained” writer, so I guess that makes sense.

    It is the story of people and how we make each other’s lives better and how we hurt or ignore each other. It is real in a way books often aren’t; you will know the characters so well by the end that you won’t want them to go. They will be in your head.

    That is a pretty sucky blurb, I know, but anything I cut and paste from the book would be like giving you a square inch of the cover. The whole deal matters more than each little part. I’d say just trust me, but that isn’t how the writing industry works (haha…query letters…shudder).

    I have a goodreads page if you are wandering around there sometime. Even if you don’t review my book, friend me so I can follow your reviews. Thanks,
    Jessica Cotter

  407. Cas Roberts says:

    I am a self-published author and would like to submit my book, As Country As It Gets for a review.
    Here is the link to Amazon kindle,

    Take a journey with Cas as he shares his personal experiences and memories through his stories of a preserved way of life where it is, “As Country as it Gets;” an era where his Appalachian heritage and upbringing lifestyle is preserved for many generations to see through his work.
    The old world way of life, with wild ginseng hunting, mule logging, horses, mules and wagon riding, professional coon hunting, and yes, even the fine art of moonshiner is also a part of his heritage.

    Award winning Cas Roberts, resides in South Central Lincoln Co., Kentucky. Cas was raised in a cabin of hewed logs in the Appalachian mountains of Wayne Co., Kentucky having eight siblings. At thirteen, he was learning the logging and sawmills trades. At the age of fourteen, the family relocated from the mountain home to Pulaski County, Kentucky. In later years he took the migration trail into the northern state of Indiana for a job.Two marriages have resulted in six lovely children.
    After spending near twenty years in Indiana he returned to Lincoln County, Kentucky.
    Cas brings to the pages a way of life many know, few have seen, and all can relate.
    Three years ago a nephew was writing poetry that inspired him to write poetry about the old world life. It is Appalachian Poetry volume 1, a book of mini stories in poem, as he saw life through his eyes.
    Today retired, Cas spends his time in the outdoors as much as possible. Family takes up most of his time. He still owns the Kentucky Mountain Horse for pleasure. Much of his time is spent on writing.
    “By writing this book of short stories I can preserve the way of life I have experienced. They are personal experiences that I have witnessed over many years in my lifetime; my main goal being to preserve our heritage.”
    Thank you for taking the time to consider this request, It is a read for free on the kindle, and I would greatly appreciate it if you review my work.
    Author: Cas Roberts

  408. Gary,
    Have you ever reviewed a graphic novel? I have one that’s not what normally comes to mind when you think of graphic novels – called “I and You.” It’s a futuristic dystopia set in a disunited North America, where 4 secessionist states have founded a society based upon Ayn Rand’s philosophy. A true believer in Rand’s objectivism, the heroine feels cracks widening in her world as ideology meets reality, and everything she ever knew is revealed to be not quite what it seemed.
    You can see more, including 2 book trailers, on my website;
    And you can buy it on Amazon Kindle here:

    Please note you will need a Kindle Fire or at least 1 of the larger Kindles to be able to see the pictures and dialogue properly.

    Beverly Garside

  409. marandarussell says:

    Hi Gary! I would love it if you would consider reading and reviewing my latest release, “Searching for the Truth: Poems & Prose Inspired by Our Inner Worlds”. It is a short read at only 60 pages. Here is a short summary about the book:

    “This collection of prose and poetry focuses on the intangible, inner qualities we all possess. Spanning a wide variety of subjects, including spirituality, philosophy and psychology, this collection brings a unique view to the active but silent worlds found within the human heart and mind. Written by award-winning autistic author Maranda Russell, the writings contained within these pages are sure to make you think and might even change your point of view.”

  410. Hi! I’d like to submit my book, Paralyzed Dreams, for review. I hope you’ll check it out! 🙂

  411. Hi, Gary! My name is Jacqueline and I’m an independent author. I know you’re probably very busy, but I wanted to leave you a link to my first book, Cemetery Tours, just in case. Thank you so much for all that you do!

  412. Jeff Chacon says:

    Hi Gary,

    My novel, American Badass, is a Vegas Zombie Comedy, set after the zombie uprising and subsequent eradication, that you might enjoy. You can read an excerpt at

  413. azzurranox says:

    Hi Gary, I was checking out your blog, and really enjoy. I recently released my book CUT HERE:

    Here’s a quick synopsis:

    Sixteen-year-old Lena Martin’s idyllic world shatters the night her mother dies due to a hit and run accident. Two years later, her dad relocates her from Italy to Los Angeles to help her put behind the time spent in a psychiatric ward following her mother’s death. But the move only proves to be a fatal mistake. Shortly after her arrival, the classmates of her new private school begin to commit suicide under mysterious circumstances after reading a cult book called Cut Here.

    Determined to unravel the mystery behind the suicides, she bands together with loner Jonathan Russe and outcast Hope Peters to figure out exactly what is happening, not realizing that this places them under a dangerous radar. During this same time, Lena falls for a mysterious and attractive guy named Michael, who is as equally disarming as he’s dangerous.

    As her attraction grows, so does the body count at St. Lucy Academy. Soon, Lena needs to decide whether to stay away from the guy she’s falling for, or to trust him. Is Michael behind the suicides, or is he the key that can unlock the mystery that can stop the bloodshed? Deceptions run high and Lena soon learns that nothing is what it seems.

    If that somehow piques your interest, drop me a line!

    And thanks for your time.

  414. Inge H. Borg says:

    Dear Gary,
    I would be honored if you would take a look at SIROCCO, Storm over Land and Sea, a Thriller by Inge H. Borg (that’s me). While this 87,000 word contemporary novel is Book 2 of my Legends of the Winged Scarab series, it stands alone as far as the story is concerned, taking place five-thousand years after Book 1 (KHAMSIN, The Devil Wind of The Nile, a Novel of Ancient Egypt).
    Of course, there is also Book 3 (After the Cataclysm), the dystopian sequel, should you prefer to be thrown into a post-apocalyptic world after Yellowstone blows up.

    (So sorry. I wish I knew how to add the cover as other have done above; researched it without success. Hints from my above colleagues would be appreciated.)

    All my books are available at as well as all Smashwords outlets and B&N.
    I appreciate you taking the time away from your nightly 20 minutes to check my author page out.
    Inge H. Borg

  415. M.H. Deven says:

    Hi Gary,

    I was wondering if you would be willing to review my book.
    It is a YA fantasy book by M.H. Deven and i’m an indie author trying to get
    a foot into the book industry and entertain others with my story.
    My website is

    The link where you are able to purchase my book is:

    A summary of the book:
    Jess is send away to a disciplinary Academy in Prymont, after her
    abusive father has had enough of her behavior. Jess is confused about
    being send away, but is glad to be away from her father. Shortly after
    her arrival she meets Landon, a mysterious and handsome student. Jess
    is instantly attracted to him, however he also frightens her greatly.

    Her newfound friends warn her to stay away from him, which proves to
    be difficult. After the first few horrible weeks Jess decides to run
    away from the Academy, only to be captured and held prisoner in a
    cabin somewhere in a forest. Of course Landon is the main player in
    the kidnapping. What she is about to find out will turn her world
    upside down, and that is just the beginning. Jess is faced to fight of
    evil forces, in order to reclaim the Academy. Will Landon stand by her
    side, or is he the reason for all the darkness surrounding the

    Thanks in advance.
    I hope to hear from you soon.

    Kindest regards,

    M.H. Deven

  416. Jaylen Ross says:

    Hello There, Gary!

    My name is Jaylen Ross and I would greatly appreciate it if you would review my novel Olympic! This is available in epub/mobi/PDF/physical form.

    Complete at 95,231 words, this paranormal novel explores one man’s journey while sailing aboard White Star Line’s luxury liner, Olympic, shortly after the conclusion of World War One. With an anticipated wedding in one month’s time to the loveliest of women, Allric finds himself traveling to London to seek out his grandfather who will accompany him back to America to watch the happy union take place. There is just one problem: Allric is far from happy and is unsure of why he even asked his fiancé to marry him. Successful in everything he has sought to achieve up to this point in life, Allric wonders why he is ill-content. The answer is brought about beginning on his first night aboard Olympic when he finds a beautiful, inconsolable woman searching for something in his cabin. He quickly learns that his visitor, Jilly, is a ghost, quirky and not quite angelic, but a divine being nonetheless. Once the shock of what she is subsides, Allric sets out to help Jilly on her mission to resolve an unsettled problem from her mortal past. Unbeknownst to both of them, other dilemmas come to light that cannot be remedied without their willingness to help one another. While working together, Jilly’s visit is prolonged just enough for Allric to rethink his own past and future as well as the importance of the relationships he might choose to embrace or discard.

    It’s aboard Olympic where you’ll find that you were never meant to navigate through this life on your own.

    Thank you for your time and consideration!

    Jaylen Ross

  417. P. C. Zick says:

    I might as well jump into the fray. I enjoy your honest book reviews. I hope you’ll consider reading and reviewing my latest release, Native Lands.

    When their environment is torn apart by a conglomerate of international interests, a tribe of native Floridians thought to be extinct rise up and form their own oddly matched conglomerate, and with the assistance of nature, attempt to halt the destruction of the natural world they treasure. Cultural boundaries established centuries ago are erased as love and nature seek the balance lost in the battle for power and control of the last of the Florida frontier.

    Native Lands is a novel rich in intrigue and history as a tribe of Native Americans, thought to be extinct, fight to save their beloved heritage. They join with others willing to sacrifice everything to save further destruction of the Everglades and St. Augustine.

    Forbidden loves, deceptions, and murder threaten to destroy nature and families in a saga stretching from the 1760s to the present day.
    Join Locka and Mali as they lead their tribe of Timucuans away from the Spanish near St. Augustine in 1760 and settle into a new life in the Everglades alongside the Calusa Indians. Their progeny grow up in the Everglades, attempting to keep their bloodlines pure.

    By 2010, Mangrove Mike, Joey Cosmos, and Rob Zodiac live among the white people and learn that the human connection transcends the fear of extinction of their people. Barbara Evans in the Everglades and Emily Booth in St. Augustine are the glue as the different cultures combine forces to fight a conglomerate of international interests.

    It’s a dangerous journey as this oddly matched group attempts to halt the destruction of the natural world they treasure. Cultural boundaries established centuries ago are erased as love and nature seek the balance lost during the battle for power and control of the last of the Florida frontier.

    Thanks for your consideration!
    P.C. Zick

  418. seandgolden says:

    I found your site when you reviewed a book from a writer acquaintance of mine. I would like to submit my book “Warrior” for review.
    Warrior is an unusual fantasy novel. The setting is a stone age culture based loosely on the Native Americans of the northwest coast, but it has elements of classical fantasy and a unique take on magic. The book follows the protagonist, Lirak, as he deals with prophetic dreams predicting an apocalyptic future. As that future begins to come to pass, Lirak has to avenge his people and fulfill a prophecy or his dreams of doom will prove true. Here is the Amazon link:

    Thank you for your consideration.

  419. Georgia Rose says:

    Hi Gary, nice to meet you on Twitter this evening (afternoon for you?) anyway – I am writing a trilogy, the third part of which has just gone to the beta readers. I have been delighted with the response to the first two parts but I have made a decision. At the same time as trying to get book 3 out late summer I’m going to re-edit book 1. I’ve learnt a lot and consequently my writing has improved through the books. No one seems to mind much but A Single Step (Book1) is a slow burner and I just want to tighten it up a bit to bring it better into line with the others. So, much as I’d like to submit it to you now I think it is wiser for me to wait and hopefully be able to tempt you with a better product later on – especially when your excellent reviews are so thorough 🙂

    I shall look forward to continuing to see your reviews drop into my inbox though and shall look forward to contacting you later in the summer. Thanks Gx

  420. Hello Gary, I can see you’re swarmed. I’ll try to keep it short. First, here’s a trailer for my new book, Burn Down The House And Everyone In It:

    And here’s the Amazon link:

    That pretty much sums things up. I’m interested to hear your thoughts and I hope you’re intrigued.


  421. SB Boughton says:

    Hey Gary,

    I was wondering if you would consider giving my experimental short story collection a shot? It is called Wiley’s Grocery and it is available on the kindle store. The price is usually 2.61, but it is free from April 21st to April 25th.

    Thank you for the blog and best wishes!

  422. Ben Steber says:

    I’ve completed my book Vol1 and Vol2 of Kamaitachi if you are interested.

  423. Ward Salud says:

    Hi Gary,

    I’d like to offer up my book for review titled “The Benghazi Affair: A Parody Novel.” It’s humor/satire about a secret agent Hillary Clinton, and it pokes fun at the Benghazi conspiracy theories. Here’s the blurb:

    Unbeknownst to the American people, Hillary Clinton leads a secret life as a secret agent in this parody novel of the former Secretary of State and newly minted presidential candidate. In The Benghazi Affair, Hillary must make her hardest choices yet as she embarks on a mission to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding the incident in Benghazi, Libya . . .

    Found at:


  424. Hello!

    I have published my new book about Anne Boleyn recently. This is the novel “Between Two Kings”, the first historical fiction novel in the new enthralling series about Anne Boleyn “The Queen of Two Kingdom”. It is listed on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

    The novel is written in alternate history genre. The plot is very original and is easy to follow. It asks and answers the compelling question, what could have happened if Anne Boleyn, the Marquess of Pembroke, had escaped her death in May 1536? Anne carves out her new life path as the Queen of France, torn between her past and her present and between King Henry VIII of England and King François I of France.

    I’d like to offer it for review, if you’re still doing it!

  425. Hello!

    I have published my new book about Anne Boleyn recently. This is the novel “Between Two Kings”, the first historical fiction novel in the new enthralling series about Anne Boleyn “The Queen of Two Kingdom”.

    The novel is written in alternate history genre. It asks and answers the compelling question, what could have happened if Anne Boleyn, the Marquess of Pembroke, had escaped her death in May 1536? Anne carves out her new life path as the Queen of France, torn between her past and her present and between King Henry VIII of England and King François I of France.

    I’d like to offer it for review, if you’re still doing it!

  426. AJ Powers says:


    I thought you might be interested in my recent release, As the Ash Fell. I think it’s a pretty unique approach to post-apocalyptic stories, and is filled with some pretty deep characters.

  427. Gary,

    Thanks for doing all your reviews, and I thought you might be interested in my new novel, Language of the Bear. It’s a historical adventure of about 100,000 words that I like to describe as LAST OF THE MOHICANS meets LETHAL WEAPON.

    You can find it and a sample on the Amazon page:

    Thanks very much!

  428. Anna Bayes says:

    Dear Gary,

    I am glad to have discovered Honest Indie Book Reviews and want to thank you for showing support to fellow indie authors.

    If you read erotica at all, I’d like to submit my novelette for review.

    Title: Through His Lens
    Genre: Contemporary Erotica
    Page Count: 45
    Amazon book link:
    Smashwords book link:

    Synopsis: Newly divorced and rediscovering her place in the world, Fiona found a strange solace in taking photos of herself. Next step: she hired a professional photographer to take her portraits. Modelling for him felt empowering. Would this be only a one-time thing or would she have the courage to pursue a relationship with Nathan, the photographer whose green eyes captivate and disarm her?

    Thank you very much in advance!

  429. C.T. Phipps says:


    My name is C.T. Phipps and I’m the author of “The Rules of Supervillainy” which is a book similar to “Wearing the Cape” and “Confession of a D-List Supervillain.” If you have the time, I’d love for you to check it out and see if it’s the kind of thing you’d be interested in reviewing.

    Gary Karkofsky is an ordinary guy with an ordinary life living in an extraordinary world. Supervillains, heroes, and monsters are a common part of the world he inhabits. Yet, after the death of his hometown’s resident superhero, he gains the amazing gift of the late champion’s magical cloak. Deciding he prefers to be rich rather than good, Gary embarks on a career as Merciless: The Supervillain Without Mercy.

    But is he evil enough to be a villain in America’s most crime-ridden city?

    Gary soon finds himself surrounded by a host of the worst of Falconcrest City’s toughest criminals. Supported by his long-suffering wife, his ex-girlfriend turned professional henchwoman, and a has-been evil mastermind, Gary may end up being not the hero they want but the villain they need.

  430. sjanegari says:

    Thank you for devoting time to indie book reviews!

    If you like memoir, please consider my offering: Losing the Dollhouse.

    The book recounts the fallout that ensued after I told my mother about my stepfather’s ongoing sexual advances. She took his side–a betrayal that threatened to tear the family apart. Losing the Dollhouse is a slice of dysfunctional Americana complete with stepfamilies, mental illness, the struggle to forgive, and the search for true love.

  431. darkroomdiva says:

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for supporting us indie authors, it means quite a bit to us!

    My book is called Jaded: The SilentWhisperer, and it’s a young adult fantasy/war and military novel.

    I’ll give you a short one-line description. After all, if you can’t explain the plot if your book in one sentance, then how do you know if you truly know the plot?

    Here it is:
    When an orphan girl finds out about a rebel plot to start a war and kill her king, she must travel through betrayal and mistrust to stop a war that never should have started.

    For the full description, here’s the link to it’s amazon page:

    This is the first book in my Jaded trilogy(plus two shortstory tag-alongs) and my first published novel. Thank you for taking the time to look at these submissions!

    Also, to share a bit of myself with you…I’m 15. And I believe I have the potential to become a great author. Determination all the way! (Won’t get famous yet, but I’ll get there!) I don’t know if that makes you not want to read the rest of my discription, but at least I’m being honest. 🙂

    Have a great evening,

  432. Hello. Gary.

    My book is ‘Till Tomorrow’ (by Patrick Manzi)
    It is basically about a popular athlete that faces ruin after an accident leaves him crippled for life.
    He soon gets a job as a reporter at a prominent newspaper. He uncovers a money scandal involving three rich men. He battles with the demons of his past.

    I dont have have the links( and I know how lame that sounds). You can buy the book at amason or Biblio Publishing online( or brick and motor) store.


  433. P. J. Dodd says:


    I’d like you to formally review my debut children’s story – The Mattress Staircase.

    Amazon link –

    James is playing in his room late one evening. His dad comes in and tells him it’s time for bed because tomorrow will be a busy day. Reluctantly James gets under the covers.

    But as he lies under the covers, James’ fingertips feel an oddness in his mattress. He examines and presses it exposing a large hole that reveals a floating mattress below in the darkness. James jumps down onto the floating mattress and sees another floating mattress below that and another and another…

    Follow James on his night-time adventures jumping down mattresses and discovering strange characters and places at the bottom of The Mattress Staircase.

    Thank you

    P. J. Dodd

  434. M.B. Cohen says:


    I’ve just published my debut fantasy novel Aschwood Academy: The Bloodline. A brief description of the book is below.

    Amsden Ironwrought is a master blacksmith living in a remote village in Ancient Egypt. Ethan Samuels is a good-hearted, fourteen year-old boy living in modern-day Chicago. Though two thousand years separate their intertwined timelines, the two of them have more in common than they would expect.

    Ethan has spent the last fourteen years of his life moving from city to city with his mother, but after finally laying roots in Chicago, his life seems to have settled down. In a snowy alleyway, an unexpected mugging plunges Ethan into the magical world of the Bloodline and whisks him away to Aschwood Academy, a school for the magically gifted. There, he befriends a quirky mix of loyal friends and finds himself in the midst of plot by the Blood Host to steal one of the most powerful relics in the world.

    Amsden’s tale centers upon the creation of those very relics nearly two thousand years ago. A group of ambitious foreigners have discovered an unknown material near his homeland that grants them near god-like powers, and the men conquer and mercilessly rule the land fueled by the talismans they had Amsden create. Enraged by the stories of brutality and chaos, he decides to use the powers he has secretly acquired and bring the fight to them.

    Amazon link:

    Hope you enjoy it!

    M.B. Cohen

  435. AR Davis says:

    I am interested in you reviewing my first book: The Beast. It’s a retelling of Beauty and the Beast with no roses or magic, but there are monsters. It mostly explores relationships and how they begin and end in devastating ways. It’s available through amazon here:

    And here is the official summary: The citizens of Leola live in fear of the dense, dark forest that borders their town. Men disappear into the brush or are found dismembered as if they were attacked by a rabid Beast. But fear of a different kind also breeds in the citizens of Leola.
    For Valerie Mason, starvation is worse than potentially disappearing. With her former guardsman father drowning his troubles in spirits, it’s up to Valerie to keep them afloat by any means necessary…even if it means breaking the law.
    Young Aubrey, the future Lord of Leola, fears that once he dies, the pages of his personal history will be left blank. When he hears of the dangers threatening his town, he knows the only way ensure that he lives on in the memory of his people is to venture into the forest and defend it himself…even if it might cost him his life.
    Valerie and Young Aubrey must each breach the veil of trees again and again on their own quests. Will Valerie or Young Aubrey emerge victorious, or will they fall victim to their own demons and The Beast?

    Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day.

  436. Hi, Gary,

    I’d like to suggest for review my noir mystery EMPTY PLACES.

    From the cover blurb:

    “The year is 1987. Battle-scarred news service correspondent Peter Brandt returns from covering the wars in Central America to bury his ex-wife, Palm Springs TV reporter Robin Anderson, after her brutal murder. When Peter discovers the local police refuse to investigate Robin’s murder, he sets out with an old friend, retired cop Matt Banyon, to find her killer. Unearthing a shadow world of sex and drugs, political corruption, and a wealthy Cuban freedom fighter with a suspicious past, Peter and Matt soon become targets themselves.Peter must finally face his own demons – and death in a dark and empty place.”

    Empty Places is available at

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Martin Roy Hill

  437. Greg Bauder says:

    Hi GARY,
    I was wondering if you’d review my novella, SPILT COFFEE. It is about a schizophrenic man’s delusional fantasy world. You can get a free copy at on Kindle Unlimited. It is published by Summer Solstice. Regards,

    Greg Bauder

  438. Dear Gary,

    Thank you for your kindness in making writers’ dreams come true.

    My name is Dr. Andreas Laurencius and I’m 29 years old. I have recently published my first book, which will open to you the secret that has long been unknown to human civilization. This book has been sent to Stanford University.

    I’d like to send you a free book from Amazon. The title is Genesis and here is a brief description of the book:

    “For the first time in history, the truth is out.

    This book reveals to you the truth about Creation and the fabric of the universe, which up until now had been kept secret from mankind.

    This book solves the enigmas that have perplexed even the greatest thinkers of the world throughout the ages: what is soul, what is human, what happens after we die, what law governs the universe.

    From personal spiritual awakening to the grand design of the world’s systems, from love stories to the realm of quantum physics, this book carries you through time, from the moment of Creation to the future, where the hidden-but-now-revealed truth holds.

    If Jesus Christ was the one we read in the bible, he couldn’t possibly be the Son of God. If Muhammad was the one we read in the Quran, he couldn’t possibly be the Messenger of God. If Buddha thought and acted the way we know from the many books, he hadn’t developed the true awareness. If Hindu’s Gods liked to war the way we read in many books, then their existence is questionable. Why? It’s simple, because the stories we read about them showed that they didn’t know.

    Genesis, on the other hand, knows.”

    Would you like a pdf or a physical copy of the book?

    Warmest regards,

    Book word count: 70.000+.
    Look inside:

    Bookreads page:

    Category: Fiction / Sagas

    An excerpt from Chapter 2 “Christmas”:

    He viewed the stygian spectacle below the Big Dipper. A body of water must be nearby as he could hear the whoosh of a meandering river, but that was not what ensorcelled his senses, it was the silent apparition of opalescent lineaments which echoed his relief from behind a glassy fountain, a statuesque incurvation that cast a dandelion shadow on the limpid fall. The sultry youth waded through the bed of the river unto the shallows which was ankle-deep, revealing her voluptuous bosom and sylphish legs which were kindled by drops of water. The moon envied her chaste visage and had reprobated her to sublunary calidity when the mortal deified her ambrosial quintessence and pristine physiognomy. She stood on the shore and let the night zephyr dry and tousle her hair. Scenery faded to the background until nothing was between them and her warm body but a breeze of solitude in a wind-swept meadow. When her eyes returned their gaze, her obscure nature metamorphosed into a sweet pome. Nothing was as loving, nothing was as endearing.

    They peregrinated the brae toward the riparian bight. Mediterannean Cypress blocked the moon light, hiding the springs of the rhithron which surged through valleys and peneplains. The girl strode to the lower reaches and laid herself down amidst the bisque achimenes.

    No water had soothed their insides since they arrived, thus there were three that they thirsted, a sip from the fountain, a company in the cold, and a shelter to rest their heads.

    “I dreamt of lying in quietude with her on a reclusive savanna below an evening sun, watching the sky which poised in unison with the milkvetch and lavender. We counted the days by carving tally marks unto the bark of a baobab tree after the hours we spent together rollicking through the bermuda grass. Each night, we’d return to the foothill to sleep below a canopy, where her benign voice absolved my soul and wiped the weariness off my head till we respired the irenic morning when no voice was heard but the Earth’s assurance that we’d always be together,” Junhuan whispered and slipped through a narrow crevice between crags and boulders.

    “The most exotic terrain I’ve ever discovered,” Henry said, “from above which I shall view the horizon of my conquests. Her face and breasts are ageless haven, while from below the waist laid plain the acclivity and potrero of adventure and endless pleasure.

    “Like a foreign fruit that is ripe and nectarous,” he continued.

    They sat beside her. “My lady, where did you come from?” Henry asked.

    She opened her eyes. “I swam.”

    “Do you see my dog?” Junhuan asked.

    Henry nudged him. “Wasn’t it a bit late to swim in the river?” he said.

    “The water is warm. Here, feel it.” She stirred the water with her finger and stared at the baby maelstrom with her innocent, liquid eyes.

    Junhuan probed the riverside. No clothing was seen.

    “You don’t have any clothes?”

    “I have nothing, but these.”

    She picked up a tomb and a cordage from behind a pink siris tree. “They are for you.” She handed them to Henry.

    Henry got a little confused but he thanked her.

    He was eyeing her body impudently when Junhuan bellowed, “We should continue our journey.” He asked her, “Where will the road take us?”

    “A castle on a hill, at the skirt the forest.”

    She looked toward an obsidian black silhouette of a castle which backdropped a forlorn glade. The waxing gibbous moon was looming high behind a soufflé of clouds in the east, relaying gleams of grey light over the firmament like a widow’s strands of hair dangling over her mourning dress.

    “We shouldn’t have left her alone. She would be a great company,” Henry demurred.

    “She would prevent us from pursuing our purpose,” Junhuan conveyed calmly.

    “What purpose?” Henry snapped. “We were plunked down to a terraqueous realm that was completely alien to us, surrounded by things we know nothing about.”

    “Well, she should have covered her body, nudity is unnatural,” Junhuan argued.

    “You’re unnatural,” Henry barked at him. “We could have had the time of our life, man. Now, what are we supposed to do with these, read it and hang ourselves?” He carried the book and the rope with both hands.

    “A woman who isn’t shy is a woman who fears no man,” Junhuan said slowly.

    Henry held his tongue. “Nice insight,” he said and nodded. “I’ll try to remember that.” He rolled his eyes.

    “Look, a rig.” Junhuan skittered across a mound. “Let’s travel.”

    “You be the coachman,” Henry said.

    A white horse was strapped to a carriage with four flambeaux and quarter lights. Junhuan hopped to the dickey box.

    The horse trotted east past Gaea’s husk. As its hooves clopped across the wildwood low, a vision drew near, one of a motte-and-bailey castle with concentric fortresses surrounded by a waterlogged moat.

    “I love the night, you know, running while no one is listening, the freedom. The armistice between Elysium and Earth comps the cockles of our heart like the concinnity of Chopin’s nocturnes. The twilight twitters, a laguna of felicity, a perpetual gaiety.”

    Junhuan slung his sight from the stars to the steed, trying to interpret the horse’s eyes: they were slanted slightly sideways, reminiscing dejection and indifference to what he said and to the speed and direction toward the journey’s end.

    Henry had been silent for far too long, nor did he respond to his balladry. Junhuan looked through the rear-view mirror, and looking back at him was a sneer that wasn’t Henry’s.

    His breath halted, trying to vise his galloping heart in its compartment, his shoulders petrified, rattled by the rhythm of the ride. He was afraid to look back, preferring conjectures to reality of what had been sitting there.

    He stopped the cart. The echoes diminished to a spine-chilling silence. The stranger he didn’t know was behind his back. He turned his head. There was a woman sitting next to Henry, dressed in black satin nightgown from top to toe, mirroring his pallid face. She turned out to be slender than he, even though the reflection of her smile earlier fell below his eyeline.


    An excerpt from Chapter 3 “Tibet”:
    The cabin grew dark. The open curtain allowed no light except for the short periods during stops. He jolted awake in the stifling shroud of Cimmerian shade. He ransacked the dark bunk for his phone, wondering what time it was. He found it and saw a few missed calls and two messages from his father and Avella.

    “I forgot to call them,” he said. He pressed the call back button. There was no ringing tone. The signal was very weak. He sent them a text saying that he was OK.

    It was nearly 10 P.M. He put on his coat and exited the cabin. The corridor was fainter than before, both in sound and color. He heard TV sounds from the room to his right, someone was switching between channels. Children were chattering in another room.

    He schlepped to the dining car, passing a few compartments on the way. The car was almost empty. He sat four tables away from two men sitting by the window sipping their coffee.

    “Good evening, sir,” a waiter said. “Are you ready to order?”

    “What do you have for dinner?”

    “I’m sorry but we have passed dinner service hours, we do still have a selection of pasta menu, Hainanese chicken rice, and the entire dessert menu.”

    “I’ll have the seafood fettuccine, and a glass of avocado juice.”


    The waiter left and returned with his order.

    “Can I get you anything else?”

    “No, thank you.”

    The waiter nodded and walked away.

    He ate slowly and looked out the car. The moon was nowhere to be found. Silhoutte of trees flashed by the window, stowing away a range of mountains and pine forests which moved with the train. He sat for a while, tiring his eyes staring at the virgin land below the sapphire sky. Because of our benightedness, we need to make choices from time to time, this makes beauty momentary, spoke his heart, waking his shut eyes.

    He checked his phone, no signal, but it’s enough to know that his messages were sent.

    He left with a bottle of water and a mind that couldn’t care less.

    His body collapsed to the mattress.

    Four hours later, someone knocked on the door. “A cup of coffee, sir?”


    An excerpt from Chapter 9 “Curve”:
    The entrance to the frontest manor was gated by a portcullis. The walls were brown and carved with tortuous furrows, none of which had distinguishable pattern. The windows were many; some were open, letting long, white curtains rippling outside them. The man with the green hands entered and knocked on the door.

    The door was clamped and ironbound.

    “Wait at the backyard,” he asked Simeon.

    Simeon carried the children past the bay windows on the right side of the manor. All but one saw straight ahead. “Simeon,” a girl said, “who is that white man?”

    “What white man?”

    The girl stared at a tree below a balcony. “There, the one wearing a white robe, holding a long, silvery sword.” Simeon was befuddled. He traced her line of sight and said nothing.

    Pyrrhia had strayed and peeked through one of the windows into an aisle between two beautifully-appointed rooms. The floor was golden and lined with dainty plush peach rugs with turquoise diamond floral pattern. The ceiling was high, painted and sculpted with intricate details. Pictures and photographs stole the spotlight from the opulent walls and the crystal lamps that lit the corners. There was a grandfather clock in one corner and a small fountain behind a leather sofa partly hidden from where she was standing. Behind the fountain, there was a staircase which led to the level below.

    Someone touched her shoulders. “Stay with the group,” Simeon said, “aren’t you curious what it is you fear the most?”

    She returned and rejoined the convoy. The smell of spring from the bungalow had died out, recouped by the odorless flux of fresh water. A small river flowed in the backyard, dividing the fallow loam between the east and the west areas of the estate. The creek ran from a postern that surrounded the inner bailey of the shell keep castle on top of the northwest motte.

    “He was a designer,” Simeon told them. “He designed us, our cities. He created Ma’e, founded metempsychosis, made the transfer of soul possible.”

    The children grew perplexed and looked around the demesne.

    “What is that?” a girl whimpered. She gaped, pointing briefly at something. She stepped back and held her friend’s arm.

    Everybody turned and saw it.

    A black figure was standing on the land at the northeast side of the estate. It swayed from side to side as if being blown by the stiff winds. The erratic gale faded, transformed into a light breeze against their forehead, against their impertinent eyes. It was not clear what it was standing on. Its limbs were not visible and the outline of its torso camouflaged in the shade of the night. The children approached it, the silent, incorporeal spook, shackled, rueful, sinister, maddening. The ghoulish specter was tall, taller than any man. It was holding a length of chain and what’s underneath it was a little child, a ghoulish wraith, aged two or three, playing with her own hands, sitting, sneering.

    The long chain fell to the ground, making a deafening, rattling sound. The door of the mansion behind them burst open. “Halt!” yelled Vlad. He pattered across the field. The rattling sound diminished. The children retreated. Vlad stood face to face with the ghost, but he was looking down, it was not the shade he was talking to, it was the wraith. Vlad said something and the wraith giggled.

    They were mired in confusion as Vlad stood still, hands clenched in front of him, while the wraith was playing by herself.


  439. mbonlineproduction says:

    Hello Gary,
    I’ve got a collection of short stories and poems (about 33K) entitled “The Keeper of Dreams.” It came out 2013, and the next volume will likely be out toward the end of the year. Here’s the info for you to glance over:

    Amazon link:
    Goodreads link (The Sentence and The Tenth Tale are up there in full):

    Jacket copy:
    “Time travel, Shahrazad, the kiss of death. The Keeper of Dreams: A Dozen Stories and Poems, are stories of philosophical speculation, a literary fusion of realism and surrealism, much in the vein of Spielburg’s television series Amazing Stories and Nabokov’s Invitation to a Beheading. The title story is about a high school failure who slips into a coma and passes through an unfamiliar town as a ghost, albeit with the powers of Death. He must perform Death’s services under the direction of another unnamed spirit, even when he is most unprepared to do so. The Sentence follows the disintegration of two women who are shackled onto the ruddy soil of the Nevada desert. Who are they, and what is their crime? Is justice possible when the human body – with blood and blisters and [expletive] – must be rent of its life? Spanning subjects such as crumbling musicians and a distant, self-indulgent future, this first collection of new and previously published pieces are snapshots of lives brought to the precipice. ”

    Paperbacks aren’t available on Amazon, but are at indie RI bookstores. Thanks much for your time, and hope it might pique your interest. (Do you have a dedicated email for this? Would you prefer I send that way instead?)

  440. sasoftley says:

    Hi Gary,

    You have a great philosophy on books. I’ve received a number of books free and then gone back to pay for them or donate on the author’s page. It’s such a labour of love; people deserve to be paid for their hard work, especially since ebooks are so inexpensive now.

    I’d like to submit my book for your consideration.

    When a medical emergency causes a plane to make an emergency landing at an isolated northern Canadian airfield, a single survivor is left to piece together the events that found him unconscious and alone in the medical centre of a recently abandoned ghost town. Naked, sick and hungry, he must use his knowledge and skill to survive the sub-arctic winter and uncover the secrets of the town’s final days. His revelations will lead him on a quest to seek redemption and help the scattered survivors of a terrible disaster.
    Ain’t No Grave is not your average zombie novel. Introspective and psychological, it is the story of a man coping with survival in a changed world. He will soon discover that he too, has changed and nothing will ever be the same.
    Quiet, dark and emotional yet with twists, turns and tense action, Ain’t No Grave will thrill you and leave you waiting in anticipation for the next instalment.
    Inspired by apocalyptic, mythological and old western stories, “The Penance of Leather” Saga is a loose adaptation of the Labours of Heracles set in a modern world reeling from global disaster.

  441. darkroomdiva says:

    Hi Gary,

    I recently published my YA fantasy book on amazon, and would like to submit it for review. Time frame doesn’t matter to me much–I know you must be quite busy!
    Anyway, I’m a teen author, and am seeking reviews from anyone who’s willing. The name of my novel is Jaded: The SilentWhisperer, and it’s about a young orphan trying to figure out who she can trust on her journey to stop a war. Here’s my book description. 🙂
    “What if you knew about a plan to murder a national leader, but couldn’t tell anyone?

    What if you desired nothing more than to trust, but knew nothing but betrayal?

    What if someone was strong enough to invade your mind and bring your greatest fears to life?

    Jade is an orphan girl who lives in the king’s city, Gialien. When she finds out about a rebel plot to start a war and kill the king, she must travel through betrayal and mistrust to stop a war that never should have started. But when a secret from her past is revealed, all she has ever known is turned upside down. How will Jade find it within herself to fight her past and save the king?”

    And if that captured your interest, here’s the link to my book:

    Thank you for your consideration!

  442. Byrdie Grey says:

    Hi Gary,

    It sounds like you have a great reviewing system that benefits the readers and the writers. I’d like to submit my client’s book for potential review: Before, Afdre, and After: (My stroke . . . oh what fun), a new memoir by Maureen Twomey, a San Francisco Bay Area writer and stroke survivor. Twomey moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco in January 2000 as an eager, bright thirty-three year old with a promising career as a copywriter. Six months later she experienced a massive stroke—one that took away her ability to read, write, walk, and even speak. But Twomey isn’t one to go down without a fight.

    In Before, Afdre, and After, Twomey offers a sometimes-heartbreaking, sometimes-comical, and ultimately inspiring account of what it is to lose everything when you’re supposed to be in the prime of your life—and what it takes to get it back, piece by tiny piece. Her personal account is punctuated by photos and the detailed, always-hopeful emails her father wrote to keep Twomey’s friends and family updated. With candor and an indomitable sense of humor, Twomey shares the scary, the disappointing, and the lighthearted moments of her determined course to recovery.

    Feel free to contact me to receive additional publicity material, if you have collaboration ideas, or if you have any questions. For more information on Maureen Twomey and praise for Before, Afdre, and After, visit Twomey’s website at

    Amazon link:

    Thanks in advance for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Ashley Redfield
    Book Publicity & Social Media Management

  443. Hi, thank you so much for doing this for indie authors. We need all the help we can get. I was wondering if you’d consider reviewing my book …And The Stars Fell Silent by Trinity Roberts. It’s a dystopian novel about life after the sun burns out in 2040. Here is my amazon link with the blurb and a sample.

  444. Check out The Icarus Prediction here

    It will be free to download tomorrow 8/18/15. Other than that there is a sample at

  445. Hey Gary!! This is a fantastic way to show your appreciation for Indie Authors. Providing the list of reviewers is a great treat too. It’s hard to find good & honest reviewers!! I saw your Kindle list…wow! But, I’m going to add mine into the mix, if you so choose.

    You can check out “The Dead Dance Faster – Unsacred Awakening” here: free on KU.

    Thanks for the tweets, btw.
    Julie Ann Hacker

  446. Tim McDonald says:

    Hi Gary,

    I am writer, and singer songwriter, and have combined the two to create my first novel.

    Please consider my book, For the Death of Dustin Essary: a music novel, for review.
    (This is a membership website book so I could include my music along with the story)

    You can read and listen to (Part I) as an excerpt at this link,

    Thank you for your consideration either way,


  447. Georgia Rose says:

    Hi Gary
    I am delighted to get here at long last and try to tempt you into checking out my book, A Single Step. As I told you earlier in the year I was completing the 2nd edition and that is now done and I’ve re-launched it together with a glorious new cover. This book is the first in The Grayson Trilogy but is a complete story in itself and my books have been described as mysterious and romantic adventure stories. I have just checked and Amazon have, at last, updated the ‘Look Inside’ feature (at least on the paperback!) so I have put the link here in case you fancy taking a peek.

    A Single Step is also on offer, currently $1.56, and will be until at least the third part of the trilogy is released in September 2015.

    Many thanks for considering my book Gary, it’s much appreciated.

    Best wishes


  448. Hi Gary,

    Great site! Thanks for all you do for independent authors. As you can see, we all really appreciate your time and support.

    Would you be interested in a short, free book that starts my urban/contemporary fantasy series? It’s called Every Hero Has Demons, and I’d appreciate you checking it out here:

    Thank you for your consideration! Have a great day,

    Cassandra Leuthold

  449. John McCarty says:

    Hello Gary,
    Nice reading list on Kindle!
    I’ve got a little zombie-rage-virus post-apocalyptic book that is set in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. The main character is an Native American ex-pat who is in the middle a zombie virus that doesn’t seem to affect the foreign residents. Using his wits and skills learned growing up as a poacher, this Operation Just Cause vet and his two rescued aboriginal dogs fight and hide to survive. It’s raw, it’s dark, it’s real.

  450. Hi Gary. My name is David Haskell and I’d love for you to review my book which was newly released this week. It’s a white collar crime thriller, The Gold Club. Here’s the link:

  451. staceyrcsm says:

    Gary – thanks for doing all you do. It is refreshing to see someone so committed to good books! If time permits, please consider my novel, Trailer Trash With a Girl’s Name. Thank you.

  452. Hi Gary,
    My 38-year old suspense novel, The Damascus Cover, has just been filmed in a British production by he producers of Gosford Park starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Sir John Hurt, Jurgen Prochnow and Olivia Thirlby. I was wondering if you might be interested in an interview/blog post/and or review copy. I began my suspense writing career soon after my arrest by the KGB in the USSR, where I was involved in smuggling manuscripts to the West. I’ve self-published the reissue as an ebook and paperback. Some links:

    Recent appearance on David Pakman Show

    Cannes Film Festival:

    Amazon link to The Damascus Cover

    Much thanks for your time and consideration,
    Howard Kaplan

  453. Charles Alexander McClish says:

    Hi Gary,
    My name is Charles Alexander McClish and I have recently self-published my first traditional/epic/fantasy novel titled “Belinae’s Prophecy”. I am in dire need of a quality/unbiased review of this 73,549 word start for the “Kendrin’s War” trilogy. You seem both intelligent and honest and therefore a great candidate for a review. Here is the blurb for you consideration…

    Adopted brothers Tristan and Trevor have
    their worlds torn apart, when their little village
    called Pine is burned to the ground and ravaged
    by the walking dead. Everyone that they knew,
    including their parents, had died and their sister
    is missing yet presumed alive.
    Together, they set out to inform the king
    of Boulderdrake of the tragic news and to find
    their missing sister. Joined by the family Traigon
    named Kirmell and a Brownie named Sirenio,
    they struggle to adapt to the chaos unravelling
    around them.
    Belinae, Goddess of magic, fortold that when
    the dead walked, her chosen would be called upon
    to fight against Kendrin’s armies. War against
    every follower of Kendrin is imminent.
    Kendrin’s war has begun.

    Here is a link to my novel on amazon both on Kindle and in paperback. If the blurb piques your interest please be sure to check out the sample of the paperback…

    I can be reached @ or with any questions or concerns.

  454. Holly Curtis says:

    Gary, what you are doing is incredible. I really admire your hard work and integrity.

    I have written a book called Celluloid that I would love you to review. It is a contemporary story/urban comedy based in modern day UK and concerns a film lover who fights to keep his local, independent cinema from being knocked down and turned into flats.

    It was published on Kindle on 7 May 2015 and is 88,000 words long.

    This is my first novel and being a movie lover myself I feel I can relate very much with the central character.

    Jimmy Clifford is a thirty-year-old movie addict and film memorabilia shop owner. He is also very fed up. He is fed up with his best friend Oswald’s stupid, made-up card games, his drug dealer Pluto’s novelty drugs are losing their novelty and his anti-depressants don’t appear to be working anymore.

    But when he discovers that the Crypt – a local, independent cinema that he regards as his ‘spiritual home’ – is to be demolished, he feels compelled to act. Getting together with his friends and a fellow shop owner they decide upon an idea – there will be a ‘Save the Crypt’ cabaret night (featuring local performers) to highlight the situation and raise money in the process.

    All Jimmy has to do for his part is get out and find seven acts in two months – not so easy when you’re an agoraphobic and you’re up against giant egos and a psychotic property developer.

    Thank you for your time, Gary!

    Holly Curtis

    Amazon link:



  455. I’d love if at some point you could review my online serial ‘The Tale of Sawney Bean. The sections are around 3000 words each so quick reads if you have little time.


    Kevin Kennedy

  456. Bridget Nash says:

    Hello! I’m not sure if I’m doing this in the right place, but I would love if you would consider reviewing either one my books!

    In The Cabin, Tabitha Stam, a Kansas college girl, wakes up in a mountain cabin with a bruised face and a bump on the head. Outside the cabin is nothing but vast wilderness. Inside the cabin is a man who claims to be as shocked as she is that either of them are there. Before Tabitha can plan an escape, she must figure out how to survive, or hope someone rescues her.

    In Players, Ryan Scribe has a perfect life. He doesn’t want for anything, and doesn’t even know anyone who wants for anything. But when he goes to see a play, the actors on stage raise questions in his mind. When he asks the wrong question of the wrong person, Ryan is swiftly banished from society and forced to join a company of traveling players. If he continues to questions the things that go on behind closed doors, will he land himself in danger?

    Both of these books can be found on Amazon as paperback or Kindle here:

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Bridget Nash

  457. Hannah Rae says:

    Hi, Gary!

    This is such a great website! I really enjoy both the format of your reviews and the way that you write. I’m wondering if you’d be at all interested in reviewing my latest novel, Just Whistle, which falls into the genre of magical realism. I’m including a link to Amazon, where you can find both a brief synopsis of the story and a sample of my writing. Perhaps it’ll pique your interest; my fingers are certainly crossed!

    Thanks so much!

    Hannah Rae

  458. Thane says:

    Would love to hear what you think of my brand new and first release!

    Author’s Name: Thane Hounchell

    Book Title: As Skies Became Crimson

    Genre: Existential Drama, Coming of Age, Dark Humor

    Page Count: 186

    Blurb about the book: Perversity, Drugs, and Love soon flood into the life of our unnamed protagonist as he finds himself in the grips of terminal cancer while still in the prime of youth. With his last day to be alive ever present in his mind he seeks out his final sunset in life. I doing so he hopes that he may discover some semblance of beauty in the coming of his own nightfall.

    Side Note: I understand to some extent that this cancer/dying young motif has kind of been played out quite a bit over the past 10 years or so, but I promise that this is quite a different take on the matter. It really deals more with the psychological trauma then any direct coverage of the physical ailments. Almost more about a mental illness like condition played out through a physical medium of cancer

  459. Pamela Hampton-Garland says:

    I would love an honest review of my book.
    Title: The Mask I Wear to Hide the Pain I Bear – Page Count 112

    Author: Justice Divine i.e. Pamela Hampton-Garland
    Genre: Memoir
    This is my story (True Story) of incest, rape and trafficking all in the family from 2 – 19 across several states. Although this story is true, I changed all name and locations because family is hard even if they are wrong.

    I hope you choose to read my book.

  460. Hi,

    I have a book that needs reviewing 🙂 Not gonna waste your time so I’ll jump right off:

    Title: Vampire Jay: Glory through Sin



    Author: Me, Jakobi Kid. South-African. Real name: Jacobus Gideon Louis NIeuwoudt II

    Synopses A geeky, fifteen year old kid gets got real bad. He ends up with only six months to live, numbed from the neck down with no prospects, set to spend his super sweet sixteen in a hospital bed watching Jerry Springer.
    That all changes though when an ex-cowboy hooker walks into his life and proceeds to get onto his lifeless lap, hoping that with some persuasion she might get things down there kicking again.:

    Hope you enjoy it.

    Kind Regards,

    Jakobi Kid

  461. Fususu says:

    Hi Gary,

    Long time ago, my mom asked me to close my eyes and imagine something, I saw only a huge universe with no single stars; my teacher asked me to learn a poem by heart, I forgot it after few hours. Today, I’m able to memorize a long number up to 512 digits, I can draw things from numbers and make people surprised.

    The secret is the art of Numagician, which unleashes the full potential inside us. I published a book titled “Numagician – Awake The Memory Wizard Within” that help many people in my country be able to do it (even better than me), I’ve translated it and published on Smashwords. You can find it here:

    Thank you so much,

  462. mhyana says:

    Hi Gary, thank you for your noble contribution to indie literature!

    Here’s a description of my memoir:

    In edgy and effervescent prose, ‘Dreaming in Night Vision’ tells the story of a platonic couple who risk everything to save their marriage and family; namely, granting each other permission to fall in love with other people. Told in screams and whispers, the narrative presents a portrait of a family looking for a solution to the modern epidemic of quiet desperation.

    Both cautionary tale and siren song, ‘Dreaming in Night Vision’ is a fearless meditation on a life less ordinary written with subtlety, imagination, and bite. The essays, excerpts, journal entries, prose and poems in this volume are rich with magical realism and wonder, whether describing acts of love or the brutality of war. Mhyana’s elegiac and wildly irreverent memoir is as multi-faceted and kaleidoscopic as the love story that inspired it.

    My website: http//

    Amazon page:

  463. Jamie Penno says:

    Not sure if you’re still looking for titles, but I’ve just released by debut poetry book out into the world!

    It’s always tricky giving a synopsis when the book is poetry, but you can read the full description on Amazon if you like. Let’s just say I’ve crammed myself, in letter form, into these pages.

    Do let me know what you think if you read it 🙂

  464. Dear Gary,
    I’d like to submit my book “Nothing” for review.
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,
    Jenny Gkotsi

    Book: Nothing
    Author: Jenny Gkotsi
    Genre: Philosophy
    Synopsis: Maybe someone feels this way, after a noteworthy time, when he overcomes the barriers and is guided to self-actualization. Perhaps, however, that emptiness inside should never be filled with anything and without reason. Maybe there should always be emptiness inside us that moves us to fulfillment and forces us to have conversations.

    Amazon link:


    E mail:
    Web site:

  465. Colleen Chesebro says:

    Hello. I would love to have you review my book, The Heart Stone Chronicles: The Swamp Fairy. It is a YA paranormal fantasy. Not sure if it is too girly for you but I would like for you to take a peek: I appreciate your time. I review books on my website at

  466. Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon every day.

    It will always be exciting to read content from other authors and practice a little something
    from other web sites.

  467. Looks like you have quite a list of books to go through, but if you’re looking for something a bit different, I have a new book releasing on Amazon, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo on October 27th. It’s a Paranormal Fantasy book titled SOUL SEEKER – pitting a demon against an angel in a most unexpected way. Here is the summary for this book and a link on Amazon, if I captured your interest. Thank you! – Kaylin McFarren

    Summary: While awaiting his execution for murdering his son, Benjamin Poe confesses to his lawyer the true story behind his crime, a harrowing tale of a manipulating, soul-collecting demon named Crighton. Following Poe’s death, Crighton continues his malevolent duties, until he’s kidnapped by members of The Sovereign Sector. This group of scientists, notorious for experimenting on supernatural creatures, forces Crighton into a soulmate relationship with the very angel he was sent to capture for Lucifer. However, with secrets revealed and loyalties shifting, Crighton soon becomes the target of Lucifer’s revenge, and his journey to redemption and freedom–or eternal enslavement–begins. (Winner of the 2020 NYC Big Book Award for Cross Genre)

    Amazon link:

    Author: Kaylin McFarren
    Author’s Website:
    Youtube Book Trailer:

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